Jordan B Peterson is a disingenous piece of shit

Imagine thinking that whites advocating for their own interests within their VERY OWN countries, in the midst of their own demographic replacement alongside the increasing anti-white rhetoric from politicians, media and academia…. is somehow the “identity politics” equivalent of NON-whites living in white countries advocating for NON-white interests at the expense of whites. It’s such an egregious false equivalence.

One side has legitimate claims and wants to preserve their people, civilization, culture & countries. The other side wants to leech off the aforementioned while making nonsensical demands and vitriolic claims about them. The former is merely resisting the latter.

It’s disgusting how obtuse Peterson is when it comes to the racial realities of West. It speaks volumes that he’ll do everything he possibly can to dodge discussion with the alt-right. He limits himself to little quips on twitter and has the audacity to ban alt-right figures from his own free speech events. Meanwhile, Peterson routinely calls out low hanging fruit “journalists” on twitter for dodging his own debate/discussion requests.

Maybe this increasingly narcissistic boomer could take time off from scouring the internet for every single webpage that contains his name and try engaging in a debate or discussion with someone among the alt-right/white identitarian wing.

Other urls found in this thread: 1515382034234.jpg/

>meme flag is mad about something irrelevant

All of these e-celebs are pieces of shit. Every single one of them. The only decent one is Black Pigeon Speaks and thats because he hasn't revealed his identity and is not a fame whore. Only time will tell if this shit changes.

So he's too much of a competition to you?

Debating with race communists has gotten old. Bring a better argument and people might take you seriously. Meanwhile the left is organized and coming for our rights.

Get fucked.

you gotta fight him richard. i dont see any other way out.

Quit whining over "muh e celebs". You think a bunch of anonymous fucking shitposters is how people should advocate politically?

What's wrong with having your face out in the open and being a 'fame whore'? You expect every political figure to aspire to be a greasy neckbeard afraid of publicity because of muh social anxiety ??

Was this supposed to be a "reply" to Peterson's tweet?

Or are you saying Peterson is "too much of a competition" to the alt-right? Because that's laughable.

Jordan Peterson HAS to be anti-racist and anti-fascist - I wouldn't want him any other way!
He has to be a perfect "nice guy" with absolutely no malice in him, he has to distance himself from those looking to assert dominance and power on the world, HE HAS TO BE A KEK.

That's what makes him so effective.
That's what makes it so disgusting when lefties attack him without even listening to his arguments or project their own arguments onto him.
That's what makes it so ridiculous when they label him a "Nazi" and a "closet white supremacist".

None of that would work if he actually was a Nazi.......

Of course he is. The reason why people like him, Shapiro or Sargon are attacked by them above all others is because they deal with "low hanging fruits" like SJWs and convert the normies. That's precisely what one of the alt-right, I think it was Enoch said in one of the recent debates. That these people are especially dangerous because they're taking people who could've been on their side instead.

I really don't care, but guys like Milo, Gavin, Molyneux, Paul Watson and Cernovich are annoying fame whores. Spencer and Peterson are not as bad, but they are slowly pushing into that territory.



hell I honestly don't even care about Milo, Gavin, Molyneux, PJW, and Cernovich being 'annoying'

Who the fuck cares? They influence things towards our side of the spectrum. I'm not going to police their behavior like some bored menopausal housewife

Sargoy was just a mini-boss
Peterson is the liberalist final boss

>still havent figured out all ecelebs are either controlled opposition or cancerous namefags

this; his integrity is questionable but he functions as a fucking phase-one redpill magnet. like Milo; use him until we don't

What a distorted view you have. it seems to stem from some type of envy. First of all, Molyneux is the lone person you listed (aside from Spencer obviously) who has left the door open to the alt-right. He's a great figure and should be respected for that. The rest of those guys are all gatekeepers determined to keep people away from the alt-right because they'd lose their audience who they preach civnat garbage + low hanging fruit nonsense to.

And Peterson has undoubtedly fell into the fame whore category already. He's trying to sell motherfucking carpets with his logo on them for $2,500, he's doing podcasts with h3h3 and Russel Brand and scours the internet for every single webpage or article that mentions his name and posts a tweet about it.

Jordan Peterson is alright, and so are people that want to keep their race's genes flowing.

Meanwhile people like Richard Spencer, and anyone in the alt right is a low IQ retard who is entry level in terms of politics, economics, and political social theory, and are lacking their knoledge on race realism themselves. Anyone who admits they're alt right in public is worse than a kekistani faggot. Probably a virgin.

>The anti Peterson fags are Spencer fags

it now all makes so much fucking sense

It can be argued that Cerno and Milo are doing more harm than good. I mean, who really knows who's side Cernovich is on.

Has Peterson been effective at deterring young white men from engaging in identity politics? I don't know a single person who stopped being far right because of him. They just acknowledged that he said some decent things, but that was it. I know he sure as fuck hasn't stopped me.

>Meanwhile the left is organized and coming for our rights.
and failing miserably

He's not disingenious at all. De-radicalizing people -> individual was his explicit goal. Also, he's right.

I agree that Milo and Cernovich are definitely doing more harm than good. PJW has to be included in there as well though. He tweets childish shit about the pro-white/alt-right circles constantly. Just read his twitter bio.

Molyneux is much different. He won't admit he's an ethnonationalist but he basically is one. He's never engaged in petty countersignaling of the alt-right. If he has, it must have been a long time ago and definitely not after he came out against civic nationalism. He's very implicit about his approval of ethnonationalism for the West. That's fine by me.

Jordan B. Peterson has been exposed as a Zionist (this video is blocked as hate speech in Europe):

Jordan B. Peterson LIES about the Marxists replacing Whites with mass immigration, spreading the Marxist LIE that it's "just being done for economic reasons":

Soynazis btfo lmao

Why would anyone want to compete with the dead ideology that is the “AltRight”? That’s not what’s happening, knuckle dragger.

Your leader is a universal healthcare advocating socialist. Your political stance is expressly and vehemently anti-American. You should be ashamed.
If that doesn’t discourage, know this: your post shows a thorough misunderstanding of what Peterson is saying here and advocating in general. His gripe isn’t with your whiteness, it’s your decision to place the group above your own individual journey. He’s about the heroic individual and everyone’s quest to realize their purpose. It’s an impediment to your journey when you goons are shouting “white power” from the middle of a crowd. You are a knee jerk reaction to identity politics. You’re not beating them, you’re joining them. And you’re too stupid and emotional to see it. It’s sad really.

sure thing, chan boi

I'm not Alt-Right you fucking neocon faggot.

De-radicalizing people? Huh? Whites advocating for their own interests within their very own countries while facing an ethnocide are somehow "radical" peoples? What the fuck?

I'd love to see a high IQ non-brainwashed populace like the Japanese, react to stupid shit like "white privilege" or the fact whites get demonized for acting in their own interests in the West.

Jordan B. Peterson is pushing the Zionist neocon agenda of agitating for war with Iran.

>I know he sure as fuck hasn't stopped me.
probably because you haven't started doing anything, all you do in terms of your identity politics is shitpost on image boards and youtube comment sections, you're worthless.

Peterson was even retweeting (((Huffington Post))) articles about the "Iran problem" a month before he became famous for not calling a tranny xir.

Need advice fellow Huwhite bros.

I am in my mid 20s, and I have medical debt from hospitalization and I have student debt. Which should I pay first?
Student loans have interest, medical bills don't but they hurt my credit score.

Things are not black and white
Both sides have their stupid and violent members.
To claim that your side is absolutely right and the other side is completely wrong is a symptom of radicalization.

We must make common cause with antifa and cast down this dangerous right-wing demagogue!

Comrades! Join us over at /r/destiny to discuss how to be accomplish our goals!

I’m not a neocon faggot, you socialist.


Maybe he just thinks that they have a point.
Adopting the strategy of "always do the opposite of what the people I don't like want" is brainlet-tier and makes you very easy to exploit.

Peterson's strategy of inscribing psychological deficiency to individuals who have questions about JQ is absolutely typical of jewish psychologists/academics, and in fact comes directly from the Frankfurt School. Kevin J. MacDonald's book 'Culture of Critique' explores the Frankfurt School's efforts to classify antisemitism as a psychological disorder in great depth, if you are interested in learning more.

Last year on 01/22 Jordan Peterson gave a talk with a jewish colleague of his name Dr. Norman Doige. During the Q&A session, this question was posed to Doige:

"Is there any connection between postmodernism and antisemitism on university campuses?"

Doige then went on to answer the question by explaining that the reason people criticize the jews is being "jewish rabbis are a very masculine archetype" that people project their rebellion to authority onto. This is absolutely typical of jewish psychoanalytic pseudoscience in the vein of the Frankfurt School.

Peterson then adds on to the end of the question his typical little bullshit chastisement of "if you're going to be a minority you should at least have the decency to be unsuccessful", once again reinforcing that the only possible reason one could criticize jewish power is if they are psychologically deficient and are simply envious and resentful of their power (again side-stepping the issue of how the power is exercised).

Peterson: "There is no [jewish] conspiracy!":

Why are you so afraid of white ethno nationalism friend?

>I’m not a neocon
Then why are you defending a Zionist neocon boomer eceleb?

He's as based as a Cucknadian can be.

He has absolutely nothing to gain from talking to alt righters. I don’t think you could ever change the mind of an alt righter but normies need to know antifa and radical commies are a fucking issue. Hating on him for not talking to the Richard Spencer’s of the world is dumb.

What the fuck does the e stand for?

Nobody subscribes to every single thing Spencer believes, buddy. He's not a cult leader like how you view Peterson. Spencer is nothing more than a notable figure who helped in building a broad pro-white movement in response to the not-so-conservative neocons. The crux of the alt-right involves acknowledging that whites are facing an ethnocide and demographic replacement in their own countries which they never asked for. That along with acknowledging some Jewish influence. That's it. Any other topic is not some monolithic belief among people on the alt-right. What a vilely stupid post on your behalf.

Whites are facing an attack that's explicitly racial based (demographic replacement, anti-white rhetoric) and you unironically think that any racially based defense or response to this is "bad" and "muh individualism" is the way to go? The individual gets fucking crushed by the collective and it's what is currently destroying the West, you braindead cretin. Wake the hell up.

What does the 'e' stand for in email?

Because the message my dood.
There’s a reason he’s popular and your so lost you can’t see past your own skin.

How much debt all together?

Peterson is a pussy and his attitude will have us being slaves. Fuck him!

Do you know what's disingenuous?

Being asked how a balkanized, tribalized proto-ethnostate would be able to transition into a full one without forced deportations and a massive civil war, and then responding with memes and talking about Israel.

Spencer's a brilliant tool raking in a cool hundred k for appearances in 2017.

>Spencer is nothing more than a notable figure
Spencer and Peterson are two sides of the same shekel. They both aim to cultivate pro-Israel attitudes in the backlash that is growing in our nations.

Since when did cucky civants from The_Donald start posting on Sup Forums? Holy shit. Imagine thinking this is about "muh skin color". You unironically believe that, don't you?

>all of these peterson shills

No man. Thats called fan girling


I’m not afraid of ethnic nationalism. I’m sure it’d be much more enjoyable than the occasional tussles & failures brought on by multiculturalism. Why are you so amped to change the Peterson message to be an assault on your white state, when it is clearly not?

>Because the message
Preach to us your cult leader's message so that we may be saved from the ass of the dragon, oh buckostein.

>Caring about WWF tier feuds between glow in the dark CIAniggers

You're vilely retarded if you can't see why he's complimenting Israel to remain logically consistent on the topic of ethnostates.

2016 was a mistake


He gave Trump a Nazi salute to build a name for himself, he readily admits it and you fools still follow him.

36k student loan (undergrad and grad)
8k in medical from lung infections (antibiotics are expensive as hell)

>black pidgeon speaks

>Imagine thinking that whites advocating for their own interests within their VERY OWN countries, in the midst of their own demographic replacement alongside the increasing anti-white rhetoric from politicians, media and academia…. is somehow the “identity politics” equivalent of NON-whites living in white countries advocating for NON-white interests at the expense of whites. It’s such an egregious false equivalence.
While I abhor either form of identity politics, I would say that identity politics from minority groups is more acceptable, as throughout history, minority groups have often been subject to abuse.

Stop reading his work and do something else with your life, like clean your room.

Posting proof that the nazi-flag Shill (Actually Canadian if you go back into the archive) who constantly makes Anti-peterson threads is a paid shill.
>Youtube Channel:

All of his videos were created within the last week, the channel was created right when the first "Lets Give Peterson the Zyklon Ben Treatment" threads failed, and all of them have the exact same formula:
- Opening intro with "Made by Sup Forums we are totally the voice you, Sup Forums" intros
- Clip peterson speeches out of context to make him seem pro-rothschild/Immgration/(insert other thing)
- Overlay text that tells you "This is what he really means goyim!"
- Followed by emotionally charged imagery

Also the Shill in question will always hide behind a meme flag and use the same 3 anti-peterson Meme images with the same filename, and then repost the same smug anime girl faces to appear genuine. 1515382034234.jpg/

He also will force ultimatums in his argument to try and defend himself against Peterson but from the viewpoint of an anti-zionist, and when pressured for sources, all he does is cite his own videos.

Whether or not you like Peterson, realize that the nazi-flag Leaf's threads and posts are 100% a character assassination and shill thread.

Call up the hospital and tell them you don't have the $ to pay for those bills. They'll negotiate HARD because they want something rather than nothing. Pay off high % interest first: anything over 10% absolutely, then split up your income into >4-5% investments and 4-5% debts. Then smaller debts.

>Why are you so amped to change the Peterson message to be an assault on your white state, when it is clearly not?
Jordan Peterson has declared that growing nationalist sentiments in Europe are "regressive" and that Europeans who want nationalism are *no different than* neon-haired trannies screeching for a safe space.

He has said that the thing that "frightens him most" is that White males are turning to the right in response to the Marxist machine destroying our nations. He has explicitly targeted not only White males with his neocon (((Ayn Randian))) individualism ideology, but specifically Sup Forums as well, doing several videos about how he had "deconstructed pepe".

He recently went on national television and declared that Sup Forums is his personal army that he could command to burn down buildings and start riots on command.

No but there are levels to existence.
One belief doesn’t erase all others.

Your stance requires we be blind to a journey and just fight for “whiteness”. There’s more to life than that.

>Do you know what's disingenuous?
Yeah, I do. Your garbage post with a garbage straw man.

Unironically this.

He’s only a cult leader when you don’t understand the message and can’t debate a point. Good job tho. Participation award awarded.

>yes white boys
>don't concern yourself with how badly you are getting fucked in the ass
>no no no
>turn that attention inwards instead
>become introspective and passive
>give us that extra time we need to completely destroy you
>here have this based Canadian man, look at how based he is because he didn't put up with a very specific form of insanity
>listen to him
>go clean your room while we clean your savings account

Looks like the psyop worked on you: Zionism is not "jewish ethnonationalism", newfag.

Cultural Marxist rhetoric.

Listen bro,

My old man was a custodian. I don't know jack shit about investments. Where can I learn more info about this?

Israel is logically consistent.
What if the US were logically consistent?

Fuck off Richard

So I cleaned my room, got a job, and a gf. Although I am somewhat happier, the world is still as awful as it used to be and no amount of fixing myself all by myself is going to help. Wat do Peterson?

Also, the medical bills aren't coming from hospitals anymore but rather third party corporations that have bought my debt.

Not an argument.

Holy fucking shit, just when I thought Peterson's cult couldn't be any more outrageous. He's now got a fucking spokesperson on Sup Forums that defends him and claims anyone who dares speak out against him is a "shil".

Try responding to my original post and what I wrote. The excessively larpy guy with a Nazi flag isn't me.

Regardless, the childish whining about some little fucking flags next to posts on here is one of the most cringeworthy things I've ever seen. You whiny flag-fags need to drink bleach.

They are as REGRESSIVE as all PROGRESSIVE POLITICS. They ignore individual achievement and merit and substitute a points system that is fundamentally flawed and unworkable.
Wake up. Think about what you’re saying before you post it dumbass.

Only reason dickie is upset is because Peterson is right.

Both sides are playing identity politics instead of focusing on more important issues.

post your bitcoin wallet. im gonna send you 2 btc

Then memeflag character assassination shills are pretty obvious in this shit.

However it's funny, they are on every day reposting the same images and same shitty videos constantly, makes me wonder if it's shariablue paid or actually just stormfront austists. But even stormfags understand Peterson is useful for spreading shit to normies so it moves the notion that they are paid shills.

Debate this, my dear Peterstein bucko.

Or realize that you don't have the capacity to do so, and gracefully return to Peterstein's subreddit and resume collecting dragon memes.

>He recently went on national television and declared that Sup Forums is his personal army that he could command to burn down buildings and start riots on command.
No infact he said the opposite. It’s sad when paid shills try to take a meme and run with it as the basis for an argument. You always get smoked here. This the pirate flag eh Leaf?


Stop replying to this shill.

>That's what makes him so effective.
Effective for what? In telling people to do nothing.
What successful changes of law or policy has he spear-headed? None.
He couldn't even stop the tranny pronoun shit, which was his claim to fame.

All he did was take millions from NEETs in exchange of empty self-help platitudes with a big helping of "don't try to change the world until you are rich and successful like me".
An advice that only white males are taking, no minorities will listen to him. He is the ultimate form of controlled opposition.

BPS's identity has been revealed for a long time dude...

Retirement accounts (open an IRA yourself, match a 401(k), etc.) or sperg out on /biz/ and learn to invest in cryptocurrencies. Ideally both.

Still talk to the debt collectors and work something out more favorable to you--again, they want something rather than nothing. Even if it's $1/month.

only good post ITT

>self reliance and individual responsibility
>counter narrative

>They ignore individual achievement and merit and substitute a points system that is fundamentally flawed and unworkable.
We just want to stop immigration that is an act of genocide. We want our women to stop being raped by "refugees".

Tell us some more about how we need to accept genocidal immigration.

Not a shill bro, I just need advice and no one was responding to my thread.

>Debate this cause I can’t formulate arguments with my own words I can only click save. Help me.

Post a real link or a legible pic, Leaf. I’m not on a desktop.

Okay just be clear. you think I should focus on paying medical debt before student debt?

>Both sides are playing identity politics
Comparing Marxist class warfare identity politics with an indigenous people having a healthy sense of identity and a desire to protect their nation from invasion is a total false equivalence.

It is evil to assert that this false analogy is true to a population that is the target of genocide.