I fucking hate you and your conspiracy theories. I really fucking do

I fucking hate you and your conspiracy theories. I really fucking do.

No, you're not gonna uncover great secret plot by the US government.
You're not special.
You're not smart.

Crazy guy just went and shot up a school, that's it. Nothing else to it.
It's so easy in America in fact, that you can go purchase a gun right now,and shoot up a nearby school in the morning.
There's no need for lizard people to get involved,you goddamn mouthbreathing retards.

Please stop.

Other urls found in this thread:


It's the Russians, bro. Not us. We've dismissed this fucker as El Creaturo di Americano.

remember this is a slide thread. dont reply to these threads without saging so you dont bump it. Don't engage them. they simply want your bumps. just let their threads fall to the bottom. they scared of us and our power

I have a gun, you have a dick in your ass.
I win
go fuck yourself

There doing a celebratory congo line user, why else would they be doing so if it wasn't a fake?

Disinfo agent much? What are they paying you?


Then get of pol and never come back , you fucking retard . ( I think you're right but GTFO )

Actually. What that image portrays is government security. That is what government protection looks like. That is what unarmed populations become. Look at that smug fuck "operator". Complete fucking brainwashed chad loser.

Hope your baits get better over time.

Conspiracy theories are spoopy and fun
Especially when they're involving a gun
But sometimes these people get lost in the plot
And start to believe that what happened did not
There's nothing to see, the kid was a loon
That's just what happens when your're a quadroon

Is it as easy to buy a gun as it is to get SSRIs?


fuck off glow in the dark cia nigger

R/vagina needs you. Go back

>stop looking into things


Reports claim Cruz bought a drink at Subway before being arrested


But why would anyone go to Subway without buying a delicious cookie?? Calling bs

STOP BUMPNG THREADS. Happens everyday. You the_donald old folk idiots dont understand what bait is and are killing our board more than the lefties. stfu and stop taking the bait and bumping their shit all the time. Go back to the_donald with the rest of the no sense of humor having old dudes in their 40s and up

this guys actual a Larper



Long story short, it’s not worth your time man. Certain people either won’t be convinced or just need to come to terms with it all on their own.

so much hate thats why
>1 post
>meme flag


t. Jared

You must be Reddit faggot.

People talk about these things here - as ridiculous as they may be - because they can't talk about them anywhere else.

>Crazy guy just went and shot up a school, that's it.

Are you a fed?

Ohh please. All the "terrorists" they stop in the US are literally retards the FBI entrapped into the "crime".

Basically all terrorism in the United states is fake news by the FBI.

Look it up.

You think they make this shit up to justify their existence and take rights away from americans, but wouldnt also let a few slip through to further justify taking rights away from their target, (white males)?

To accept the one without the other is just plain niave. And the one is easily and objectively provable.

>Please stop.
Why are you on this board then?

Government does shady shit all the time. If you don't think the Deep State doesn't want to milk every mass shooting, and prod young men into becoming shooters themselves then I'm afraid you haven't been paying close attention, user.


I'm going to take this opportunity to prove something. notice how my post pointed out this is a larp thread but nobody is paying attention to me because I'm in the comments? This is why they make threads. Because ultmately you wont pay attention to the comment section over the OP post.

this is why it's so important to not reply to shill threads without saging so you don't bump. Look at me fighting in a shill thread cause none of you are paying attention. STOP fucking up my dudes. love you.\

some of these replies are just guys from OPs discord group just bumping his thread but you dont need to help them along.dont worry Sup Forums we will do great again. this is just the start


I hate you.

Good post, OP. Too bad Sup Forums is still swamped with alt-right tards who ate up our bullshit during the 2016 campaign, lmfao

larper guys. learn to recognize them so they have no power. im saging so nothing im posting is bumping. but if you in this thread the more you learn the faster we can organize. Information is power, that's why they fear Sup Forums we have too much information. also our dicks are bigger

Good to know we hate you mutually

interestingly, most of us here are both smart and special

again these are also larpers. at this point it's just their discord group continuously bumping their own thread


I do really hate the sandy hook type conspiracy guys.

They should be hanging with the flat-earth and no moon landing, 9-11 thermite guys on the day of the rope...a day that will probably never happen either.


again a larper. nobody real is in this thread except me. If you reading the thread keep not replying. it's working if they are having to keep reply to their own threads. keep them contained.

Make threads of our own of substance that they can't ignore.


WOW your a big guy

Get sages larper

Noko to piss off the sage-fags! :)

>t. Russian bot

Bad goyim!

Get off our board you EU kike faggot.

mandatory 7 day waiting list is in effect. i want to say its a federal 5 but most states have it 2 more days


Why does this faggot David Hobb keep popping up on CNN back to 2015 when he allegedly graduated from HS in laguna beach?

> shooter consumed branded fast food, goyim!
viral marketing has gotten really weird lately




He sacrificed them so the world wouldn't end press F

2 posts.

It's become increasingly fun to be Russian recently.

Of course two of the "survivors" are oddly pictured being groomed or something at CNN before the shooting.

Go back to sleep, Goyim.

those look slightly enlarged.

Are you sure?

>That isn't David Hoggs!
>Youtube copyrights videos of David Hoggs
>What is the Streisand effect?
This reminds me of all those dumb Antifa families that created facebook pages, groups for their local Redneck Revolt chapters. What do you expect?

Op has a point.

Even if they uncovered something they would not do anything about it. You could literally uncover a plot to enslave every american and you would still sit on your ass over simulating your brain on video games and caffeine. You are weak. You are a loser. Stop.

>I could type up words to discourage you, to demotivate you. I'm sure they will work because I can control people on the internet with pixels I push onto their displays.
>I can't physically defend myself, please don't hit me
I hear you loud and clear.