>CNN Shit Bricks! The jig is up
HAPPENING! They are Covering their Tracks
>Anderson Pooper
Here comes the propaganda machine to tell you what it is fake news.
Lol his dad's an FBI agent.
Not an actor just a RL paid shill
I saw this. Even a CIA elite bloodliner like Cooper can't keep the narrative going with confidence anymore.
guys there's videos of the incident and you are calling it a conspiracy?
Can we just admire the shooters tenacity and forward thinking? that's the kind of brain power we need in america today. Someone who can analyze and interpret
>CIA Bloodline
Pretty sure the Vanderbilt's predate parasite alphabet agencies
He's probably a crisis actor. He has major connections because of his father.
Guys there’s video of 911 it has to be real
Delet this right fucking now
>I'm not a crisis actor
If he's not a crisis actor why the hell would he have to go on CNN as say he's not?
So stupid.
This fuckery is just another case of people doing what they do best......missing the point of the information that is being presented to them and jumping to what in their minds seems like a logical infallible solution based on the swag of their well developed human intellect.... we are fucking stupid . if our track record shows anything its that we are fucking retards for the most part . world fucking champions at starting off in the right direction and then losing momentum and playing ourselves , people are genuinely seeing massive problems with what is shown by nasa, the flaws in the production are making these fucking superstars believe what they are seeing as an accurate representation of our position in space. its not. this serves the people trying to deceive us by causing confusion about whats going on .
school shooting procedure = lock the classrooms and wait for SWAT
cmon user, there isn't much to it.
Nah! Kike Shills will tell us all of this is a RUSSIAN BOT CUMSPIRACY
>Statement released from guilty man: "I din du nuffin"
This kid goes to LA every summer. He is an actor who also happened to have his school shot up. Just check his twitter.
This shit is more annoying than pizzagate
Give a buck
let's get this started
>im not a crook
Persuasive landmine
use fucking quotes you miserrable newfag
have you see cloverfield? they can’t keep covering up that monster
this faggot and his 5 friends have hauled in over $2 million on their gofundme scam. oprah just gave 500k
>@Oprah: George and Amal, I couldn’t agree with you more. I am joining forces with you and will match your $500,000 donation to ‘March For Our Lives.’ These inspiring young people remind me of the Freedom Riders of the 60s who also said we’ve had ENOUGH and our voices will be heard.
>I'm not a crisis actor
thats exactly what crisis actor would say
Honestly the shooting was real BUT the fbi knew about it and perhaps helped in some ways. The boy has been groomed from a young age to be the face of this. Explain it to people like this and they may get it.
>This kid goes to LA every summer. He is an actor who also happened to have his school shot up. Just check his twitter.
> This shit is more annoying than pizzagate
>andy blooper
michael savage
yes, they are conspiring with jews to promote gun control
How many rounds were fired?
What kind of bullets?
Can we see pictures of the bullet casings and pictures of the ballistic damage?
Who was the dead black girl?
What parts of the school specifically was the shooter in?
What was in the bodybag being taken out of the school?
Why was there the instant call to demolish the school?
How come Browardschools.com was created in 1996, while Browardschools1.com was created last year?
Are any autopsy reports going to be released?
Why did the ALLEGED shooters brother get sent to a psychiatric facility just days ago?
How did the laptop get shot and still have a functioning backlight?
Why is there no transparency?
give shekels
Kek. His contract would of course be written to not allow him to ever EVER under any circumstances admit that he is acting while he is in a role
I wouldn't make fun of the last vanderbilt if I was you
GUYS He's not a fucking crisis actor, okay? Just... c'mon... okay? Believe us for just a minute now, please, okay?
>everyone believes the opposite of what cnn says by default
>airs this
Ok now I am fucking certain.. They WANTED this to be a botched psyop. They WANTED it to be found out.
Why? What could the endgame be?
how about you go shoot up a school and tell me how hard it is you punk ass white boy nigger trap chink doodle. I graduated from the navy seals and i'll have you know he was top level intelgence and what he did was damn fucking impressive
This is debunked.. go. Have ... A .. nap.
the weirdest part about all this is the random students who were interviewed who said they were told that police would be conducting fake shooting drills. when has that ever been a thing?
Don't go down that road. People will immediately discount you. Be more moderate. People will believe that people died but it was known by fbi and used for gun control.
no you just circlejerk about some images that someone makes for the keks
I guess it pays to do the work for the NWO.....where can I sign up desu....would sell out Sup Forums for a couple thousand bucks
rub it in our faces.
Can't fake this.
Happy as pigs in shit getting their big break. Nauseating.
Is it just me or does fbi dad look like fucking strzok?
Ok you are a misinformation shill
>walk on campus
>start blasting niggas
there's literally no procedure for a school shooting beyond locking the classroom doors and waiting for SWAT to arrive. I graduated in '14, I had to do the same drills he did and even had a real lockdown once.
>Its a "russiacucks start another CNN conspiracy because no one watches RT" episode
>17 year old kid
gotta love those cushy government retirement plans
whos dead, they havent said any victims, what gun was used, etc etc theres literally nothing there.
Dis gon b gud.
it's easy to hide. hard to shoot. you wont know how hard it is to do it unless you do it. you cuck
>corporation directly linked to kid denies allegation that kid is a plant
Phew, that’s settled. Anyone sleepy?
Most of these are reasonable. No one doubts columbine because we saw the security camera footage.
they are sliping. we have a man inside. the fire rises.
they actually want civil war, this is the only thing that makes sense now
wakanda if true
Probably the only thing that will save their bosses from prison.
oh shit we have them on the defense
it's easy to shoot kids when the procedure involves staying in place and hoping the shooter doesn't find you before SWAT finds him, stop shitposting
Worked really well for Nixon, didn't it?
You seem rather desperate.
>memeflag calling other newfag
Is this a new spot?
I love how CNN has become a reactionary narrative to Sup Forums after hours.
>If he's not a crisis actor why the hell would he have to go on CNN as say he's not?
>So stupid.
No, what's stupid is that you think someone who actually went through a school shooting and wasn't a crisis actor would just stay quiet about it and not lash out at the people who are shit talking him.
This things tend to to get messy.
The trick it's not trusting nothing but the proofs.
Honestly the deep state is pretty chill.
>maintains cheap beaner slave labor force
>sends our bad ass military to fight and stay sharp constantly
>obsessed with geopolitical control
>rich as fuck
>maintains infighting among niggers
>get dirt on everyone
>been in the game longer than anyone
whats the big deal guys? why not just let em take the wheel? I'm a white dude who grew up a rich kid in Montana. Everything's always been fine for me and people like me. Why upset the system that's maintained that for me and my kind?
Of course a fucking Aussie
Not a real person's room.
Don't even try reasoning with these retards. They want to think that they're special and that they have the inside scoop on some huge conspiracy, and nothing you say will break their delusions.
No, Hogg is an opportunist milking his classmates' deaths for money and fame. However, people are talking this opportunism and extending it into something greater.
The Jew World Order dies this year.
you literally cannot be any more obvious kike
>teehee aren't we just soo stupid goys?
Isn't it interesting that *you* should mention pizzagate.
>His contract would of course be written
Yes, because people engaging in criminal conspiracies like this always commit their crimes to writing.
>This shit is more annoying than pizzagate
pizza gate claimed Haiti aid groups were raping kids
that turned out to be true
what is the deal on this? i know this is fishy. just not sure if theyre all crisis actors on set here or what.
Jesus christ look at how small his arms are
>center back row
is this the dead black girl?
is that blonde actually hot or just playing an angle in this pic?
Why does this keep happening Sup Forums? When will it end?
PROTIP: When someone says they're innocent, they're fucking guilty.
That little soyboy bitch is guilty as shit.
user, we are just lowly neets
leave us alone, all we want are tendies
What the fuck are you talking about?