Hmm I wonder who is spreading lies about David Hobb??
Hmm I wonder who is spreading lies about David Hobb??
Other urls found in this thread:
Hogg, w/e
you mean, besides us?
That was me, sorry user. Just searching for images to post in another thread.
How many rounds were fired?
What kind of bullets?
What caliber of bullets?
Can we see pictures of the bullet casings and pictures of the ballistic damage?
Who was the dead black girl?
What parts of the school specifically was the shooter in?
What was in the bodybag being taken out of the school?
Why was there the instant call to demolish the school?
How comeBrowardschools.comwas created in 1996, whileBrowardschools1.comwas created last year?
Are any autopsy reports going to be released?
Why did the ALLEGED shooters brother get sent to a psychiatric facility just days ago?
How did the laptop get shot and still have a functioning backlight?
Why is there no transparency?
Where is the footage from school cameras?
What part "We don't trust you" does the media, the alphabets, politicians and LE, not understand?
Why are they so desperate to blame Feebs for Mossad' actions?
Why won't donald trump answer a single one of those questions you just asked? What is he hiding?
Kill yourself.
No you sick fuck.
it's true. imma russian agent. ama
How is your compensation? Do you have insurance benefits?
My father in law ran a mini sub during Vietnam. He would cruise down rivers to regions where the Pentagon wanted to make an offensive but treaties prevented it.
He would pop up, fire a few rounds at the Viet Cong. They'd fire back, the rounds would miss, and hit a US base on the other side.
The US (unaware of his actions) would then say "holy shit they're shooting!" and fire back.
There are antifa folks posing as alt right trolls, posting on Sup Forums that David Hogg was a senior in LA and never attended Parkland.
Sup Forums is spamming this disinformation. Hell even Donald Trump Jr is lol!
Mainstream media and "normies" as you idiots like to call them are outraged and proving the blatant disinformation wrong, while demanding to know why you're calling victims of a mass murder, liars.
Antifa are playing the role of my father in law in Vietnam.
The alt right are playing the role of the Viet Cong taking the bait.
You guys are idiots. Vet your data before you propagate it.
It's pretty fucking transparent. Sup Forums is almost completely taken over by Russian shills now. They're deliberately spreading confusion and misinformation whenever any major political event takes place. A few autistic Sup Forumstards even take their side because they think that shooting yourself in the head produces immense lulz.
Or, maybe it's not antifa! Maybe it's Russians posing as antifa.
Maybe phase 1 was getting Trump elected, and phase 2 is destroying him.
You guys didn't think the KGB were on your side, did you?
we have dedicated fiber and 24/7 tech support
No u
I don't know if you are joking, but it's literally true. The weak-minded hapas, incels, autists, betas and angry short guys have literally been guided by their insecurities and loserdom into a magnetic fuckhole of stupidity and paranoia.
Keep your eyes on the women and the blacks, tho, while the jocks, rich guys, Russians and oligarchs keep raping your gaping maw of an ass.
You fucking retards.
Wow. You must not be in the St. Petersburg office. We have a 128k DSL line shared among 10 computers. Not ideal.
I think we might have start talking honestly about tactical nukes on areas with high troll activity
Psyopp school slaughter based on Cianigger Shits...
Also a censored video from one of us
.. proof and evidence rundown on f lorida false flag event...
Deepstate is scarred
>keep digging for the truth
Spread this video !!!! This is a BADgoy!!!
>that means good ShitLord you newfags
VIDEO has eyewitness accounts and deleted vids
ZOG increasingly getting more nervous
fucking lying kike
>don't know if you are joking
Not joking at all. Sup Forums is a haven of Russian shills these days. They're everywhere here. And they're wanting to rape ass in revenge for the world oil prices being pushed down, which fucked up the Russian economy.
Holy shit there is every angle of crazy and trolling in this thread! We've hit peak insanity.
I spend my fair share of time in comment streams on various sites and it's definitely true about the Russian trolls.
They don't only make ads, but they just have commenters here and everywhere else -- both bot and real people sewing chaos on the other end.
We are fucked. Literally fucked. Between the shills and Karl Rove's "history's actors," I think the only solution might just be to eat a bunch of mushrooms and color on the walls.
This is actually a golden opportunity. The Russians have given us the gift of deniability. We have a free hand to troll these fuckers into oblivion and then blame the Russians for it.
What's your endgame? This is not even funny -- this is absolutely fucked up. Gas yourself already.
>Russian trolls
Do you realize how stupid you sound?
Does Sup Forums ever have an endgame? Let's troll the shit out of these jews. The hell with it. Russians did it anyway.
Russia is perpetuating a government-funded retard program to connect with freelance retards
Not stupid. If there's any red pill, it's that a bunch of fucking idiots have been posting in this circle jerk for years, egged on by loserdom and psyops.
You guys really need to think about this. Why would CNN release that strange video of David Hogg in the first place? THEY ARE TRYING TO BAIT YOU.
They remember how Alex Jones reacted to Sandy Hook, they are trying to pull that again by purposely releasing suspicious activity regarding this new shooting.
Now this is where the plan becomes genius. The leftist hegemony is using proxies in Russia to frame them for a false campaign against high schoolers.
I'm going to make a prediction: later this week Hamilton 68 will release a report saying the Russians spread propaganda about high school students. This is their golden goose they have been waiting for. Most people didn't care that Russia spread bad things about Hillary, but now that "they" go after kids the media can use turn national sympathy into weaponized propaganda. This will likely reflect poorly on Trump, weaken our diplomacy with Russia, and further restrict our freedoms when "they" propose solutions to regulate the internet.
>New Murdoch, given for you
Either OP is a troll or an idiot.
Educate yourself on using quotations in a search engines
Thanks, I've been lucky to escape the brainwashing and I'm not going to start now.
I'd rather the kikes shriek about Russia than shriek about guns. They can only get really stirred up about one thing at once. Don't give a fuck about Russians.
this desu, just came in here to see if anyone knew how to actually use google
You DID have trolls and shills active when you invaded Ukraine in 2014, but after you shot down that airliner and got your asses handed to you by Azov Battalion outside of Mariupol, the ruckus died down.
Yet we have Sevastopol and Malaysian was dwarfed by their crazy muslim pilot who crashed the plane a year earlier.
>8D chess
>expecting Sup Forums (facebook) to know how to use a search engine and educate themselves
It's no wonder shills are so attracted to this gullible place.
When you're being a shill, can you please not post the same shill text in multiple threads. It's very boring for everyone!
Become the Jew
Nice try kike
Didn't even read this thread, but is that some Hatsune Miku?
Further proving my point, kek. Sup Forums is dumb as shit.
The hilarity is that DONALD FUCKING TRUMP JR fell for it!!
You guys are so fucked!
Who do you think produced the video and manufactured the witnesses? Listen to your own special council. I realize this is hard, with only 56% of your faculties, but don't be so stupid.
I don't care if it was rogue Russian hackers, deep state cointel, or antifa.
I just want to watch the Trump cult fail, and shrivel into nothingness
Well, you are in for disappointment my soy based friend.
Me too! Let's work together. I have Adam Schiff's email address. Do you think you have anything I should pass on to him?
>Who was the dead black girl?
Helena Ramsay, 17
Had to look that one up. I remember a sheboon lying in a pool of blood but didn't recall anything but mongrels in the pics of victims.