Why didn't God give the chinaman a soul?

Is empathy a Western/white value?

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This is what happens in communist states. The people pay for the medical bills.

They die its on them, they survive its on you. Left wings always devolves into barbarism

>They die its on them, they survive its on you.

what do you mean?

>acts like in america you don't get further yelling "FIRE" than "RAPE"
Suuuuure. westerners always help eachother.

nice strawman dipshit. try using your brain this time

I don't think China has good samaritan laws. Wouldn't someone be more likely to get in trouble by trying to help?

the Asiatic races simply lacks this defining feature. It just isn't present. We don't know why.

Whether you determine that to be a good thing or bad thing is a personal matter.

Why do Chinese do this?

why would they get in trouble? I don't understand

Shoe did come off. Confirmed kill.

They get accused of having injured the victim themselves. Look into Xu Shoulan v. Peng Yu.

I heard they have to pay medical bills for life if the person survives so its cheaper to just kill them

I think because in China when you send someone to the hospital you pay the bills, so nobody wants to pay the bills of injured people in the street so they dont give a fuck in the videos

Only people with blue eyes have souls

wtf, why?

Diapers in China weren't exist

The Chinese are disgusting subhumans, nips have known this for centuries.

your projecting kind of hard. white people exploited most other groups at some point in time and are responsible for most wars in the modern era

but hey im sure all that mouthing off online will be great after china stomps america and they comb the internet looking for mouthy niggers to suck some dick in detention centers

so only like half my family has souls?

My mom doesn't have a soul but I do?


That's correct, at least as I understand it, and if you go to help the victim and the perpetrator bails, you get fucked if they police show up and it's just you there. Think of it like hot potato, ha. A prime example of the fucked yo end result of this system is the people walking by the situation occurring in this video: liveleak.com/view?i=43e_1430998097

Proxy chink is mad

Fuckin soulless chinks!

>*gets shot up at school*

tfw I have a soul

more kids die in accidents at schools than from mass shootings

We warned you about the Marxists, but you were too busy drinking breast milk from the UK. Europeans lost their right to exist in 1945.

Corrupt insurance policy. Insurance fraud shit.

besides these reasons, China history has always been a shitshow death and misery. Much like Russia's but with more cannibalism. There's pics that get posted in China threads that explain why the act like they do in detail.

Empathy is a weakness that has outlasted its utility. Ask yourself why East Asians are the most traditionalist, nationalist, non-degenerate people on earth. Ask yourself why East Asians are impervious to Jewish plots of (((diversity))). It’s because they lack empathy. China won’t open their borders just because some (((12 year old child))) with a five o’clock shadow from Syria is crying.

That's India, not China.

Most of the time in these videos the people are heavily intoxicated. You're all fucking dip-shits.

It will be more expensive for the tax payer to save people than to let them die.



The only people who truly have empathy are nords

East Asians literally don't comprehend charity to anyone but their family and friends. In a way it's more Darwinist, and possibly will benefit them more in the end.

No, cause it's Indian not Chinese.

>expecting Sup Forums to not change anything to fit their agenda


don't let them near podesta

Northwestern Europeans were exposed to certain selection pressures that East Asians weren't.


Empathy is weakness that is causing the white race to self destruct.

Is that fucking Keemstar?

And your countries are full of Somalis defiling your women and diluting your gene pools. The Asian woman remains pure and undefiled


Humans in general are worthless pieces of shit who should be mercilessly killed.

I never said empathy was a good thing for survival

Some Chinese guy with actual autism is bullying me in class for being a white woman. Apparently the time he spends not rocking back and forth while humming, he spends on Return of Kings.

Maybe so, but is that a bad thing? I mean it's given America le 56% and Canada is right on it's heels, Europe will be next.

Empathy is not a positive quality on a war footing.

am chinese. The most saddenning part is not that this happened; this had caused a shitstorm in china and caused a turn of public view on bystanderism. Neither that people did not change much; the youngsters behave much better than the 60s generation. The true saddennong part is that people intentionally used examples like this to psychologically exploit on ordinary people to con them. Would elaborate if anyone is interested.

This had to be some sort of hit instead of an accident.


Tits or we won't believe you

Well he's autistic, so...

If someone is yelling rape it means there is a high percentage chance of niggers with weapons. If you want to play the hero and go save that person you know that doing so will likely cause you to have to deal with getting dragged through the mud by the kike media, maybe even wrongful jail time because of it. And then there is the problem of commoners being pussies who have been taught to depend on others to help themselves, let alone helping someone else. Thats changing though.. Americans are starting to remember that their balls are massive.

when you get eaten by escalators

text reads that the driver went nuts from financial burdens, and rammed his ex-wife.

Elaborate back to Hong Kong.

This one is fucking sad, come on now.

And you had to link a nigger murderer.


I know, but for some reason it still hurts my feelings whenever he does it. I guess there's no good solution.

why do they walk in the street Sup Forums?

youre probably the same faggot that wishes the west had less empathy instead of sucking refugee cock all day

If you cripple someone in China you have to pay them a wage for the rest of their life.
If you kill someone and run you'll be executed if found guilty.
Chinese laws

Overpopulation makes people do funny things.


>Is empathy a Western/white value?
Yes, and it costs us greatly

>More than 700 people are killed in road accidents across China every day, according to the World Health Organisation.

>The WHO estimates that traffic accident claim about 260,000 deaths on the mainland each year, of which with 60 per cent are vulnerable road users such as pedestrians, cyclists, and motorcyclists.

maybe souls have a role to play in being a good driver

he did youre just too dumb to see it and they have a commie government

.0002% of the population

its literally nothing

"High IQ" at work

When somebody gets run over in China the responsible has to pay his/her medical bills even if the victim has to be cured for life. That's why shit like this happen

They have a high analytical IQ, doesn't mean they are smart in other things.

Because the "chinese are bad drivers" meme is just meant to cover up the fact that they do this shit on purpose.


Cameraman runs to help, soul confirmed.

>The steaming guts


Swede-'Murican here...you goofed, that vid shows people running to help.



Actually chineses have many different etnicity (they will never admit officially, like in the north-east they are chinesized koreans, but they consider themselves 100% chinese han) and still there is some hate between them, so they kill each other if they can.

>Why didn't God give the chinaman a soul?
There's too many of em, not enough souls. So a few get half, maybe less, some have to share, others make it off the assembly line without anything inside.

Mao ordered all intellectuals to be killed. It was literally eugenics.

> Is empathy a Western/white value?

Why do you think the rest of the world sucks, retard? Of course.

even though this is a joke there's a strange logic to it that permeates reality

take, for example, the mouse utopia and the effect a larger population has on the mice. despite there still being plentiful food/water/shelter for the mice their behavior still continues to degrade further and further (abandoning young, over aggressiveness,isolation etc.)

could there then be a correlation between heightened population density and lack of passion/morality for life? does too high of a populace in too dense a space create a degraded group 'soul' or something akin?

i'm high as fuck


That never actually happened on a large scale my Grandfather was a Chinese science professor. He was "reeducated", but they didn't do anything to him. Although he did go to study in the Soviet Union to study during the 50's, so he wasn't in China. Maybe he got lucky.

So true. The Japanese word for a chink is "chankoro", which means slave. The chinks have been slaves for most of their history.

Empathy with other races is never good, empathy with your own race is however.

Fucking chinks have no soul... They have no fucking soul

>be china
>mongols show up and wreck your shit
>after hundreds of years your rulers essentially become chinese due to mixing
>get conquered again by manchurians
>after hundreds of years your rulers essentially become chinese due to mixing
>get conquered again by japanese
>japanese get btfo by people who can fight
>finally it is china's hour
>get invaded by russians and actually help them subjugate your people again

What about the Qin, Tang, Han, Ming, etc... Some of the most influential and advanced Chinese dynasties were ruled by actual Chinese people.

They’re just on autopilot, they have no idea what they’re doing they just “do” truly hivemind

>Export millions of your women to countries with men who can fight
>Breed your European rivals into effeminate yellow manlets just as you did with Mongols and Manchus

Tang was started by northern Xianbei hybrid-chinks who had been thoroughly raped and mongrelized by the Xianbei, Turks and Wu Hu barbarians for hundreds of years and whose culture was heavily influenced by the northern and western barbarians, such as using chairs, lewd female clothing, etc. After the fall of Han, the chink ethnicity was thoroughly mongrelized by a crapload of different types of barbarians that came in wave after wave. People generally only know the Mongols and Manchus but they’re just the tip of the iceberg.

Security guard tries to save falling woman, is splated like a bug. R.I.P. the only chinese man with a since of morality.

Was he executed on the spot by solider?

I heard they also eat their dead?


>no self-preservation instinct

also suicidal people are degernates