*blocks your path*

*blocks your path*

chicken legs

el boomer los americas importer of el abominacion

wooooow daddy hot , full sexy, i wish to be in ur side


you can't even see his quads, faggot.

So did I get the job?
>sorry buddy, I gave it to Juan because he works for cheaper MAGA!

Offer wife's son as toll

looks like a reasonable guy

"oh excuse me Sir, I just gotta get by you"
"ah no problem man, you staying here for a while?"
"just a couple days brother"
"well I'll be around if you want to hit the gym here, I'm Gordon"

new friend irl
>perfect encounter if you're not autist

i didn't choose autism, autism chose me

>how's it going young man
>y-you too..

This, just tap his chest and he falls over and hits his head on the concrete.

I have a feeling Gordon would understand

his son was hit hard with vaccines, understandable user

You look like a Trump voter, old man. I suggest you leave my path

Sir, I just saw some puerto rican faggot keying your 2003 Lincoln Town Car.


>why are you wearing the pajamas of a 12 year olds? get out of my way you old fuck.

So it's true that gays have a fetish for getting beaten up

Look at this cute flamingo


Turning side kick = dead

tchu want son ?

*violently gun him down*

Chad Granddad would be a better file name

stfu chang leaf kurwa

Out of my way grandpa before you eat thus bullet

Chad my ass, I'd knee him in the fucking head since im 6'5 and he is a Manlet or kick his weak ass legs off

Old men are surprisingly weak. More people would know this if they weren't faggots and never fight their dads

sucks his asshole and plays with his balls.

ha you fight your dad? what a sad life.

*shits my pants*

ITT: people not respecting the man who fought off twitter jews to save our guns.


"uhhhhhh, can you move?"


"sigh, alright" *turn side ways and squeeze through and curse at him under my breath*

Thank you Chad Grandpa. Also nice trips
