How do basic background checks conflict with the second amendment?
How do basic background checks conflict with the second amendment?
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text of the second amendment:
>A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed
fuck off, nigger.
>A well regulated Militia
And was Cruz a part of this said militia?
Seems like the government can infringe on your guns so long as you're absent from the said militia
The Constitution is fluid. It has been modified over thirty times since its inception. What about this particular amendment is sacred?
huh? you asked a question, you got an answer. the text is clear. the "militia" part is not just to protect from outside forces, but for the people to protect themselves from overreaching government. that was how the founders wrote it. they were exceptionally clear in their own writings and their stated intentions about the document. end of story. your question was bullshit, you glow blown out, just deal with it leaf.
is it ok if i have a gun if i go to a psychiatrist for depression?
if you're a against the constitution and think it should be torn to shreds, thats your right as an american (isnt the first amendment nice?). but at least you're being forthright and just saying that you think it's toilet paper. the left pretends that they honor it, while they turn around and literally shit on it. points to you for at least being forthcoming about your tyrannical, anti-freedom intentions. that's all i have to say about your "argument".
yes, depressive people should shoot and kill themselves and save all the normal people a bunch of headaches
>How do basic background checks stop school shootings
pro tip they dont
and you think he wouldn't have passed a background check?
he was 19 with no record
Your constitution will enable your entire nation to become majority non-white within the next few decades.
You need to take the indigo pill and realize it't just a piece of paper
It means everyone has equal access. You communists should understand that,
lol ya you right
how do liberals still believe that there are no background checks
They don't, that's why we have them
if you buy a gun at a yard sale there is none
I support the parts of it that I like. Supporting the whole of it unconditionally despite consequences seems like the mindset a zealot. Freedom is paradoxical when you're getting killed because of it.
They do basic background checks already. The really worry is if this goes into (((mental health))) checks and reviewing internet history etc. Next thing you know ADL and SPLC will decide who can and can't have guns.
SCOTUS already interpreted the well-regulated militia portion. Sage and reported.
Says the chink
We have a right to private sales for both rifles and handguns. We demand you open it up and stop infringing our rights.
Nice argument la creatura....
That's not how it works brainlet you don't just pick and choose what laws to follow. You'll be lucky if you get bump stocks banned
>shall not infringe
Could you please put those three words in context? You know like the whole amendment.
Who makes the rules? Who says who is crazy? The DSM 4 is thicker than a dictionary with a long list of mental illnesses? Which people are dangerous? Does congress decide or is it unelected pyschologist who get money under the table and politicize the mental services field... given an inch and they will take a mile.
they don't
requiring specific actions based on the results of the background checks do infringe on the ability of citizens to acquire weapons.
fine to mandate a check though
>What about this particular amendment is sacred?
the part where we haven't modified it
also first ten amendments were introduced concurrently with the constitution, so no, it hasn't been modified over thirty times
Strange how you faggots always zoom in on the militia part while ignoring the RIGHT OF THE PEOPLE TO KEEP AND BEAR ARMS part.
as in we have guns for self-defense to kill tyrants and to kill any dumb motherfucker who tries to regulate our arms.
>says your constitution is outbreeding whites
>country imports millions of non whites with a large Asian population
is that always you making those 3000 gun threads? go kill yourself
Tell me where it says only those in a militia can bear arms?
read a book nigger
>A well-balanced breakfast being necessary to the start of a good day, the right of the people to keep and bear cereal shall not be infringed.
Woah, so confusing, what could it mean
That part of the paper helps to stay the tide somewhat, so it stays.
>A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.
when you have no clue what commas are.
Joke is on you everyone is the militia, except women.
shall not infringe.
as in dont.
at all.
in anyway shape or form.
every citizen has the right, and duty. To own, and be proficient with, The basic battle rifle of the United States of America.
The amendment literally starts out with "A well regulated Militia..."
Why specify militia, if it's meant for all Amerilards?
You commit crimes every day that you aren't aware of.
My sides
Does everyone have their rifles ready?
>What about this particular amendment is sacred?
The part that says "SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED".
Nothing, if you can amend it, go ahead.
But until you do, it is as valid as any other art of the foundational law of the land.
Where does it state that only militiamen can bear arms? That states why you need to bear arms, not who.
>obese americans on mobility scooters getting shot by us army's soldiers
That would be fucking hilarious
It’s not so much the background checks it’s the formation of a national registry. A lot of fun owners want universal background checks. I don’t because I don’t want to deal with them. I want to go to a gun show and trade firearms at will with trustworthy people. When my dad dies I don’t want to have a background check for all of the family heirlooms.
>the massacre of children on a monthly basis is an acceptable consequence to preserve a piece of paper
Why are conservatives homicidal zealots?
I never signed any Constitution, I reserve ALL rights.
we have the right to a militia....
and to bear arms
sage in all fields
>49%er dares call us mutts
look at the race too. exponentially more relevant
like this
>Comparing a 1st world country with a shithole run by drug cartels
How fucking retarded can you be?
I would rather go to war against my own government with the arms that I have rather than have to face a foreign army with a cucked weaponry.
>think of the children and give up guns
Damn, you libshits are pathetic. Hiding behind dead kids to push an agenda.
Means under any circumstances, your right to bear arms, can't be violated without due process. Since when does your ranting change that?
which part of illegal market don't you understand?
gangs in Brazil have army tier weapons, do you think the gun laws do anything? What stops the fucking school shooter from buying rifles from dealers? you are fucking retarded
Trumps using it to force background checks on citizen status.
ICE to deport.
CIA Kike NIGGER needs to get out of my background.
Caring about the safety of children. The fucking gall of this guy, amirite?
I understand what it says, I'm saying it's stupid. I don't give a shit if it doesn't want to be infringed.
Here in Croatia, you have to be evaluated by a psychologist to obtain a licence to purchase pistols, hunting rifles and even machine guns.
Why exactly is this something wrong for you Americans? I can purchase and use any gun I want but I just to have my sanity tested to obtain a license. Just like you need a license to drive a car.
Except you don't own America
because the definition of "mentally capable" can change. We've seen the slippery slopes of other movements before in America as I'm sure you have in America.
In Illinois we were supposed to pay off out highway system in five years, yet every time I drive out of Chicago I need to pay a fucking toll. Even with a set deadline and concrete plan of payment the government fucked us over. So can you see why we would be scared shitless by vague wording in a federally mandated law?
>And was Cruz a part of this said militia?
according to law, every American man between the age of 17 and 45 is in the militia
*I'm sure you have in Croatia.
the people ARE the militia you fucking brainlet
>retard inbred amerigoblins still screeching about MUH GUNS