Name a more redpilled movie
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Name a more redpilled movie
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Passion of the Christ
Triumph des Willens
This is true. Passion tried to be historical. 300 tried to be comic book.
>Written by a jew (Miller)
>Directed by a jew (Snyder)
never change, neu-Sup Forums
big spartan penis and bisexual alexander and the sacred band of thebes. now featuring no shirts. me rikey
> historical
Was Leonidas a soy boy?
WTF I hate Jews now!!!
>Frank Miller juden
Explain this. I've only read one of his works and clearly hes pro anarchy/fascism
I saw this in a hotel a couple weeks back, hadn't watched it since it first came out. I loved it, like a lot. It's the last movie I can think of that is an unbridled celebration of masculinity and warrior ethos, it was refreshing even if slightly homoerotic.
>The film was a commercial success, though it was highly controversial for its portrayal of black men (many played by white actors in blackface) as unintelligent and sexually aggressive towards white women, and the portrayal of the Ku Klux Klan (KKK) as a heroic force.
Smoky and the bandit
>The Red Pill
both awesome, polar opposites, but good
neither of them are jews
>A movie about made up history with roided up actors prancing around shirtless
Nu-pol is ruining this place
Sands of Iwo Jima
Russian 300.
I fucking loved that movie, it was a masterpiece
Spartans were literally the gayest culture in recorded history. Their women used to have to dress up like men to get pregnant.
Also, the most redpilled movie is obviously Apt Pupil.
Angry Birds
looks pretty badass actually
I'll give it a shot
Jesus fuckign christ...
Network. Might be the most redpilled film ever made.
Yes. Was depressed for a week after watching it. Life was hard to live unconsciously.
Must See
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