David Hogg is HERE, say hi David! Take some Redpills if you please

Real or fake.

Opportunist or actor.

I'm sure David Hogg is browsing here now because we're the "source" of info coming out on him.

Regardless of fact, if I were him, I'd be keeping my eye on this site now.

We should be friendly. If you lurk for awhile David, you'll see we ARE the good guys.

That's why they got you out there baiting us to be "bad" guys.

Other urls found in this thread:


We're being trolled by a fake antifa account.

He was actually in calfornia though, there was a video of him on the beach with the local news.

Please stop using proxies.


well yeah duh

I'm saying this kid is here now. HE IS.

He is "one of their brightest young stars"

Let's bring him back down to the cold hard reality on Earth we all know.

It'd be great if this poster kid went alt-right on them.

What's wrong with his face?

This thread isn't about who he is.

Just that he is probably browsing here now.

But we're very bad goys.

A bad goy is a good American.

Hi David. If you’re here, post pic of sharpie in pooper with time stamp




He has a very punchable face

be nice to David, he's probably just starting his redpilled Sup Forums journey now that he has to monitor our activity

this is literally a troll account.

David you're a faggot KYS

He looks like a young Christian Bale with AIDS.

looks like digitsguy

He is the son of the dude from American pickers

He even looks like a CIA nigger.

So fake n gay

id be shitting myself if i was david zogg. must be scary asf to be in Sup Forums's sight like this.

straya accusing others of proxy abuse

okay I've heard it all now

To much cock on one side of his mouth.

Hand yourself David.

Hey bro, sup.
This is a site for anonymous people to post anonymous stuff and have some sort of fun while bullshitting with other anons.

This site is clearly under attack.

Just remember. You may have a voice, but other people do too. Listen what others have to say.

Sup Forums isn't your enemy, censorship and political correctness is.

1000000000000% false flag psyops crisis actor.

Convenient that this person didn't pull back to get the names of the students in the frame.

American psycho dos


So many shareblue fags here he is gonna go full patsy on us

A woke 11 year old?

double chin archived everything before it was deleted or removed for 'copyright claims'

David Hogg had his Twitter since 2013 too. When he was ELEVEN YEARS OLD.

>Just that he is probably browsing here now.
Why would he be here instead of basking in the safe praise of Twitter?

seems totally legit

Pol is currently under attack by larpers who want to create distrust in our governments. These people are trying to manipulate you and subvert your government.

Please read with caution!


Won't they be in for a surprise when they figure out that Sup Forums never actually does anything but meme all day?

fuck the US and fuck the US government. i hope i see this shithole israel puppet state collapse in my lifetime.

i encourage and welcome any meddling or manchurian candidates that will speed up the collapse and balkanization of the US

Follow him on flickr

Shalom David.

shill, are you in panic mode perhaps?




Why are shills so obsessed with this kid?

I've been skinny as fuck. Fat as fuck.. I've never had my forearms smaller than my bicep.. how can this happen?


I keep thinking this is Patrick Bateman when I'm scanning the catalogue. :/

/comfy/ vid on the subject

Who the fuck is this guy and why is he being posted everywhere

Why is the child of an FBI fag spreading Democrat propaganda?

>balding at 17

Jew genetics and estrogen.


Let's red-pill the little whipper-snapper

hes the crisis actor that ((CNN)) has chosen to "take it to drumpf" on gun control because its always the president's fault when a kid gets bullied and shoots up a school.


It's not that unlikely honesty. You'd be surprised how many young kids especially these days have social media accounts and even cell phones of their own. Just shitty parenting maybe.

Leave while you can, pol is cancer. training ground for russian troll teams.

That sounds really fucking retarded

Laguna Beach Antifa is a troll account but the rest checks out.

hes already a spook you idiot he already fully understands the game hes playing but hes willing to destroy humanity for personal enrichment

Real and an opportunist; I think the onus is more on the adults peddling anti-gun BS who're just waiting to pounce on a new narrative

OMAGOD ANOTHER RUSSIAN TROLL telling me actual truth and i dont like it so im going to bury my head in the sand and keep yelling at walls!

pol *is* retarded. always has been.

He's a kike faggot there's no chance he will become /ourgoy/

holy shit he does look like him

Hi David


I think a bunch of kids in that school were shot and that David Hogg, a student with acting related aspirations, is being willfully used to sell some talking points. The same may be true of some of the others as well.

The alleged shooter is a story of his own.

found out later yeah

holy shit the resemblance

literally who?

this kid looks like a 40 year old man trapped in a boys body lol... what disease is this?

>this is literally a troll account.
Anybody have classmates


and they blame on MARILYN! or the HEROIN! where were the PARENTS AT?

idc what anyone sys em was good

Hi David,
Big fan here. My question is whether you are in on the meetings where they decide who gets "killed"? What kind of creative synergies do you provide to those kinds of sessions?


key word WAS

It seems like (((THEY))) want to divert our attention from the actual shooting/victims to this DAVID HOGG and make alt-right look retarded


end your faggot life

Opportunist for sure. He has a lot of history of being politically active and essentially parroting his dad's political beliefs


He is a

This is evidence of the false flag!! Was censored by Algos and but was reuoloaded after altering metadata...

>crisis actors
Goes over eye witness accounts
>backdoor bodybag removal
Media is burying this

Also to add cruz was a elsagate toylover on YT... possible pozzagate connections

Hillary is connected
>deep state attack, FEEBEEI knew


Help spread this message and video

Share on kikebook this is a info war!!!!
Pic is 2 years ago

That fucking face. You know what he's thinking

"act mad and call Drumpf an orange idiot. Play the victim while diverting all attention away from kids who were actually shot to me so I can get my CNN career going. Gonna get so much pussy this weekend."

Interdastin roight?

Benjamin Button

The BBC paid him for 'Florida Shooting: A Survivors Story.'
The BBC is THE most notorious overpayer of its liberal mouthpieces and probably paid him in excess of £50,000 for his (filmed later?) story. Look.
The BBC is just one of the outlets our media-governments (which by nature are crime rings) pay their shill liberal PC goblins.
It's also a foreign state apparatus interfering in America's gun control politics. Where are these imaginary Russian bots now... this, as you can see is not imaginary.

Can't we all agree that, even if the shooting actually did happen, this fucker is a paid propagandist? All the "vocal" kids are.

I am pretty sure is father is Lou diamond Phillips

Fucked up hormones - i was in school with a guy like him.

Check his posts

some info about his love life (ie. none)

David did you graduate high school in California in 2012 or 2015?

Did your dad get you that autographed candy when he was working in LAX for 14 years as the head of the FBI for the airport?



I've been trying to get out of this shithole and not up to date.
.what's the story behind the fetus looking kid?

>implying all this schizophrenic shit would redpill him

