Was she really an actor?

Alexa Miednik's brother's tweet. twitter.com/JakeMiednik/status/963884126515408896 Also her twitter is gone now @babymiednik

Other urls found in this thread:


da comrade we have foiled the crisis actor plot

Can the czech-slovaks be anymore based ?

Post-shooting fallout:

>some kid is a crysis actor
>one hundred fapping posts containing this girl


I would do unspeakable things for her.

I think she's a "polish" kike. I think she was the only student to be interviewed who wasn't a prepared crisis actor. Either her account was deleted or she was forced to do it herself. She was also the only interviewed student that was a Trump supporter, and of course she said that there was another shooter

He also has a random picture from 2012 of a picture of a campaign sticker for Scott Israel. Dunno what the relation is as I can't imagine him caring about county sheriff 6 years ago

Ah, he know's his son, Brett Israel.

Not sure if woke or joo trick.

This is the only reason this place isn't digging through her entire life right now. Anons like to talk a big game, but there isn't a straight man here who wouldn't lose 10 lbs. fucking her stupid.

She it the perfect mix of cute and sexy


shes pretty sexy


Rape her. Duh it’s 2018 bruh

Her name is Alexa, Her brother's name is Jacob Alex. Algorithm may just assume both are the same person when in reality they are just related

i was so confused by her story and still cant believe the shitty interviewer didnt ask her for more details

fappening when?

her birthday is actually March 4th


Then couldn't it just as easily guess her age wrong? This bitch ain't 21.


Funny hats...

definitely one of todays best memes.

Oh my god
She's so fucking hot
I want her to dress me up like a girl and tease me so badly!

My god

Holy fuck

She looks like a Thot. Just look at her facial expression...

twitter.com/eleanoralishaev/status/705775417823727617 she turns 18 this year so she's most likely a senior there

okay. yall just cant make this shit up anymore. I think I'll just go to bed now.

>she approaches you in bar
>she used a fake ID to get in
>seems legit, you have no reason to think she’s really 17
>you relentlessly pound her from behind and wake up the next day feeling happy and content
>two weeks later cops show up and arrest you
>she was 17
>oh fug.GIF
>go to jail
>other inmates hear you’re a PEDOPHILE
>you get gang raped by niggers everyday
>the apathetic guards don’t care, you’re a PEDOPHILE
>you hang yourself in your cell

This... this is freedom

Anyone else just so fucking sick of everything, I legit have tears in my eyes.

> and In this moment, crisisfus were memed

Jesus fucking christ. We are without a doubt being destroyed from the inside by Jews, and no one's doing anything about it

Pretty much. Crazy world we live in. I would have swore she looks at least 20, to be honest.

You couldn't go to jail if she only dressed you up like a girl
>tfw sissy sex is better than straight sex

Can't happen. If she is in a bar with an id, you walk free.

Maybe an acting profile page...gone too.

Instagram page gone as well...

she knew zach cruz well enough to friend him

she is the niece of this guy who is big jew with connections

21 and in highschool, just answer that one

Doesn't look like military intelligence contractor at all...

i would titty fuck her but she's for sure an actor along with Hogg & Co.


Looks pretty prime
Maybe someone should rape, kill, and then question her

yea the families in this story really have all the bases covered

Get help, user.

I'm trying to get help, but none of the girls I meet every want to dress me up!

wrong board, this is Sup Forums, not /lgbt/

There's nothing gay about getting dressed up like a girl by your gf.

>There's nothing gay about getting dressed up like a girl by your gf.

Yep, checks out.

Damn it. I only occasionally regret calling the twitter staff nigger cock sucking jews in my last appeal to my ban. I got life in twitter prison. This is one of the times I regret it.