Das rite

Das rite.

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I get you want to push your imaginary gender bullshit on everybody, but this sounds like you're calling them tissues.

He's not wrong

he kind of has a point because the nig and spic kids don't sperg out like this for whatever reason

Just look at his profile picture. Its everything wrong with western culture. Communism and blacks complaining about white murderers.

It truly perplexes me how so many people can be such retarded political zealots once society has stabilised after a crisis.

Maybe it's time to make a white kids only school.

>"Yea nigguh we dindu shootings at skoo we just took em for after skoo when we gots offs duh skoo bus."

Dudes at least make your shill threads a little bit better, it doesn't even look like you're putting any effort in. Did you not get a bonus or something this month?

woah cool it with the racism guys, this is clearly satire

a school shooting at an inner-city school is classified as "gang violence"

Nig and spic kids:
>Don't have much pressure to succeed
>Don't have the money to waste on bullshit therepy
>Therefore when nigs and spics fuck up in school they're not sent to a psychiatrist
>Therefore they're not prescribed mind altering drugs for "depression," or "ADHD," that alter their brain chemistry forever when taken at such a young age

That's because when they do kill each other on or near school grounds, nobody gives a fuck.

>the nig kids don't sperg out like this
Imagine if these apes were armed.

The spic drug dealers at my school at least had the sense to just firebomb eachother's cars at night rather than shoot each other at school. The niggers had group fights, I think the record was requiring 6 ambulances with 9-10 people having concussions.

This post is satire.

This post is also satire.

This post, too, is satire.

>''Death to nazis''


MOst Latin people aren't Latins, but rather rape babies. Having these mud people call themselves Hispanics is essentially the brown version of "we wuz kangz "


Black school shootings are common, it just gets written off usually as gang violence

Up until Columbine plenty of white kids in rural areas had rifles on gun racks in the trucks they drove to school. Strange how people weren't massacred every day.

b8. Absolute b8

Excellent satire.

Black males make up 6% of the population yet commit over 45% of the murders and violent crime. Niggers are the problem.

He's right though, they don't kill each-other in school. They kill each-other on mass in the streets.

How is gang violence any worse than a bullied nerd snapping and retaliating against his bullies?

This is true. Plenty of school stabbings and school rapes too, but who cares about those, they aren't done with AR-15s.

lol a communist nigger


Fucking white kids. Deport them all to africa

WE do after school.

Hahaha. They beat the Asian kids so badly in Philly their parents had to sure the school district.

By the way, OP: the shooter wasn't white

well there's that

1st, the kids last name is Cruz. That's not a white name. B, they don't shoot each other because they know they're all armed.

They shoot each other after school

the supreme meme only killed 6 i think. he injured 14?

Spic here, i have carried guns all over the place and it has never occured to me to shoot people for no reason.

This shit is because american huwhites have mentally retarded children because they breed with used up old whores with rotten ovules. Niggers and spics tend to breed younger than germancucks

The only issue I have is that the census and affirmative action started that one. Before the chicano/latino/etc. mess, people just said the country they or their family were from. Look at +2nd gen citizens with families from SA and most will just say
>My family is from X
It's the newer ones that embrace these liberal b(e)anners.

They were still victims, spastic.

Spics commit far more violent crime/murder than whites on average, including this recent mass shooting. Stop using mass-shootings as a scape goat to make yourselves not look like violent savages.

Spics have inherently low IQ, I wouldn't mind him too much.

So leave our countries.

Are Latinx related to Lynx?

This is bait, right? Please, tell me this is bait because this is retarded on so many levels.

>on mass

if only this were true

His point isn't half bad.


In the end, massacres come under murder rate.

Compare white, black and latinx murder rates and come back to me, Tyrone.

So he's saying people being armed deters people from attacking them out of fear of retaliation.
Like the known presence of firearms makes everyone realize to start something would be stupid.

They arent hopped up on anti depressants

check your nearby store

That's right, they only engaged in gang violence and kill innocent people outside of school


I see though where you're going with this muhummus

Virtually every country on the planet has a white community in it somewhere. "Whites sure commit a ton of crimes" has never been heard

Mexico had its most homicides in decades in 2017 — and 2018 is off to a gruesome start

DAs rite

oh wait you're serious

>I been to public high school
Checks out


blacks and spics are predictable. Whites, however, are not. They can either be godly men in disguise, or soyboys ready to bend over.


Americans need to stop.


I saw a black kid in my school beat another kid with a lock once. And another time a black kid put peanut butter in a kid's locker that was allergic to it.

Granted that's all anecdotal, but so is this fucking tweet

Trump haters actually defend this.

Explain why whites should ever vote Democrat again.

>I been to public school
G-d bless this county of ours

thats gucci mane, you fuck head

Yep fuck white people and fuck donald blumpf .t nigger

>Dorner in the corner

I guess I'll just leave this here?

The reason you don't see niggers and spics doing school shootings like this is because in most case, it is a suicide run. They prefer to shoot randomly from fast moving vehicles because they can dish it out, but can't take it.

You could leave Youtube on autoplay and never run out of videos like this.

Low quality bait