Start by going back to where you belong
Human is a species, not a race.
>makes money n fame off a tragedy
hmmm she msut be great
She has a dick, right?
The only people who voted for Trump are rural and suburban retards.
City people all voted for Hillary.
actually, human is a genus, 'Homo,' comprised of many species.
la creatura....
None of you racist inbred bigots are capable of doing anything as noble as this. Your rancid hate keeps you from doing anything good
But in all seriousness is anyone getting a really weird vibe from this bitch?
>yeah my friends were just butchered but im a celebrity now :D time to go on all the talk shows ten times a day and parrot the mainstream media's talking points (: haha yeah i know most normal people would be shut in their rooms trying to cope with the terror of seeing their friends gunned down but i need to run the media circuit xD
It's really fucking weird. Rubs me the wrong way.
The jordan peterson perspective is applicable here. I wonder how well this woman has managed her own room and life. Now she is trying to save the world.
Her best bet at helping the human race would have been diving in front of one of those bullets.
You forgot to use the word "spewing."
>A fucking leaf
yes. it's Greek for "same"
Just looking at her fills me with instinctual rage
>My classmates died
>Try to do something about it
>Angry virgins attack me
>Everyone hates them
>Shoot up school.
We are trapped in a vicious cycle.
>bully kid until he shoots up your school
>"This unpreventable tragedy has convinced me that I will help the human race, now please put me all over the media :]"
Right? There's something primal about it. Just seeing her face pisses me off. Hearing her speak disgusts me. I don't know why, either. She isn't saying anything different from what we've heard the past few years. Like you said it's an instinctual thing. Something about her just weirds me the fuck out.
how can I contact her? I want to call it a nigger. he deserves it
MMMhmmmmmmm chile *SNAPS*
There's absolutely nothing wrong with the maple leaf. This meme is baseless and unfunny.
Makes me sick. These media whore kids and the media are in a symbiotic relationship right now
Canadians have a rough life, they have to choose between eating the dog and blowing it...
I used to use that pasta with that pic but now I found a uranium one one instead
Her life.
She looks like Shia . 10/10 would hate fuck
You need to Pokemon Go to the therapist
what the fuck is the deep state thinking pushing this mutt dike? don't they realize that no one thinks she is cute and heroic? she fucking obnoxious. i swear theyve had stuff like this planned for years and didn't think they would actually lose the election, but they are deciding to continue the script anyway without any changes. this is so forced and out of place. i'm sure hilary would have touted this young abomination as the next face for minority rights we would have never seen the end of her. luckily i think she will end up a nobody now
El goblina
At least we'll know where all the cucks are at....when the time comes.
I dunno man, could be so. But she gives me the fucking heebie jeebies. Like some uncanny valley shit.
You americans really are stupid for pushing that dumb meme.
Triggered eh ?
la atrocidad
You chinks are really stupid in general
kek. saved.
La basura
She should focus on her studies
But who am I kidding? Emma's a narcissist
this is plausible
I think they thought they could set up the next generation of CNN cronies and nobody would bat an eye
do these figures represent entire cities or the individual voters withing those cities?
Absolutamente asquerosa
>probably a jew
The world gets worse every year
This the same dude?
>Just looking at her fills me with instinctual rage
It does have an extremely punchable face
Her ego must be close to bursting at this point. The school shooting was the best thing to ever happen in her narcissistic, attention-seeking life. Her dead classmates (whom she probably considered to be privileged cis scum) clearly don't mean a thing to her, her only drive is to be famous
l a l u z e x t i n g u i d o
I'm as skeptical as they come but what if she sees things as they really are?
What if she really can do something? we will see hmmmmm?
You can tell she's some sort of sociopath that seized this as her opportunity to get in the media spotlight. The shooting was probably the best day of her life.
KEK nice work
Best "Save As" in a while.
Feminism is a bio weapon confirmed 100000000000000% Anon5 was right.
This whole thing was a false flag
would she really pass as white in america?
Someone needs to bait her into revealing she hates white people.
I'm not falling for any conspiracy along the lines of a false flag, but fuck it's irritating watching these kids acting all smug and self-righteous because they instinctively know that parroting shitty libtard talking points will get you endless heaps of praise and YAAAAAAAS from media, academia and other kike-infested institutions. These kids are fucking stoked that the shooting happened.
>what happens when your local bpd tumblr whore finally gets the spotlight she craves
>implying she’s a dyke and not a typical insta ho who shaved and went BUG when she saw her chance at fame this bitch don’t eat pussy
She looks possessed more than anything
>people unable to understand bait
Leaf chan is a cute!
she's got her career all lined up now. she's going to work for the DNC the second she turns 18.
She’s literally president of the fag club at the school
Nothing more garbage on the planet than people magazine.
It's full of la creaturas...
this is just a career move for her. it's easy work and the DNC will pay her for "diversity and youth appeal) she can literally get away with making 300k a year just by playing on twitter a couple hours a day.
>Helping humans when you're subuman
Now how does that work?
Think of an emotional support animal, or a seeing eye dog.
Peterson is anti-gun so I imagine he supports her efforts. Sorry you though he was Le based conservative. He is a shitlib who got triggered by pronoun law.
This is the androgynous looking dog that they want us all to look like. Not quite male not quite female. They will parade this girl out in 10 or so years as she "naturally" makes her way up the political ladder.
Deport yourself, Emma.
You all might be wondering how this can be possible. Well it's easy if you're a carpet salesman who masquerades as a political crusader!
>not understanding that every one uses gay titles for attention in HS,there a reason bug(bi until graduation) exists
She's as dumb as a bag of hammers m8, have you heard her ramblings
Keep posting it Obama Leaf. Two terms.
Is she going to jump in front of a train?
Im still with her
>Sinead O'Goblin
Based Sinead poster.
bitch , that's what we're here for --- YOU ARE THE PROBLEM
lol he said homo
Sorry, but Queens imply a matriarchal society, when we should but full equally.
"Slaying" is a bad word that involves the murder of another being, which is the ultimate form of oppression.
Also, "Yas" is a misspelling of "yes", which is just ignorant.
The extinguished light.
how autistic do you have to be to copy and paste this for 14 months straight.
you're a leaf.
And such a well defined and focused plan it is...
Why are Canadians allowed to post?