>shapiro got BTFOd by an internet parody rapper in this video
literally give me a reason why he is wrong? i'll wait...
Shapiro got BTFOd by an internet parody rapper in this video
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>Quadroon of Acunt
i thought rucka was cool with sargon. what happened?
>still waiting
Post your favourite Rucka song
Ayn rand is flawless.
True capitalism isnt altruism. Its an efficient system of favors that allocates resources and eliminates waste more effectively and more sustainably than any other system.
Who hangs out with Maddox.
shapiro is a faggot but why should i care what this retard thinks
literally who
kys faggot
>Ayn rand is flawless.
what a faggot
This. Never heard this kike faggot speak until now.. what a fucking disaster his voice is.
Nigger, I am not wasting 30 minutes on this shit
Jew fight!
What's up with that kike's hairdo?
>listening to an ancap for 30 minutes
Yeah, not gonna' happen. Cringe is never fun.
>an uneducated literalwho youtube parody rapper takes a better stab at "philosopher kings" like shapiro but Sup Forums worships literal morons in their bloodsports generals
you can listen 5 minutes faggot. wherever you forward the video to he completely destroys the famous philosopher that everyone wants to debate nowdays. he even takes shots at how much of a disingenuous asshole that rubin is.
>you can listen 5 minutes faggot
And lose 5 IQ points a minute listening to it? Nothx.
>he even takes shots at how much of a disingenuous asshole that rubin is
Point in case, see above.
>youtube gabbler
>philosopher king
can we get past this e-celeb bullshit?
stay bluepilled then boys
>not 'bluepilled' mental midgets
he is not an ancap. he thinks ancaps are retarded but sure tell me how you know about his stand or his arguments when you wont even listen for 5 minutes. go listen to your quadroon of acunt who cant hold his shit against some mental invalids in warski's google hangout room
I'am surprised this fool knows of this word, he probably read it once in a single book or in a dictionary and now he thinks he's smart for using such an archaic word.
>muh ayn rand
yeah, ancap trash.
yeah i know. knowing him he is mainly using it as a double entendre to trigger a lot of people. i mean he is a real satirist even though relies on infantile humor too much.
>calling Rucka a literalwho
Sure is new in here
Best you can do is a jealous loser beanie baby
Literally fucking who