Can somebody please explain to me why thousands of people died for rice fields in some tiny little Asian country thousands of miles away?
Was there anything to be gained?
Can somebody please explain to me why thousands of people died for rice fields in some tiny little Asian country...
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But we shouldn't have cared as much
it's called a proxy war user, the location don't matter much
Yeah. In the case of the Vietnamese they were smart enough to realize it is complete shit. Now they are doing an even lighter version of Chinese "Communism"
But hindsight is 20/20.
stopping communis- I mean judaism
Would have helped if people knew the difference between good species. Vietnamese hate the Chinese.
because you weren't there, man.
*Gook, not good.
But capitalist USA had a lot of jews in their leadership when communist Vietnam had no one. So US judaists want to fought against judaism and invaded country with no jews. Hmmm.
Heroin and rubber among a few other reasons.
it was believed that we had to fight the spread of communism, similar to our current concept of fighting the "terrorists" in the middle east rather than wait for an attack.
It made for an ideal ironic backdrop to sing the Mickey Mouse Club theme song against.
So Vietnam was pretty much pointless and 60k Americans died for no reason?
Were the hippies right all along?
The communist party was illegal in South Vietnam but not in the USA.
No, not completely there was some truth to fighting communism, see south Korea, the war was also not going nearly as bad as the popular imagination thought it was going.
Vietnam was lost because america chose to lose it.
WW2 was pointless. ZOG.
>Vietnam was lost because america chose to lose it.
The US military left with a peace treaty between the North and South Vietnamese nations. The north then turned around and attacked the south afterward. We unironically achieved all our objectives there.
Dirty dumb pinko scum.
IDK m8
>jews fighting communism
Herion money, testing mk ultra/naomi etc. war for profit. ask the CIA.
Jews literally have been jewing other Jews since Jewry started. Like their whole society is adept at knowing every obscure loophole in the Torah to justify what they're after.
stopping the spread of communism
it was more of a war the us got sucked in to rather than an actual conflict of interest
the ussr learned the same lesson in afghanistan later on
The United States wanted to show the international community that it was capable of projecting force and undermining its enemies anywhere in the world without even having to invade, they did this under the pretense of aiding the french.
They failed spectacularly and invaded to save face.
You wanna let the gooks decide the fate of their own country, but China and Russia are funding the commie rebels, which isn't fair, so you fund the good guys, and it just grows out of control.
in hindsight we should probably have let the commies ruin it and provide more evidence of a failed country. If communism really sucks as much as it seems to, it will fail without our involvement.
Can somebody please explain to me why hundreds thousands of people died for communism?
Was there anything to be gained?
Because of this flag related blackmailed us into thinking they would go commie if we didn't bail out their colonial bullshit in SEA.
why are you motherfuckers so clueless? it's always been about installing worldwide communism. capitalism and communism are 2 hands of the same {{{beast}}} pulling the trousers of the [[[new world order]]] up onto the legs of the world.
Yea we learned a lot by fighting some starving communists in their territory. Got rid of a lot of old bombs and made some new ones. Testing of chemical weapons, psychological warfare, contrary to belief the U.S. had a pretty good kill death ratio in Vietnam. Problem is we had no intentions of leaving and the public was not happy about it. Anyway it was great for business and military. Bad for the poor drafted kids who had no idea what they were in for.
>So Vietnam was pretty much pointless and 60k Americans died for no reason?
A sharp, short campaign to crush the North and install /our gooks/ would have been worth doing. The drawn out horseshit low intensity grab ass we actually did was not.
South vietnamese love americans now. North hate us, but they are communiats.
the 20th century was a series of A/B tests by jews to pit communism vs liberalism between different populaitons.
west vs east
korea north vs south
latin america vs africa
China fucked things up tho when they went with a racial communism and began to out-influence the soviet union jews, and the soviet union bucked some of their own jews as well
>posts sexual degeneracy media
Checks out
Wow, y'all are fucking dumb as shit. Ever notice how we just kept half of Korea and half of Vietnam and they are both fucking peninsulas? Ever notice how our force projection in the Pacific is reliant on naval power? Ever notice peninsulas have three sides with water? Ever goddamn fucking notice that slant eyed commie chinks might be our enemy one day globally because there are like a billion of them? Now, aren't you glad we have a giant fucking landing platform north and south? Imagine if the fucking krauts had the top half of Maine and the bottom half of Florida in ww2. Yeah, it would have made a huge difference. Those Americans then knew exactly what they were doing and I thank them for it. It wasn't always crystal clear or popular, but we accomplished what we needed to. Semper Fi.
are all cuntscommies?
The US sucks at this game. They really need to give up.
This. The US thought that if they invaded North Vietnam, China might intervene like they did in Korea or the Soviets might blockade East Berlin and WW3 would start
However, we really didn't grasp at the time that slavs and chinks and gooks all actually hated one another underneath the façade of "communist solidarity", and that if we had invaded China probably wouldn't have lifted a finger to save them and the USSR couldn't do a damn thing about it that wouldn't start WW3 (meaning they probably wouldn't)
Winning so far faggot.
All Communism is jewish by default Ivan
Because Hitler was right all along but the yanks were too stupid to realize until it almost too late.
couldnt we just leave them alone and not literally give them all of our technology in exchange for a couple jews amassing giant personal wealth
Hitier was antI communist stupid
>Imagine if the fucking krauts had the top half of Maine and the bottom half of Florida in ww2. Yeah, it would have made a huge difference.
I think you're the on who's fucking dumb as shit if you think Hitler had any desire to invade the U.S.
>hundreds thousands
Try millions
Does the Vietnam War benefit the U.S financI ally?
Holy shit you are stupid
Read a history book you mouthbreather
That's why he was right and the Yankees (who sent billions in arms and raw materials to aid the Soviets in WW2 only for it to come back and bite them almost immediately after the war was over) we're wrong.
You don't comprehend too good.
>Can somebody please explain to me why thousands of people died for rice fields in some tiny little Asian country thousands of miles away?
It's the international Jew and it is about world government as the long game.
Stalin banned antisemitism. Read a history book mouthbreather
>They failed spectacularly and invaded to save face.
What the fuck are you talking about? They never invaded. They were stationed in South Vietnam, and won every battle. They never entered North Vietnam, nor did they intend to. The goal was to build up the South Vietnamese military, but they failed because the South Vietnamese were corrupt and incompetent.
Remind me what happened when he finally decided to start purging jews?
The Land is key. We have total freedom of movement and development in South Vietnam And south korea
Just because he wasn't antisemitic doesn't mean he didn't know what the jews were being used for. Fascism is a morally corrupt ideology.
He was assassinated by Trotskyists.
Supposably to fight Communism (but basically a proxy war with USSR) I think JFK was going to pull us out and that's one of the reasons he was assassinated
Yeah, it makes it a lot cheaper when we have to finally go kick china's ass.
>He was assassinated by Trotskyists
lmao you mean Leon Bronstein right?
I mean did the Vietnam War make U.S richer in any way by propping up the American dollar oversees and letting america control the resources there?
Some people thought that if we let to many countries fall to communism that the whole world would fall.
We did not know at the time conclusively that communist countries can not sustain themselves int he longer run and we would've been fine.
>Was there anything to be gained?
Same reason thousands of people are dying in a desert somewhere.
Political power.
You know that's bullshit
owning a ford F-150 does not make you a geo-political strategist.
it was lost because south vietnam was corrupt as fuck and we were an extension of that corruption as well as just another occupying colonial force. the viets were never going to go along with it. South vietnam essentially didn't exist. so take your "the war was lost at home" meme and fuck off.
In order to spread communism. Just like WWII and Korea.
imagine if we didn't do ANYTHING, and vietnam became communist, Taiwan was eradicated, and the soviets were able to move onto ANOTHER potential puppet state?
this is it, the least intelligent post of the day
>who is karl marx
>who is vladimir lenin
>who is trotsky
>who is a majority of power positions in USSR
>who benefits from communism
>who admitted to using communism as a tool
put down whatever worthless history book you're reading
Chinese communism is close to true marxism than the ussr ever was
They wernt Stalin idiot open a book