If you had sex with Mitsuha while Taki was in her body, would that be gay?
If you had sex with Mitsuha while Taki was in her body, would that be gay?
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If you where in Mitsuhas body and had sex, would that be gay?
a pussy is a pussy
What if Taki and Mitsuha switch bodies and then have sex?
More like a threesome. She would have 2 guys inside her.
Would that be considered fucking yourself?
>yfw they marry
>they now have a fetish in pretending to be the other sex or the other person
It would only be gay if you'd want to have sex with men once you switch back to your own body too.
Selfcest is really hot.
Well, you'd fuck a Mitsuha(Taki)(female-male), so in a way it's less gay than fucking Taki(Mitsuha)(male-female), but on a spiritual level it may be more gay
when Taki is in Mitsuhas body from 3 years ago, while Mitsuha is not in Takis body from 3 years ago (because she is in his body from the present instead) thus alternative Taki is in Takis body from 3 years ago thus two Takis exist at the same time, one in Mitsuhas body, one in Takis body, would it be considered fucking yourself if the two fucked?
no is one of those binary fluid 360 and a half bullshit gender sex
Penis-in-vagina sex is not gay you idiot.
That's always hetero.
Would you be a spiritual homosexual though?
It depends on what drives human sexual attraction, is it from the brain and mind or the hormones in your body?
If it's hormones then his brain would be that of a woman's and it would be straight, but he shows clear sexual interest in her breasts so it's most likely, at least in this universe, sexual attraction stems from the mind,
with his mind being in her body he would still be a man in a woman's body, making him gay if he fucks other men,
but if you fuck him you're fucking a biological woman. So you're not gay but he is, basically.
maybe in could be compared to a man fucking a unconscious woman while another man is in the room watching?
If Mitsuha had sex with Taki while Mitsuha was in Taki's body would that be considered masturbation?
whatever it's considered, it's kinda hot.
>tfw you get trapped in a girl's body and your best friend rapes you
Yeah it is.
There's a doujin of this, right? Tell me japs didn't fucking drop the ball on this.