Texas is purple now
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Who cares about gallups?
population centers were a mistake
Its over for gop. We have been saying this for ages now.
>Texas is purple now
rural retards were a mistake
AZ, TX and NC used to be solid red too. Ohio as well, pretty much. I can't account for that one other than an operation of some kind under fucking crypto-Dem Kasich, but with the other three, it's fucking migration from CA. You might say, what, NC?! But it's true. I know several Californians who moved there in the last few years. It's not considered deep south, it's relatively close to cool NE cities in MD, VA, DC, Jersey and NY, there's pretty coastline, etc. And it is sooo cheap compared to CA.
prepare your anus
i would literally kill myself
good thing that wont happen
The cities mostly. Cleveland, Cincinnati, and Toledo are the major population centers. Once you get out into the open prarie and corn fields pretty much every town between Cincinnati and Toledo is Republican and Everything between Columbus and The Borders are republican. Meanwhile the mistake on the lake (Cleveland) stretching down to Akron are democrat bastions of failure and mistakes.
I would kill myself if he is re-elected.
There are as many "no party preference" or indie voters as Dems in most places. And they skew conservative. The real problem the Republican party has had for some time is getting their people out to vote. Republicans get stubborn and throw tantrums and refuse to vote. More Dems vote. We have got to get the conservative vote out this year, no slackers or whiners or idiots staying home because I'm tired or I need to watch the game or whatever dumb shit.
Fake and gay.
of course we are based :v
>NH, West Virginia, and Maine are the only uncucked white states left
They painted it blue for the election, how'd that go?
Stop getting me all excited, you tease.
doesn't surprise me, there are more beaners than whites down there
once they start voting in larger numbers it's all over
>hurr durr frumpf will loose Arkansas, Kentucky, West Virginia, and Indiana even tho he won over 60% of the vod dere
>not red
This is why they're trying to end the white race.
White genocide is real.
Always the damned cities. In Ohio's case I'd guess the city niggers especially.
Lol, no it isn't. This state is solid red and honestly probably one of the most racist places in America.
The rust belt is turning bright red so fuck Texas.
Fake and Gay just like (((OP)))
> "all" ... ohio blue
Your pictograph is bad and you should feel bad.
>white births
Literally 47% of all births in Texas are spics.
Why not just kill yourself right now? Do it you won't
Massive bait here.
Ohio has a fuckton of ghettos and has been having it's influx of migrants, so not surprised.
Trust me, it's mostly West Coast fucks moving into Texas.
Good. Don't pussy out
Knew tons of New York kikes down in Florida who also sold their homes in South and moved to North Carolina because "muh four seasons".
Old news, Texas isn't even white majority.
Of course you fags think it's because California, ignoring all the Mexicans.
Kill yourself.
>Trust me
>Demofag meme flag
>Threaten to kill yourself
>MFW you are already dead, you just doesn't know it
any1 with that reddit speak is a antifa shill lmao
try harder commie
looks red to me
Did anyone ever tweet this to trump so that he stops cucking?
I hope you both kill each other instead.
You'd have to send this to Trump and all the republican congress. They keep pretending the demographic war isn't real.
Texas is still red because 80% of whites there vote republican. That's the only reason it's still red.
All other races vote dem.
They really, truly were. We were so close to Jefferson's agrarian society ideal. Then the civil war happened and the north imported millions of Irish for conscription. And after the war was over, they left hundreds of thousands of Irish to rot in dank housing complexes in NYC. Thus starting the trend of coastal population centers with immigrants packed like sardines.
Took a few seconds to slap this together.
Yeah pretty much.
About I didn't include population and population density though. I got lazy right after changing it from Niggers to AA
La Creatura el Hillary beneficiary
At the current rate, 100% of whites could vote for the ghost of Hitler and the place will still turn blue.
White Hispanic spics you ignorant clod
you are so fucking delusional
Guarantee they are from Latina women to white men.
>party affiliation
Most independents lean republican, you absolute fucking retard!
Actually it's brown OP
White Hispanics still carry Moorish blood and therefore nog genotypes. Nice try though.
He's not delusional. He's just plain lying.
>thinking they can win Texas
Literally the entire state hates blacks and will lynch them after nightfall
Autistic spammers who do nothing but embarrassingly post the same fucking replies because he has nothing better to do than insult the very people he associates with on a daily basis were a mistake
what did they only pol from Austin and Houston universities?
But then again Texas has so fucked up gerrymandered districts that literally cover the poor side of south Austin all the way to San Antonio 85 miles away
>West Virginia is a tossup
In what fucking world?
expect much more of this in the future. there is no turning back the demographics, therefore ever state will turn blue eventually.
the only thing left whites can hope for is an absolute collapse of the US and the balkinization of the US
Wow, with that map, you could get a job for the MSM. Sure, it's completely backwards, but the MSM likes that.
Ive literally given up. People dont realize that the fertility bracket is literally your future the 56% meme isnt even close to the truth. Germany already has a muslim future. The right literally doesnt even see the shit coming till its alrwady to late.
Go back to the_donald.
Fucking retard. It's the spics. It's the filthy wetbacks whose cocks you suck day and night that are turning the state blue.
You overestimate the amount of white men
t. Texan
Get fucked you idiotic capitalist faggots!
>White Hispanics
From kentucky,
we will never go blue
this map is a fucking joke
>This nigger doesn't know that in a ethnically fragmented united states capitalists will have even more power to play groups off against eachother than they currently do
okay but you under estimate whites bleaching the brown out of a race.
t. New Zealander.
calm down
Sadly this. I've come to realize that the "Le based Tejanos XD" are long gone and their descendants are nothing like them. Feels sad man
Metropolitan retard calling for calm.
the country is lost
Republican party is as good as dead without Texas.
DESU they were dead once Reagan granted amnesty
>okay but you under estimate whites bleaching the brown out of a race.
It doesn't happen here. They don't look like Nick Fuentes, they look like pic related. We have a constant stream of brown genome coming in from the South, not a limited island nigger population.
>you under estimate whites bleaching the brown out of a race.
Is this why the sheep are so white in NZ?
and that's what's keeping Texas from going full shithole like Cali.
TX was supposed go blue 2016. Opposite happened.
Democrats won't win with the race baiting Kamala Harris. Trump will win in a huge landslide in 2020 because the DNC will force another unlikable corporate candidate who panders to identity politics and can't appeal to the general public.
>I've come to realize that the "Le based Tejanos XD" are long gone and their descendants are nothing like them
This entire situation is on people like you
>I wouldn't listen until it was too late
>xD whoops!
Okay user i will take your word for it.
Here is my Sheep so you tell me.
Those are some swarthy sheep
They were always weak. We never needed them because they were never what we needed.
>rural retards
stop it, canada is nothing but rural area and migrants
The bit of nig in them is because i had them up in an area i was doing burn offs and they love to roll around in the ashes and scratch on burnt branches.
It's so cringy watching you post the same shit every day. Same post, same images. You insult people who visit this site but you spend more time here than most anyone else. The lack of self-awareness in incredible.
Pick one
Tis true nigger.
I just watched "Gangs of New York" last night...
I always root for Bill the Butcher.. But alas, he never wins.
Seeing the based native, played by Daniel Day Lewis kill faggy leonardo would have really made that movie for me.
Irish, nigs, chinks (pic related)
Those pollsters said this bullshit during the election:
we're so fucked
Why are you so upset.
You are lost. The country is going in the correct direction, and you can fuck off.