Currently visiting Amerimutt and i can confirm the rumors

Ive seen more non-whites then whites, its like Brazil over here

california is not america

You're probably just in a city.

it's like a nigger circus

Q predicted this

You have to go at least an hour away from a city before you get to civilization

this. Our once beautiful cities 99% built by white men, have been lost to invading hordes with their thankless hand out.


Literal definition of a cuck

I've been to both places. The US is worse than Brazil, far worse. Also people are more mixed in the US than in Brazil. The Muttmeme is clearly an underestimation of the total degeneracy of that place


sure you are canuck

>flys to NY
>spends a week in new york city
>flys to LA
>spends a week in Los Angeles

No I went to Wyoming who every Mutt claims is White and it was a shitshow

I wish Americans would just accept that they're not a white country anymore. It's painful to watch this desperate flailing and writhing. Have some dignity.

To be honest, I don't get why they don't just ally with ISIS already, they are all brown folks anyhow

Can confirm. There is a disproportionate amount of blacks in Wyoming.

>b-but we're white

there is no fucking way a Swede went to Wyoming. Jo, jag vet. Du ar bara bajs och du vet det.

Your fortune: Excellent Luck

I live in Montana and it's nothing but nigger cowboys out here. Yee-haw!

Neither is anywhere south of the Mason-Dixon line.

wyoming is white trash nigger city, fuck off your country is becoming the first islamic caliphate you cucked whore.

Sweden unironically has more white people than you mutt.

>says the other muslim united kingdom
go fuck off somewhere else, sweden and your small shit hole is going to become islamiclly united who says we wont go under, but we wont go without a fight.


lol you dumb fags its like this almost everywhere

at least admit our plight

>but we wont go without a fight

Said the 52% mutt that just had a black president.

what now, you dumb nigger

nothing wrong with being a mutt. genetic diversity leads to healthier offspring.

also, being a mutt, it's really easy to get laid in scandinavian countries perfect 10 blondes.

American whites don't fucking understand how completely fucked out they are. A good portion of them hide out in white suburban areas where they don't have to face whats happened to their country.

Whites that actually travel all the time or work in important places (LA, NYC, Chicago, Bay Area, Miami) already KNOW 100% that whites are a total minority in this country.

le 56% is enormously generous. There are millions of nonwhites (Iranians, jews, etc) counted as whites, and millions of uncounted illegals.

Whites (even pol whites) are in a delusional state of denial.


who cares. shut up you tiny-dicked insecure nazi faggot.

Stay out of major cities and you'll never see any uppity niggers. You may see a few working class blacks bitching about spics but that's it
Black liberals have to much control in Northern states

Hmm when the boomers retire and non-whites take over more positions of power I wonder if the US will collapse?

>implying you nigger have ever left your shithole country

Not in about 30 years. Same can be said of your country. We still have huge pockets of whites who still breed you dont.

did you visit cities
>t.mixed kid

You are our men on the ground.

Do they shart in mart?

Confession time:
I unironically work in a building with a guy that looks pretty much like that .jpg

I only see him in the elevators but, since I work 10th floor and he's 7th, its a kind of long trip down or up.

One time he was talking with his 'sensei' about getting all his belts on some sort of display rack and I just lost it. Now I can't look at him without :skrokskrokskrokbwahahahahahaha: and he just glares at me.

Help me Sup Forums

>Black liberals have to much control in Northern states

Am I living in bizarroworld or are you? I grew up in a southernmost state in a city with a black mayor, a mostly black police force, and like 60% of my school was black. In high school we moved to northernmost state, and until I moved out of said state again I literally never saw a non-white person.

bump for solidarity but also to raise awareness about the fact that some Americans are very fat and predatory drug companies have produced pills such as Orlistat to take advantage of them.

What these drugs do is they prevent fat from being digested at a normal rate. Now if a person takes these pills and they don't eat much fat, that's not a problem, but if they could do that, they wouldn't need these pills, so of course they don't. This rush of undigested fat is then shat out uncontrollably.

This is a major problem in American grocery marts, because this is the main public place frequented by a person who would use these pills.

This is the history behind the phrase "shart in mart", and it's not just an internet meme, it's a real world tragedy brought about by pharmaceutical companies who pay for access to the people that write the laws that allow them to use couched language when marketing their horrible products to the consumers that they intentionally miss-inform.

You need better b8, son.

>All these butthurt amerimutts.

Just give in and embrace your 56% DNA.

It's true, all of it.

>too poor to go to a white neighborhood

...Fuck it.
I'M 56%! Happy?

Just stop. Stop trying to defend America as white. I'm American, been to all states. It's all niggers and spics as far as the eye can see. I'm one of the whitest people in America and we are a huge minority I don't care what FBI statistics say.

Feels good to be whiter than everyone in that pic. Only downside is they hate me for it subconsciously everywhere I go because my mere existence destroys their delusion that they are white.

So then I guess the SJWs are right when they whine about you being overrepresented huh?

Maybe but every white person should stop trying to justify their actions and just steamroll everyone. Fuck fairness and shit. No justification needed to be #1

>Mexican laughing at the 56% meme when the only reason for the meme is because of Mexicans
I for one have never even seen a white person. I’m not sure they really exist.

Democracy doesn’t survive a white-minority America, so it’s really just a matter of preference. If I was a POC I’d be an ardent white supremacist, because the only thing that would let my black ass survive in America long-term is a healthy and confident white majority.

American mixed breeds were created by the jews
we are their golems
I don't want live anymore

How's walmarts treating you on your America trip?

>Stop trying to state facts and accept my stupid fucking meme and ignore how fucking retarded I am

T. Self-hating 56%'ers.

Not everyone is una abominaciónes like you

>100% European

wait, american whites are 56% white dna? i thought it was 56% of the population? which are you trying to sell?

You don't understand averages. That's a sign of a non-white.

this is fucking bullshit. most of the people in my state look whiter than most native Britons
it's just a coping mechanism, notice how all amerigoblin/mutt threads are started by swedes, germans or brits. go ahead and reply with a goblin face, but just remember that schlomo is thanking you for your demoralization efforts.

No, dumb nigger. Only 56% out of 56% of white Americans who are considered white by American standards of whiteness are actual white

Most of the people who say they're white in America aren't. They check white on the census. Rednecks who are on average 30% Native American / Mexican / etc think they are pure whites. Lightskinned spics &

All this infighting, hehe you dumb goys!

I'm 100% European. My family came from English fishing villages in the early 20th century. I'm English, French, and German.

I'm not an Amerimutt.

My parents moved to America from Netherlands when I born. I feel like the whitest person in America. The American "Rednecks" really aggravate me because they think they are pure white and even join white supremacist groups like the KKK all the while looking like pic related. Not even close to white.

That's why bitch. Now the US can get the fuck out of California.

Feel fortunate. Some of the "whiter" parts of the country are more dangerous, especially for some cuckopean

Soon to be 46%

>mfw I fuck bored and lonely white women with husband overseas fighting for our freedom when I go do maintenance work at their homes.

Ha, you're a cuck

Go to your cuckshed, cuck

yo I'm still pure dutch, my grandparents immigrated. The same is true here, I'm one of the whitest guys wherever I go. The dutch canadians I know are based

yeah I have to admit that we are done for. when the jews stop printing dollars we will race war over Doritos and Pepsi

kek. I bet not even France is that bad.

>most of the people in my state look whiter than most native Britons

Right? That shit's so cash. I love it when they have a brown baby and their white husbands think they gave birth to a "tan german" lol

Dafuq? One year ago that was 62%. What happened?

reminder that under the american system of designating race, the uk, france and germany are all 97% white.

not saying things here arent going the same way but lets not kid ourselves that the us at this point is anything but a warning of whats to come.

This. Its blackpilling as fuck. Ok maybe not 30% but certainly 40% or so. When I mean white I mean undeniably northwestern european stock the type who founded this country white. I mean families where everyone has variations of colored hair and eyes, and so on. There are so many goddam mutts in this nation its sickening

>I deserve this city because I have the same color skin as the people who actually made it

>race is skin color




The town I live in is well over 95% white (and thats genuine white) and its hardly a paradise, most white people are trash.
I'm not sure if this pill even has a colour but whatever decisions I've been making in life this past year its to only ever help other white people that fucking deserve it, even if its as little as choosing where to buy lunch or who to be polite too, not every white person is worth saving and nor are our host countries.

My goal going forward is to make money, only hire the best white people and to only deal with the best white people. Bit like how the tribe do it. Blackpilling yourself over the suicidal white race worldwide is a bit like getting depressed because the band on the Titanic keep playing while the ships going down, fuck them and get on a lifeboat, look what you can do for your own people.

love how much this meme triggers muttburger redd*tors

nah nigger, humans suck. nothing new here.

but with your cunt being invaded by hostile locusts and you being a minority in your own home, its gonna suck alot more- South Africa style.

Today I went for a job interview at Discover financial.
And the office was literally decorated in rainbow flags, and I saw them hire a fat nigger cunt with dreadlocks on the spot.
The waiting room was filled with subhuman refugees and somali's wearing headscarves.
What Happened guys? Has America truly fallen?
The 90's seemed so comfy.

try living in brazil, london, NYC, brussels, paris, toronto. you'll soon regret you ever left your village

Do you not teach nogs to read in the USA?
I already said most white people are trash, I'm already outnumbered and Scotland was 95% white last time they checked, I don't even consider most white people the same race as me.

Best if they can't read

It's because all of the white people are at home indoors while the rest of the disgusting non-white masses are homeless and on the streets. Duh.

californian here. can confirm

Why would I ever go to any of those places to live lol.
Theres about 60-70k people here, its not a village but it isnt a slum either.

When burgers or anyone else say 'white people built this land/city', thats on the same level as all blacks saying theyre oppressed by past slavery, in all likelihood our ancestors would be utterly disgusted by what their descendants have turned into and so am I, theyve chosen the faux reality of celebrity, socialism and mediocrity.

Varg said it best, having white skin doesnt give anyone magic powers, you need to do more.

Implying you'd be intelligent enough to understand that if you weren't white.