What makes people believe that we are the same?
What makes people believe that we are the same?
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The jews
This is all I got for comparisons. Does anyone else have more.
I know who is spreading it, but why do people believe it? How could you possibly look at black and white nations and think that we are the same because the TV told you so?
two hands and two feet to kill and run, two eyes to look the other property, one brain that make you feel above other, one mouth to talk shit about others. your color or bone shape does not make you different.
Genes -> protein creation -> brain development -> behaviour -> culture
dislike this picture because it's exaggerating. would be more powerful if it wasn't.
its the same dimensions, but feel free to edit.
no wonder they run so fast and jump so high, they got more leg!
"Imagine No Niggers"
smaller pelvises and smaller heads, white men and women have larger heads at birth/larger hips.
what are you trying to tell me?
Don't forget the genetic mesh. If you are raised by your biological parents they create an environment that re-enforces genetic controlled aspects of culture and behavior. You also are predisposed to befriend and associate with genetically simular persons that have simular behaviors and cultural additives under genetic control.
use that slightly smaller prefrontal cortex to figure it out mah nigga
hmmmm wonder if it is possible that the cranial capacity of humans could be very correlated to human intelligent... And that on average Caucasian male have a larger crancial capacity than African American male so this explaining the average IQ differences. Hmm really makes you think. I wonder why (((they))) say everyone is equal.
good concept, didnt know there was a term for that application of epigenetics.
>What makes people believe that we are the same?
both can read, both can walk, both are women and start talk woman things..... you are just taking excuses because you try to feel superior to other, talk with the Hindu people or Pakistan people even Chinese two of them are brown, and one yellow, all of them have nuclear weapon, they have factories and have their own philosophy. the difference in their bone shape and genes is just an evidence of the adaptive changes in the environment. And that picture does not mean anything.
Is the top picture Sweden?
Looks like Alexis Texas.
trash in trashbags and not in the water
That niggeress has alot of white in her with thoes facial features.
Hot af, would threesome
The parts where niggers live are starting to look like that tbqh
>skin is different and bone is different
>behaviour and culture is different
>they arent different at all
>you just want to feel superior
You are afraid of the truth, pussy bitch
>trash in trashbags and not in the water
overall brain/head size don't correlate with intelligence, however size differences in some areas of the brain (most notably the frontal lobe) do.
oh look user can cherrypick.
Because they are addicted to feel goods and social media e-celeb bloggots told them that anything negative is bad and if someone tells you something that makes you feel bad you should reject it. Plus, almost everyone has at least one black friend that isn't a nigger and they tend to project their experience with their non-nigger black friend onto all blacks and niggers.
Ultimately, though, with the youngins I'd say it's an issue of expedience. Saying and believing that everyone is the same while ignoring things that conflict with that is easier and less time consuming to do than to actually face the truth and everything that comes with it.
*doesn't correlate
person in backhoe cleaning the water, small portion of river filled with trash. No children playing in the pollution.
I could go on.
India is the biggest shithole in the world. Even within different tribe there are differences.
>brain size doesnt correlate with intelligence
>but it does if its the frontal lobe
You get a gold medal for your mental gymnastics.
Well done.
Dumb people confuse "equality under the law" with equality of physical skill, genetics, intelligence, etc. Somehow out of the 1960s anti-racism and civil rights movement, the seed got planted in the social sciences that everyone is the same. It's an offshoot of Marxist teachings.
I think mostly it's just a feel good maneuver by leftists and educators to not appear to be discriminatory. Leftism values the perception of being compassionate and helping others over actual science and facts.
What you said plus you can tell that it's a multi culti place. Whites have built it and others are doing their best to destroy it and whites are then fixing it.
Having a slightly larger frontal lobe and say, slightly smaller temporal, occipital and parietal lobes would result in an overall smaller brain volume but would still have a greater chance of being above average intelligence. Additionally things like the level at which glycine is present and depth of ones grooves also correlate with intelligence.
>keep doing mental backflips bud
genetics = basis for developement and behaviour
>More recently, a genome-wide association study which included 20,000 human subjects was widely reported by the media to have discovered an “IQ gene.” According to their results, certain variations in the HMGA2 gene, which codes for a protein that helps regulate DNA transcription and cell growth, are correlated with increased intracranial volume as well as enhanced IQ.
Genetically we re very similar, but still it's kind of semantics in determining sub species.
you can be spared on the day of the meatball and shitty furniture
Exactly. Science is pretty clear that intelligence is genetic, like most things even obesity risk is linked with gene polymorphisms in different populations.
The Jew is only a piece of the evil. Within the white race we have losers that have genetically low intelligence. We call them Democrats, a euphemism for evil Communist.
Those genetically low IQ whites hate the successful man. The more intelligent man. It is these whites that make the Jew propaganda work by pushing it everywhere continuosly. That is why pretending we are all equal "works". The inferior whites among us push the Jew hatred of communism among us BECAUSE IT MAKES THEM FEEL GOOD about their own inferiority.
look at this And this is a member of our race brought down from generations of cultural subversion by the jews. You can tell from the race mixing Mexicans in the background, to the lack of family for the person to the lack of housing most likely due to jew economy keeping money lean and promotion of land speculation as well as most likely drug involvement which is promoted in culture by the jews as well.
>whole song about money is everything
>1:16 lil pump still sells that meth
>average tweaker.jpg
>multiple odd drug refrences
>live in jewmerica where money is promoted as the marker for how important you are
obviously average meth dealer lil pump has nothing to do with selling drugs or having you bitch do cocaine but it is put in there to confuse the gentile population between the two concepts and to misguide them to degeneracy.
Cultural subversion in action. This is just one example of an endless steam of cultural subversion.
Fucking love Liseberg winter theme
Thst amusement park is in Gothenburg, but has seen huge rise in young people being robbed and young girls groped. I do wonder why... Cant place my finger on it...
How did the symmetry improve just by making her white?
AI has a harder time parsing out black features.
I like how you're just quoting googled articles without even knowing anything about the subject by yourself.
Stop leafposting. It was funny for a while but it's over. You have to come up with something different.
don't get me wrong, I agree with you but some of your facts we're simply incorrect