How many of you have actually read this book?
How many of you have actually read this book?
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Listened to the audiobook. It was dull af to be honest. Way too much jerking off about the Austro-Hungarian Empire.
My grandad had a copy, but I never read it :/
I read it to be sure I wasn't biased. I read all kinds of things from the point of view of the victors of ww2.
I just finished Volume I today. So far.... pretty sublime. Almost prophetic. Want to know anything specific?
I want to, I'll get around to it soon
I was about to start it, but then
I've read plenty of old German conservative literature though, like Spengler's 1933 political pamphlet which is really mind-blowing and worth re-reading 10 times.
I have pics taken of parts of the book I found interesting. I'll dump them.
Just buy it for a dollar on amazon books and read the first 3 or four chapters. It tells you pretty much everything. I'm about 50 percent through it.
I didn't read it because Hitler was wrong.
these are just nuggets of interesting bits that i took photos of to post on my personal social media accounts in an attempt to redpill normies. once i got to the chapter on propaganda, i gave that up. hitler might as well have been a social scientist because his observations on group-think were brilliant.
Didn't Hitler hate the Austrian Empire as it was basically the European equivalent of Amerimutts.
What did Hitler think of America and their treatment towards niggers.
wow that's a boat load of broscience, does he cite anything credible or does Sup Forums accept everything as gospel?
that is one of his problems with it. he talks about it briefly during the beginning of the book.
He doesn't really mention it at all during Volume I. Tbh Hitler didn't really hate any race (except for the jews obvi). He believed the Aryans were superior and that inferior races should be subservient to the Aryan, but in a way akin to a Private being subservient to a General.
These are just snapshots of paragraphs I found interesting. He artistically goes into detail on everything, but I cherrypicked normie accessible bits.
not the best version but yes
it was a decent read, what should i add to my bookshelf next?
>that's a boat load of broscience
It's nothing out of the ordinary if you have read Schopenhaur or Morgenthau.
I read it over and over again like I’m some psychopath trying to figure out a bible. I gives me comfort. Heil Hitler.
I seriously think we should just do the same thing, like create a whole political system where we just pretend he is still alive. It would probably work just fine.
Why would a modern nazi want to read it?
It talks about 1920's german politics. Most of it is hardly relevant to today.
Last one. Its a good read, I highly recommend it. So far what I've learned is that Hitler's main issue wasn't hating the Jews, it was, in fact, loving the Germans. That is the primary reason for his actions.
Ok jew, that’s enough.
You're pretty fucking wrong. 1920's Germany is more relevant today than ever before. 1920's Germany has a lot in common with modern day America (and Europe). The Jew then and today has the same modus operandi. Its fucking identical, they haven't changed at all. They are more cocky, to be sure, but the same.
As a 'modern nazi' you should read tons of books if you are intelligent enough and have got the time for it. This book is one of those basic ones you should read as it is important historically and philosophically. You can read it in like a week if you reserve the time. Better than to shitpost on Sup Forums.
Yes. We are in 1950s Germany if Hitler was killed as a baby. The jew has built their masterpiece of pain and misery. Looking back at how we stopped them last time is our only hope.
Chapters 6 through 12 of Volume I (I haven't finished Volume II yet) are the most important so far, in my opinion.
This. I have already read 6 books this year. Most of them fiction. If you don't read you might as well be a fucking nigger.
Goebbels was smarter than Hitler
Do you all remember the part where he talks about how he used the word socialist and even the color red to troll the leftist. Whenever I here a fag today call him socialist I roll my eyes. Hitler was a genius on many levels.
The smartest man was not what was needed though.
I literally just got to that part lol. First chapter of Volume II or final chapter of Volume I if I remember correctly lol
Apparently it was.
The war ain’t over yet homie.
Thanks, I’ll go back to that. Mainly I love the propaganda sections. Nobody ever talks about propaganda any longer. It’s like we think it was a mysterious force that worked back then but no longer exists.
The chapter on propaganda was my favorite. He even drops some redpills on women in there too.
>Like the woman, who's psychic state is determined less by abstract reason than by an indefinable emotional longing for a force that will compliment her nature, and who, consequently, would rather bow to a strong man than dominate a weakling, likewise the masses prefer a commander to a petitioner
Yea, Stalag edition. I recommend everyone reading it. It goes into what Hitler wanted to achieve and his personal life.
Without a strong man women have turned to shit, and with a strong leader men have turned to shit. It really surprises me that people are able to live in this filthy world without reading that document. It makes the thing you see so understandable.
It makes perfect sense doesn't it? Like you said here I read it every day to keep my fucking sanity in this world. It gives me hope. One day soon we'll get our chance to finish his work. Once I get financially established I'm organizing right here in my town in Kentucky.
Stay strong and move forward. I am in Wyoming doing the same. Someday we will be a part of a grand force that is the echo of what he screamed into the void all those years ago. We will build the nice world he wanted, I truly believe that in my heart.
> Has never read Mein Kampf, yet flies the Hakenkruez....
GTFO pretender
I'm 0% White and I see why MK is so seductive. I can see how this can draw people in.
How the fuck do I deal with this?
I do too. The Overton Window is finally shifting back in our direction. Every time I'm on Youtube I see more and more anti-Jew comments. A lot more than there were 10 years ago. More and more by the month. Our moment is coming, and we'll be the strong leaders making great men and great women. Good luck to you, brother. Heil Hitler!
>implying the average IQ here isn't around 80
>implying this place isn't filled with lazy morons that do nothing but complain and will ever do anything for anyone that requires effort
As long as you aren't Jewish then embrace it. Hitler didn't hate non-whites, he hated Jews.
Heil Hitler!
What does being white have to with it? He fought the corrupt nigger kike destroying everyone's nations and people
I'm a non-white convert to Judaism wondering if they made a mistake. I'll never be a Hitler apologist or be an informer, but I've seen some shit on the inside.
3 times. 1st in the 8th grade just to see what all the hype was bout back in 04 didn't get what all the hype was about. Became woke and listened to it twice since gets better each time. Sometimes I wonder if I didn't become woke because of shit it implanted in my 14 year old brain.
>I'm a non-white convert to Judaism
Okay... three things. 1) Why the fuck would you convert to Judaism? 2) What race are you? 3) What kind of shit have you seen?
I havent finished it, stopped at about 80% to read other things .It's pretty dull on some parts and interesting in others because Hitler pays attention to details with an autistic degree but with a keen and reasonable mind.
So sometimes you find something you never thought about. Or something that is not relevant anymore and would interest you more if you were and history student.
I've read all the popular English translations and an original 1940's German copy at one point in my life or another.
They are drastically different in how "entertaining" it is to read.
The Manheim translation (probably the most commonly read) is way over translated, so it's a horrible experience actually reading it. Like reading Webster's dictionary front to back, so that's a big portion of why Mein Kampf gets a bad rap.
The Ford translation is by far the best I've read that keeps the tempo and feeling of the original German version. If you're going to read and study Mein Kampf, this is the one I would recommend.
As far as the book itself, I actually really like it. The parallels between modern society and what Hitler was describing are uncanny. It does tend to repeat things two or three times sometimes, but the sooner you understand this, the sooner you'll look past it's downfalls as a book: Hitler did not write this book, he spoke it. Mein Kampf is essentially one giant speech. Keep that in mind and you'll get a pretty interesting insight into Hitler's mind. Hitler himself didn't like the book much, Hitler was a speaker, not a writer.
The Doctrine Of Fascism is better
Same for me too, but I was missing some context on how perfidious the threat of jewry was so it turned me off. Then I read about Lithuanian history and how they were literally fighting against the General Jewish Labor Bund and the 80-85% jew run Bolsheviks, and when the USSR first invaded in the 20's they were saved by 10k German freikorps members. Later on they got annexed and over a quarter million killed or exiled, not to mention all of them enslaved. It's a good example because it really highlights explicit jewish involvement in murder and slavery and the heroes were men who became literal nazis.
Not that the filthy yidds will ever accept responsibility or acknowledge it, and opt for playing more victim cards instead.
i started it. ill finish it when ive less studying to do
its hitler who wrote it retard, of course we take it as gospel. what a stupid question, kys faggot
The religion is pretty Based, and I think the early rabbis were really on to something. The daily practices of meditation and working to discover the true nature of Divinity have been good for me. I don't think Jews have the only access to the Truth. I don't think it's a coincidence that the depths of Jewish mysticism coincides with the deepest truths of Tantra.
2. Not answering.
3. Zionism has rotted Judaism to the core. Calling that Thing a 'divine state' is an affront to God.
>Almost prophetic
How so?
In one of Hitler's speeches he said that the United States will never become a successful nation because it is a nation of mongrels. Look what's happening now.
>I'll never be a Hitler apologist or be an informer
You will once you've seen 'The Greatest Story Never Told', 'Europa: The Last Battle' and do extensive research.
3b. I think the Jewish hypercapitalist class would sell out other Jews. I don't trust them.
3c. No, not at all Jews are part of a 'conspiracy'. Sup Forumstards that think so are just lazy thinkers. Whites have plenty of nation- and race-traitors that better fit the accusations levied against the Jewish people.
Short summary?
Thanks for this post, I'm definitely picking up a copy of the Ford translation now. I was given the Manheim translation as a gift, and I can see what you mean. Herr Manheim's footnotes piss me the fuck off too. Idk anything about the guy, but he pilpuls like a Jew.
Well I highly recommend leaving Judaism. Head over to /fringe/ on cripplechan if you're interested in finding something new.
Almost prophetic in that all of his assessments of 1920's Germany can be applied to modern day America/Europe. If you will, history is repeating itself.
You're a massive faggot
t. mestizo national socialist
I have. It's poorly written autistic screeching with no sense of narrative. It's like nu-Sup Forums wrote a book but forgot to add the nuance and comedy and memes.
I think he thought the American treatment towards blacks were inhumane. In one of the Nazi propaganda there is a American figure destroying Berlin, while wearing the KKK robes.
He even respected Owen Wilson, recruited blacks into his ranks and was the first in Europe to end "black zoos". He never hated other races, only wanted races to keep to themselves and improve themselves, which is what NatSoc thrives for.
I'm gonna step outdoors to smoke a cigarette. Brb niggers.
>t. nigger who has never read it
>t. nigger who read a huffingtonpost article on Mein Kampf
I'm not going to leave the religion, but I've been seriously considering pulling back from the community. Like I said before, I believe in the practices. However, I'll head over to /fringe/ since I'm willing to learn sparks of Truth from other Traditions.
If you actually understand the Black Sun/Tantra/whatever, you'll understand that religion practiced correctly will have us arriving at the same Truth.
Yes, I'm red-pilled on the Demiurge.
Afuera, chucho!
>not just saying fuck it and smoking inside at the computer
Step your game up
>read it
I own it nigger.
I'm somewhat familiar with Kabbalistic Judaism. You'll like /fringe/ though. Board is pretty dead these days though, but it's worth browsing through old threads.
>Idk anything about the guy, but he pilpuls like a Jew.
If I remember correctly, he was a Jew, or at least a mischling, although now that I look for it I can't find a source.
Glad you ordered it.
I hope one day we will see the victory of our cause.
"Und ihr habt doch gesiegt"
Keep reading. I swear to god by the end of Chapter 3 I thought how nothing Hitler faced back then has changed today. The Social Democrats (((communists))) are still alive and well in Germany, and his critique of THEM are spot on.
History is written by the victors, and the victors paint themselves as heroes while the defeated enemies as monsters. Jews were """"coincidentally""" behind communism, capital banks, Bolshevism, and Red Russian Revolution. Allies hide warcrimes, while creating it for the axis. Misunderstandings, revision, and half truths play out as definitive truths.
A recommended watch.
>No, not at all Jews are part of a 'conspiracy'. Sup Forumstards that think so are just lazy thinkers.
You sound like someone that doesn't frequent this board much, since most who don't usually cry "muh poletarde". No, of course all jews are behind literally everything and have a hive mind, but the a lot of subversive activism, degeneracy, and industry leaders are """coincidentally""" jews or related to jews.
I heard he wrote this in prison
>Zionism has rotted Judaism to the core.
Zionism is the true enemy, and will destroy all humanity unless we stop it.
IMO, Kabbalah is just Tantra poorly translated into the Jewish tradition.
If you're not Jewish, just do Tantra.
If you *are* Jewish, study both. Tantra is simply an older and higher quality tradition that explains its concepts in a clear and actionable way. Kabbalah was purposefully convoluted. That said, you should be pretty firm in your monotheism, since naively understood Tantra will challenge that.
The title "My Struggle" is a play off of Darwin's gay book. The full title was "Origin of Species in the struggle for life"
I own the book, read it my first time at 14 years old, when I was 12 I was forced to read anne frank and daniel's story shenanigans, i loved germany and their culture and dug since i knew something wasn't right
at 16 I was told my a teacher that "some people" wouldn't like what I was ssaying. referring to (((((9them))))))
I'm not going to get into a pissing match with you. I've been on pol plenty, and have been on Sup Forums since 2007.
I'm going to question YOU though. Have you not been around Sup Forums and Sup Forums enough to realize that larping racism and antisemitism has brought actual slack-jawed idiot yokels to Sup Forums?Do you really not see the immense amount of lazy thinking that happens on Sup Forums? 90% of this board are lemmings falling for the latest slide. 90% of this board is about as valuable as leddit
Started once but didn't find it very interesting. Though I don't find these kinds of books in general that interesting anyway. Might be a good read for people who read others to organize their own thinking, but I never had the patience for narratives.
I dont need to. I hate jews.
And like I said, Whites need to take care of their race- and nation-traitors.
I like national socialism but I don't like the jew shit
You know what?
Post some of his speeches and nazi sympathetic documentaries.
I wanna see how deep this rabbit hole goes.
> I know that feel.
I read it in high school. Nothing I didn't know already
really? i thought i was the only one
my grandma has one with a written dedication by the führer himself somewhere in the cellar
do you think its worth something?
>Have you not been around Sup Forums and Sup Forums enough to realize that larping racism and antisemitism has brought actual slack-jawed idiot yokels to Sup Forums?
Actually, I've been to Sup Forums before it was even named Sup Forums. Also no, the racism and anti-semitism wasn't just
>le satire XDD
It was real. Some idiot kids might have done it to be edgy, but after researching things and genuinely getting 'redpilled'(I hate that term) it all becomes clear. Next thing you're gonna tell me is that Sup Forums was a left wing liberal board.
Defiantly read "for my Legionaries". Incredible book from an incredible man.
>do you think its worth something?
It's worth more than money, user. It's an artifact and reminder of days gone. If you are gonna sell it, might as well scan them and post 'em here before.
>do you think its worth something?
In Germany? 2 to 3 years I recon
>If you are gonna sell it
dont worry i wont
>scan them and post 'em here before
good idea
its actually not a big deal tough because she used to work at blohm&voss in hamburg (the shipyards) during her bdm time (league of german girls)
hitler wrote about ~20 of these dedications into these books praising their "voluntary" work there
also 2-3 sentences referring to their first names like some poem
keep it secret, keep it safe
I still have my Manheim translation from high school, with the Abe Foxman introduction cut out with scissors. I've heard others knock it, but I think it's more to do with the Jewish nonsense that crops up as footnotes.
I have a soft spot for Ralph Manheim too for his translations of Louis-Ferdinand Celine.