So..the rumors true...any more info come to light? Any pics of HIS FUCKING BLACK AS NIGHT KID (rumor)
Also how did he end up marrying what he raged against?
So..the rumors true...any more info come to light? Any pics of HIS FUCKING BLACK AS NIGHT KID (rumor)
Also how did he end up marrying what he raged against?
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forgot to put a question mark after "rumors true".I was just wondering if anyone had more info.
He was quoted the other day saying, "The only time people think my daighter is mine is when shes mad!"
Yeh, its true. Its sad. Looking forward to his comedy after the divorce.
Gonna be red pilled as fuuuuuuuck.
Divorce Burr when?
he should have never married that black LAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAYDEEEYYYY
I remember the story about that negresses brother convincing Bill that their family has REAL melanin in their blood or some shit and thats why his daughter was so dark...I always wonder if thats why there arnt any pics of his daughter floating around ANYWHERE
why did he even marry her
as a somewhat-semi-famous comedian with several million net worth he could have knocked up several negress semon demens and then married a girl who looked like taylor swift. Why bill why
I always took it as it was him fearing he was going to be alone for the rest of his life...and she "tolerated" his behavings at home and on the road...although it seems shes beaten him down a good deal.
Apparently when his daughter was born, she was much darker than ol' billy anticipated. And I gues Mia's brother had to convince him that it was just because of her very dark genetics. Rumors are that its not his kid but who knows
yea I heard that rumor...just seems VEERRYYYY strange he has no pictures of his daughter around or any other comics have seen/not said anything about the color.
closest thing we've got to a baby pic, very odd that neither of them post pics of their first child
I can't wait for the inevitable divorce. If he doesn't kill himself, his comedy will get even better!
Bostonians man, they talk though shit all the time
Nia was in some shitty show holding a baby, I doubt that this is their actual kid but if it is, pretty mullato looking.
i can just imagine him at the nursery
what the FUCK nia?
that said they were a good couple
maybe a dna test could confirm
but ol billy blue balls maybe wasn't filling out her vag right
Nia's snapchat
just my opinion but if they hardly have picks and really try not saying the name...I doubt their gonna put the baby in a show or anything close to that.
good couple? eh They do have a tad of chemistry if felt on the podcast but she seems to bust his balls over his comedy and general quips and observations.I never figured he would marry someone who bashes him on those things.
I feel like the whiter baby was a purposeful choice, shes trying to spread the image that their baby isn't really Tyrones kid
he confirmed not his kid on his podcast. He joked that his kid when grown will ask why they dint use her on the show.. but gave no answer why
How true is this rumor. I listen to Billy Monday's and Thursdays and every time he brings the bitch on I just turn it off. I switch to fucking Joe Roge. She is insufferable. Black this wypipo that
Not posting pics of your daughter online isn't really weird. Its smart.
That said, yeah, dude probably got cucked.
The lack of pictures is just like Rogan's black step-daughter. No pics.
Recent Nia quote, "White men need to SHUT THE FUCK UP!"
Yeh no shit. Said it right on the podcast.
Nia is not only a completely humorless vacuous cunt, she’s also UGLY. Doesn’t even have a curvy body to compensate.
If ‘ol Billy Boy really wanted a nigger so bad there are hundreds of thousands prettier than this bitch. The fuck was he thinking?
she's ten years younger than him. he got with her at a point in his life where he was mid thirties, balding ginger, very little money.
So he got with her because she was 24 and his best white women option where just ugly, only they were his age.
Now, as far as why he stayed with her? No excuse. But getting trapped in a relationship with someone uglier than you happens a lot to guys. Low self-esteem + she plays just right on your insecurities + emotions clouding your judging up.
Happens. Sad to see though.
I find it weird that he literally gushed about how much he loved his dog, but I never hear him really mention having a daughter.
Those who fear being cucked will marry black women because they think they won't cheat on them (statistically its less likely) look at famous beta males Robert De Niro, George Lucas, Roger Ebert, probably more I forget
well yea but nia didnt want even ONE online of the baby after birth? or even ONE on their fucbook or shit like that.No one has snapped a pic either? does the kid go outside? do they keep her away from friends that would blab?
Maybe he loves her who cares. Mia is pretty funny. Sure it's a shame but what can you do.
>she's ten years younger than him
she's fucking 40, he could've gotten a 16 year old if he wanted
fuck off leaf
None of this is true. Nia posted an instagram pic of the baby's legs. She's clearly bi-racial
Looks whitened in photoshop
No, actually, that's incorrect. The baby came out White skinned and ginger. 100% Burr.
I actually would believe it. One day on the podcast I heard him talking about a paternity test some other celeb wouldn’t get or something and Nia got super quiet...
Bill is as white as christmas.
If that baby came out as dark as her, somethings wrong.
I don't think (((they))) would allow a famous white man to breed out a black chick.
isnt their another rumor that she fucked a singer or actor or something..a white guy though?
Maybe he got the test and she was seething because of lack of trust. Getting a paternity test is always going to be a lose lose, obviously justified sometimes
>raged against
Nah, dude.
>be celebrity
>be fairly redpilled
i wouldnt want my kid raised in the spotlight either.
Yeah he did love that dog... and she made him get rid of it.
>Also how did he end up marrying what he raged against?
I don't know man, I don't get it
even before I was redpilled, I used to listen to him. I think he was probably an extremely entry-level redpill for a lot of us, simply because his comedy mocked leftist moral paradigms a lot. Talked a lot about masculinity.
Let's also not forget when he went on stage in Philadelphia and literally told an entire crowd of people to kill themselves for 15 minutes straight while they boo'd him. Absolutely legendary.
A moment of silence for a fallen cultural figure. He could have been so much more. He could have been one of us.
spotlight and not sayign the name or ANY pictures,not even one showing the after birth period.No comedians mentioning anything about the baby...if bill has let ANYONE seen her
could it have been the fear of loneliness?Never having a women who can tolerate his humor? I wouldent think its THAT hard to find for a famous comedian.
Even worse the rumor around town is Anthony Cumia is not allowed to go to Patrice benefit because of what happened with him being fired from the O&A show.
>i can't stand watching people kiss in public
holy shit I never hear anybody else talking about this
all of my exes always wanted to be intimate in public and it just sends chills up my spine
>could it have been the fear of loneliness?Never having a women who can tolerate his humor? I wouldent think its THAT hard to find for a famous comedian.
I dunno, I think comedians are weird people. It was most likely lonliness and panic.
He hit an age where finding single women was becoming harder, and his wife was probably just simply there, and maybe aggressively pursuing him at the same time.
Typicall how this stuff happens. My mother was a popular musician in the 80's and she ended up marrying a psycho because she just got really lonely/isolated around the age of 32
Is this really what you fellows spend your time on?
The exact hue on the skin of a comedian's daughter?
I feel that way sometimes .Im almost 30 and feel that panic..but relies it can be my downfall...mind telling me who your mum was? any popular songs
>implying many other various topics arnt also going on here
Bill burr is a redpilled man who seems to have fallen and got cucked.This is a world where the majority of media and film stars HATE conservative thinking and people.Not to ,mention the general hate form general liberals.Any person who can bring people closer to our camp the better.This is about a guy who could have but may have got cucked and turned.
Bills gonna end up a fucking mass shooter over this shit.
it just has to be his last shot at a family or he legit loves her even overseeing her feminist horseshit.