Hahaha fucking leftists
Hahaha fucking leftists
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Fuck those kids. In the ass. Hard. Forever. Faggots.
I have gotten into many arguments in the past few days
You don't have the right to disarm me.
>But they came from their friend's funeral!
You don't have the right to disarm me.
>But their friends died!
You don't have the right to disarm me.
>But they're crying!
It’s amazing how circular he gun control debate is. Seeing people on Facebook it’s the same rehashed arguments vowr and over you’d think people would have gotten cleverer. Some old dude I have no idea who was spitting Sup Forums talking points and my libtard teacher from highschool like, 9 years ago, her only response was “I disagree with your interpretation” I reallly wanted to get in there and say welp turn em I’m lads, eileen disagrees
B-b-b-b-but the shaved-headed brown lesbian girl said they would!! T_T
Trump is a Nazi working with the Russians to take over the country using his racist police forces that oppress minorities and WE NEED TO GIVE HIM ALL OF OUR GUNS RIGHT NOW.
I agree. I saw the crisis actor compilation pic posted by the normiest female today, still reeling from the reach here
unironically this.
lmao, you can't ban ar's
fucking retards
the only thing we can't machine in our garage is the barrel
Florida says 'Nice try Schlomo!'
post more, I'm getting turned on
Actually on my Facebook a lot even I'm surprised Democrats are against banning the AR-15 and I live in New Jersey in the NYC metro area. They hate trump but don't support the gun ban.
So glad Florida believe in one right, but doesn't give a shit about the right to privacy.
"I'm crying, why won't you burn the constitution?"
"I'm a survivor! CNN said so"
-We're you there that day?
"Well, no, I was sucking Jamal off, but, CNN said it!"
Yay Florida.
haha get rekt bald dyke
Racewar Johnny says: "Try and take our guns - let's see what happens!"
As a former florida student; GOOD. Fuck these cry babies.
Tucker had statistics on the types of murder in 2016. Rifles were 260ish deaths. Knives were 1700+, hands and or feet was over 400. IOW more people were murdered by someone beating them with their hands than were shot by a rifle like an AR-15.
vroom vroom
They're gonna stay so mad they won't even notice when DACA goes away. kek
I was in the gym early Friday night and I saw two of the local gymrats wearing molon labe tanks. I didn't even realize why until later and had a nice chuckle.
Good thing most normies dont know what that even meana
the ar15 literally has no purpose other than to massacre people quickly. these lawmakers can literally be superheros by banning this sick gun.
Hopefully they neck themselves tonight
Oh no his crying. burn the 2A
What the fuck would banning a gun do?
Won't bring their friend back.
Maybe americas shouldn't be ego driven cunts and be nicer.
Canada had AR15s and we don't see this shite every day.
Well one side did have "come and take it" with an AR silhouette and the other one had something about amendment 2 on it.
All these Americans pretending to care.
Sociopaths the lot of em.
i have a pistol, but why do people need ar 15s in their homes? it seems silly
because fuck you I'll arm myself how I please
Why do you *need* running water? LMAO just go to the local creek nigger, like seriously just grab a bucket
They were brainwashed into thinking that Shillary was the only way the world wouldn't end. They are watching 9/11 all over again, thanks to the MSM conditioning.
lel that futile fuck you at the end
I have a penis, why do people even need dildos?
this makes me smile so easily
>"i have a gun, but why do people need better guns in their homes? it seems silly"
Any gun bros here?
>went shooting today everything okay
>later bullet gets jammed and I remove it
>bcg sticking about 1/2 centimeter backwarrds
>now new bullets wont successfully chamber
>won't fire
I live in a big city and if the niggers ever go full retard I'll definitely need my AR
break out the cosmoline
clean and oil your gun faggot. disassemble your upper and check bolt itself
You should lose your right because something bad happened to people I went to school with, a bloo bloo bloo
get a more reliable fucking gun.
see pic.
I did
Florida f yeah
I drunk driver killed my friend, we should ban cars now.
So a few teenagers get shot. You know what, there are plenty more teenagers.
Get 2 rounds, take both apart, pour the powder of one of the rounds into the other leaving about 1/3 of a finger on the top of air, put it back together, get a hammer and hammer that cunt into the chamber, pull the trigger on that bitch.
The added power of the round will put the bold carrier group back to where it was.
Old bushcraft but hey take it to a gunsmith and get charged out the arse if you want.
Here is someting I would urge EVERYONE to do. Look up gun legislation in the US since WWII. Then look up who was in the White House and which party was in the majority in both Houses of Congress when the legislation passed. It's an exercise in research, to be sure, but it's not difficult.
Bottom line: you would be surprised by the results. Remember that Reagan brought us the "Brady Bill" and Newt Gingrich brought us more gun legislation in Congress than Obama did in eight years as President.
Look this shit up for yourselves next time you worry about liberals taking our guns. More often than not, it is Republican-controlled Congress doing it. Over half the time.
I like this meme
queen jew is going to be pissed.
Why don't they ban school shootings instead?
>be american
>still haven't made murder illegal
We can machine a barrel, rifling is the bitch
Hahah... complete dumb fucks.
Time to get an education you dim bulbs and do something of value in the world besides REEE about inane laws and society. I know its hard to consider being the change you want to see in the world.. but its how we got to this point. Crying like a bunch of fucking infants and looking gobsmacked when the world doesn't change to your every whim like daddy and mommy and like what the silly ass media/tv shows tell you : SURPRISE ! WELCOME TO THE REAL WORLD
guns and water. hm...
yes theyre exactly the same
I wish
Did you take the the BCG apart? firing pin, cam pin etc. I'm guessing your problem there.
We better give up our guns, they might cry. :(((
Newsflash: lawmakers won't consider violating highest law in the country.
The South is in the North in Florida. Tallahassee is straight panhandle.
Yesterday was the anniversary that a Democrat president put American citizens in interment camps. Think about that. A DEMOCRAT rounded up a bunch of Japanese Americans solely on their looks and threw them in jail.
>lmao shall not be infringed faggots
Yes I did and then reassembled.. the bullet will not fully chamber. If I rack it without a bullet the bcg returns to normal.. but with a bullet it sticks backwards and wont chamber
>welp turn em I’m lads, eileen disagrees
The church shooter was taken out with a gun. The second amendment was intended to protect ourselves when faced with an armed opponent/s. Why are these children and adults deprived of their right to defend themselves from enemies foreign and DOMESTIC?
You didn't *need* to make this point, but you have a 1st amendment right to do so.
What a fucking chad, vroom vroom
have you tried using the forward assist? That's literally what its designed to fix.
Black on Black with handguns, the statistic that libshits and BLMtards refuse to see. All hotspots for that statistic are long term Democratic "strongholds"
>get a hammer and hammer that cunt into the chamber, pull the trigger on that bitch.
God damn aussie don't try to kill the poor bastard
that's how my dad's shitty biological father lost an eye
also maybe your feed ramps on your barrel are out of spec so the neck of the case is getting caught on it and not feeding all the way into the chamber.
Trump voter here, please make him fat. He doesn't look right as a skinny guy.
Why would they? Then the killer just would have used any other gun.
The ONLY solution is to completely ban all semiautomatic rifles (a significant fraction of all guns) and that can never realistically happen.
Why focus on banning a sub-category of rifles when more Americans die from blunt objects every year than all rifles combined?
check the recoil spring
Have you tried different ammo? could just be shitty rounds. Barrel could be fouled, did you clean that?
Still seems like a BCG issue, could be the ejector. Just oil the shit out of everything and try again.
lmao, feels good being an AKfag.
God that night was so incredible.
Easily the most happy I've been in a long while. Laughed to tears when he was announced winner, then chuckled uncontrollably for the next several hours browsing Sup Forums. I woke up and drove to work giggling like a little kid, parked my car and took a couple minutes to regain composure.
It was a brand new complete upper from spikes.. Anyone know if they have a problem with this?
I thought they died from obesity...
It's not called the "Bill of Needs," soyboy
Look up school shooting and handguns and shotguns are by far the biggest killers.
Virginia Tech, the worst school shooting with 32 dead was done with handguns.
The very worst incident was done with a bomb.
Shooting after shooting handguns are the prefered choice.