Anyone else amazed at how differently Obama and Trump treated events after mass shootings?
Anyone else amazed at how differently Obama and Trump treated events after mass shootings?
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Friendly reminder that a prime tactic of Jews for subverting their host societies is hysterical moralizing against cultural currents which might function to identify them as the parasites which they are
After the press conference, Obama cleaned up his fake tears and then murdered children in the middle east via drone strikes.
Obama cried when he had to flush his shit
The man was a pussy that would piss out tears through his clit ducts every time was on tv
If Pearl Harbor happened while he was in office he wouldn’t have attacked he would have if if if if and cried like a bitch
This is what the difference is between a leader and a woman
Hi CTR, not everyone thinks that photo-ops are real.
As a Liberal I agree with you that their has been attempts to ignore Obama's drone strikes which is very disgusting.
However, Conservatives do not care about Muslims. Every time a Muslim dies, Conservatives get happy. Conservatives only use drone strikes as a deflection for horrible things Trump is doing.
Obama did a great job taking care of American children, however it is sad he did not pay as much attention to global children around the world.
Leaders crying is wack and makes them look weak no matter how tragic the event.
>Guy that wants to be controlled by a Hitler style strong man dictator.
If my dad wouldn’t cry for it
my president shouldn’t
Obama look at that sunset
Trump keeps it real, b.hussein's crocodile tears only fool liberals
I don't blame you. It is in a nationalist's nature to be desired to be cucked by a dictator.
Trump doesn't cry cause he isn't a little punkass bitch like Obama. Abloo, abloo muh children. What a fucking pussy
Why are you suck a fucking cuck, Canada?
What did Obama do after Sandy Hook except cry?
A leader need to keep our spirit up, not fucking demoralize us by looking weak in public, like Obama did.
Muslims don't belong in our countries and deserve the pain they get for invading us
"Cucked" countries are superior.
>hysterical moralizing against cultural currents which might function to identify them as the parasites which they are
That's their prime tactic? Reeeeally? Gosh.
Call me in 5 years 49%
My point exactly, you people do not care about drone strikes. You use it as a political tool.
>Canadian wants his leaders to be weak, blubbering pussies
That explains a lot actually
Holding the left up to their own standard is unfair now?
Sure they are, Chang.
friendly reminder that anyone crying on tv is faking it and should be shamed
I'm sorry, wat? How does a school shooting expose the Jews as rats? I don't see your point. Stop being retarded.
one is appealing to emotion
the other logic
did you cry after the shootings OP?
Kek you got me in a box user bro
You win this round
Why would I care about % white? Diversity is our strength.
>diversity is our strength
>Wanting crybaby faggots crying after any time in which one should be strong
Damn, soyboi.
>sociopaths/psychopaths tend to do well in the business world and in leadership roles
>we elected a real estate tycoon to run the country
>people are surprised when he doesn't empathize with a thing
We didn't put him in office to hand out hugs. America is a business. At this point, if he pretended to give a fuck beyond his normal range, it'd be flat out weird and you know it.
You use Chang as a insult. But there is nothing wrong with having a large asian population, or that of any other race.
Dude who cares if he cried! Do you know what a PR stunt is? What's worse than not showing compassion is pretending that you had some to begin with.
Stop using terms you don't understand
>some bullied faggot wants the entire world to get put on pause for his sake, for everyone to cry, if not for them, then because of them
>occupy highest office in the land
Which way? Should you give the killers and their copycats what they want? Should you cry on tv and show everyone how upset it made you?
You guys are serious aren't you?
You can't notice the double standards you apply to whites vs other races.
The President of the United States shouldn't be crying publicly, for any reason, period.
This. Crying is 'some bitch nigga shit', as they'd say in urban areas.
Can you imagine Teddy Roosevelt or Andrew Jackson turning into some blubbering mess like this? Act like a fucking man and be a leader. My dad's best friend was murdered and he didn't cry about it, at least not in front of the family he was leading.
Trump has disdain for the pleb.
One's a faggot who cries and doesn't do anything of value. One's a man who addresses the issue and moves the fuck on. What else am I missing here?
Trump is a fucking psychopath.
He'll start a war to save his ass from Russia related impeachment.
Obama tries to use crocodile tears to get gun control, how many times has he cried for the kids dying daily in Chicago? Yeah me neither.
u do realize by that metric you're 10% right
they know
its just that they want you dead.
Both shootings were hoaxes. The fact Obama shed crocodile tears just makes me hate him more.
There is nothing wrong with having a large Asian population in Asia, in North America however there shouldn't be any Asians.
This is legitimately amusing to me