Black/white relationship

Black/white relationship

What went wrong?

Pic related, 1980s friendship among man

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Analyze the posture

Thats just two random people. In the 70s and 8s nigs were nigging in cities just like usual. Segregation was a better time for all, but ideally they need to go back to africa

Blacks are fine in very low numbers and when their natural ooga booganess is suppressed. Now days we have too many blacks, they are allowed to organize, their ooga booga culture is glorified, and whites have lost their own self respect.

blacks found a new patron: jews.

Bathhouse Barry and CIA scripted race war propaganda.

There was both conflict and harmony back then, just as there is conflict and harmony now.

Fullscale Marxist infiltration and subversion. The commies kicked off a subversive campaign designed to co-opt the civil rights movement and make people distrustful and it focused mainly on blacks as the "oppressed minority". Modern blacks were raised in it, unlike the ones you see in that picture. Same reason blacks had vastly higher unbroken families before the 1970s.

The notion that it is genetics, or solely genetics, is confusing correlation with causation for political expediency.

I do find it interesting how the out-of-wedlock births are so much greater now, than then.

The ethnos are correct when they say there is an ongoing concerted effort to break apart the idea of family and western values in general. Where they are incorrect is the assumption that the breakup of black families is due to their genetics instead of the same exact subversion they're being hit with now, just decades later; along with plenty of other schismatic "minorities". Lesbians, gays, women, trans people; all fertile breeding grounds for further destabilization of structures we rely on.

>boomer, the post

Families were and are being destroyed


niggers failed to form nuclear families in part due to marxist pressures. Now those same Marxist pressure are slowly but surely wearing down the much more durable family structure of whites

Wow one of the first comments i've seen in a while that isn't just "niggers".

(((They))) brought in millions of people from mystery meat nations

We were making real progress when we just had one or two minority groups to deal with. Then we reacted to immigration and now blacks are just "Other".

1980s Philadelphia

I don't come on pol often anymore. Cutting through all the shilling gets old after a spell.

yeah they shifted the black struggle away from the system and onto the whites.

Yeah, I see what you mean. It does egg on you after a while. But threads like these are some of sole reasons I keep coming back here. Its like sifting through a pile of shit to find a gem.

Oldfag here. The black/white divide WAS far smaller than it is now. I think since society seemed to atomize around 1995 or so for reasons unknown we have the mutual suspicion and distrust vs. our fellow man. Back then blacks and whites were cool with each other, same with Latinos as it had been established that everyone is better at some things and worse or average at other things. Back then we had Arsenio Hall who was just a big star of late-night TV as Jimmy Fallon, Conan, Letterman, Jay Leno. The Wayans family and their In Living Color show competed neck and neck for ratings with SNL. We had a black family move next door to us while I was a little kid, they were some of the best neighbors you could wish for. This whole race war/white genocide hype doesn't have to be. People just need to remember how to respect each other despite their differences, its what they did back then and it worked out well

do you sincerely believe moments like this dont happen anymore?

niggers been niggin since inception. individual moments of peace dont alleviate the average

I think people knew their place in the nation back then . We knew the differences between people and respected that. Also i think immigration has a huge part to play. The communities started to be less and less homogeneous and now whites are tipping towards minority status so things are doing too well.

I think we can get along though but only if the minority of then stays the minority overall.

Another oldfag here. I grew up in subsidized housing in Toronto, so I lived among blacks and was friends with a few in the 80s. (I had a buddy whose Jamaican dad was an accountant.) There was still a little tension, some cultural differences (like taste in music), but nothing like the divide now.

Common culture had a big part to play in it. Plus some black music like R and B was actually decent. The last time I bought any black music was around 1985. There were racially mixed bands as well.

You realize lynchings weren't some comic book villain BS, it was mob justice against rapist and thieves. They weren't killed for being black, the south has been filled with blacks since it was considered The South.

Yeah it was more a jovial rivalry of dueling cultures and attitudes, nobody wishing to oust the other nor wishing them ill will.

I remember I was maybe 3 or 4 and friends with a black kid who was also 3 or 4, neither of us gave a shit the race of the other kid, we were too psyched to have someone our age to play with. We even unironically noogied each others' scalps as we were mesmerized by the different hair patterns of each other. If only the rest of the world could deal with each other from a stance of unabashed curiosity devoid of malice like 2 kids in one neighborhood 34 years ago

First, this. Next:


Yeah that really helps. I do listen to disco and funk I gotta give them the appreciation for that. Still though, black families were more together back then, gang culture, degenerate rap music and the such wasn't around.

>lynchings weren't some comic book villain BS

This is true, I remember as a little kid in the early 80s my white parents listening to more black artists than white some of the time. They weren't Ur-Wiggers either, black folks made some fresh assed music in the early 80s, shit like Prince, Rick James, Morris Day, the Dazz Band etc etc.


I remember around '84 or so when Grandmaster Flash and rap became a thing (outside NYC anyway) and my black friends thinking it was so fucking great, and I'm listening and saying "what is this? They're just talking, not singing". Meanwhile they hated the rock music I liked. But they were also into video games, Star Trek and Bruce Lee movies, among other things.

Funny thing, I read years later that one of the two brothers I'd hung around with before I moved had joined the Nation of Islam and changed his last name to "X" (he was in the Toronto Star)

STFU Cletus, explain Emmet Till. Poor kid had a cleft palate and so just breathing would make a whistle type noise since the shape of his mouth and lips were so fucked up. Did he need to get beaten to a pulp, burned and lynched for that?!

niggers accepted subservience back then
now they expect it from you

>you kikes call this pastry a nigger ?




Well shoot I guess police can't stop blacks from crime anymore.

It all really started going to shit around 1990 as I recall. The 60s had been terrible but things had really cooled off in the intervening decades

uhhh no thanks Barbara

>lynchings weren't some comic book villain BS
Of course they weren't. Lynch mobs were highly educated people who just wanted justice and not bunch of literal inbred incels who wanted to see some blood

>gang culture, degenerate rap music and the such wasn't around.
The change was linear and causal.

postmodernist (Marxist) propaganda -> Blacks push themselves away from percieved oppressive american culture -> Social alienation -> destabilization of black communities -> Crime rates rise -> Gangs form -> Rap and Thug culture emerge

All the while political actors were making use of the situation at every turn. The reigns of american power have generally been in the hands of some pretty shitty people for a good 50 or 60 years now.

Homogeneity is important, but it doesn't have to be ethnic homogeneity. Cultural homogeneity does the job and unfortunately many blacks were hoodwinked into giving up that long ago.

You moved the goalpost so far away we're not even playing soccer anymore. Don't try to rewrite history or justify atrocities. Next you're telling me the Kulaks deserved.

You might want to pick a lynching other than Frank's to take issue with

I remember around '84 to '86 going into Boston on the subway with my Ma and seeing young black dudes with the gargantuan 1980s boomboxes on their shoulder playing rap and beats and etc. I thought it was pretty cool all their outfits with the wild colors and styles and all the new looks in sneakers and whatnot. The thing that got me most of all was breakdancing, sometimes you'd see a crew breaking and shit on some spread out sheets of cardboard for tips from passersby much like busking. I wished to all get out that I could breakdance too, with my little 4 year old kid body and physique. LOL my dad even took home some metal sign they were throwing out so I could practice to "breakdance" in the comfort of our living room. To this day I still wish I could windmill or do a full headspin, user

Even before that. Blacks were making good music for a long time in american history before rap. From the proto-rock'n'roll blues to Jazz to old RnB (REAL RnB) to soul and funk. Blacks had a fair sized hand in ALL of those genres.

Around the beginning of the 90s you suddenly saw: gangster and black-separatist rap emerging; militant shit like Spike Lee movies; really raunchy black-themed TV shows (especially on the new Fox network); and on the white side, really depressing and nihilistic music, plus the gloomy, cynical TV shows like Twin Peaks and the X-Files

Come on now, that's integrated rioting I see black AND white people looting that store together as one

fucking monogoloid kike finn tribesman about this time you were just putting bullets in the heads of normal average citizens by the thousands daily what a fucking a cunt a few lynching jesus that's still happenning who but teh Demented Koreans acts todays like the savaga Russians the dirty Moskals couldn't fucking kill and worship kikery fast enough truly the strongest federation

> Posting dead animals on Sup Forums
It's sad to see playful creatures die horribly, like that, but if a dog bites it gets put down.

You mean it got really good right? Look at this FUCKING BASED BLACK GUY beating a racist neo nazi WHITE SUMPREMIST truck driver with a BRICK


Why did black people used to be so respactble and FUCKING BAZZZZZZZZZED before the racist democrats made them commit so much murder and rape?

Lol breakdancing, I did that too. Could never get the hang of it, I'm too Irish

Definitely something, in the mid 90s I had a nice black neighbour who's was a contractor and his wife was a nurse, my father worked in IT so they traded favours. My dad helped set up and internet and a computer, he helped my father build a small deck. They were a nice family, they're the reason I believe that there are some good black families out there, but for every good black family is 99 single mother gibs me day dindus.

O i see so they destabilized the group from the ground up in order to use them as a pawn to say. Now they are a type of victim group, like how women are used now, to be directed in any direction the powers at be would want.

are you ok

why is the white guys dick hanging out?

Don't be fucking stupid and try to put words in my mouth. Nobody ever said that blacks aren't responsible for most crime -- that was true in the 80s as much as now, but the races weren't as far apart as they are now. I guess if you were born in 2002 it's hard to understand

Around the 2000s people started to care more about race for some reasons and that is what lead to the rise of jewish tricks, sjw, and nigs nigging yet again

More or less. That isn't a defense of thier actions, mind you. The modern neo-marxist vein that runs through the black community needs to be dealt with and swiftly, harshly if need be, but I don't think we have to purge all non-whites to do it. In fact, I'd have to openly fight against an attempt at an ethnostate outside a very utopian idea of 100% cooperation and non-governmental mandated segregation.

it's how men used to greet each other

The black-militant shit was big in the 60s, cooled off in the late 70s and most of the 80s, and came roaring back with a vengeance in the 90s. Same thing with sexual and other kinds of degeneracy -- they'd never really gone away, but they weren't nearly as visible in the culture in the 80s, which was a little bit more like the 50s in some ways









Communism happened

You're a class-A-fucking retard, son

I can remember around 1993 rap shifted from eclectic hip-hop to the degenerate shit you hear today. It used to be the baddest rap you could hear was 2 Live Crew, but they just rapped about fucking and were unabashedly earnest about it.

That's because the attempt in the 60's mostly failed. It did damage, but most people were not up to it at the time. The reason it disappeared and came roaring back in the 90s is because that's how long it took to get another generation of marxists trained. Lots of postmodernists got jobs in academia and learned lessons which they coached new inductees on.

That's his right hand you mong!

That's probably it, they just retreated and waited for the previous wave of shit to sink in and be assimilated by the public. It helped that Boomers were running everything and pumping out pro-60s nostalgia nonstop in the mass media. Civilization apparently peaked when a bunch of drugged-out hippies wallowed in the mud at Woodstock, or so we were told

1980s spring break


I see what you mean but still though i don't believe that whites should become a minority in the USA or any other country in the west. Like you said, we shouldn't just purge all non-whites but we will have to figure something out to truly keep whites around and the west progressing in the right direction.

Still though, with the amount of immigration to the west ethic tension is going to keep rising.

What the hell happened to Black American culture? We went from jazz music and actually wearing respectable clothing to mumble rap and sagging your pants until your shorts reach to your goddamn ankles.

This is controversial, but I personally think the U.S. peaked around the late 1800s. The 20th century was unmatched for techonological advancement as well as the the utter devolution of human spirit and autonomy.

Industrialization spelled the end of strong men, imho.

>Says the moron fawning over some imagined past that multiracialism could ever work because he lived in a 99 percent white neighborhood and knew one based black guy

"Race relations" in America were never good because multiracialism does not work. Just as many white women were raped by blacks in the 80's and 90's as today. Just as many whites were murdered as today.

It must be the hip hop huh? Not like Africa has the same exact shit without any Jewish influence or hip hop. Almost like its just entirely biological...

I think Flavor Flav's oversized clock pendant was the turning point

I dunno, the UK and Europe I'd say peaked before WWI but I'd put the US and Canada at around 1960

>multiracialism does not work

Nobody is advocating multiracialism you dumb fuck, merely pointing out that things weren't always as bad as they are now

1980s party


There was a time when people identified as Americans instead of people the same color as them. Race relations declined with the rise of Cultural Marxism.

1980s Germany

In America, black culture then was a direct influence of the culture in America, whites maintained absolute majority so blacks were in return, influenced by that. I think the turning point was been blacks were told that whites were evil and they were the victim of systematic racism. From there on, whites were told they were evil no matter what because of the actions in the pass. On top of all the other post-modern/marxist bullshit with tons of immigration didn't help. It only driven the divide with the destruction of the nuclear family and homogeneous communities being destroyed.


Kikes started prodding and goading niggers that whitey was doing them wrong, and that they should hate and resent whitey and fight back.

Older niggers know things ain't so bad, it's the younger generation that's been jewed.

>the thicc girl on the right
oh lawdy

Honestly, the hard calculating side of me sees keeping a white majority as a good thing. However, I don't put that much stock in ethnicity as I put in in culture. I disagree with many ethnos that culture is a result of ethnicity and as long as the culture remains in tact, I'm good. Fundamentally, the U.S. is a unique animal and the people calling for it to be something like a european country boggles my mind.

At any rate, I think if the gangrenous tissue that we've currently got in the country is excised, you'll see much of this go away. I do believe we can have a reestablishment of a great america and I do believe non-whites can have a place in it, but ONLY if we are willing to adopt the common first principles of the culture. No african-americans or irish-americans, or asian americans or even anglo-americans. IMO, if you want to be an american, then you need to be an American, no other qualifiers necessary or possible. If people don't like that, they should go back to Africa or Asia or Mexico or even Europe.

It may ultimately take another civil war to do it, but the bright side is that I may live to take part in a unique period in history.

Yes they were, you just have rose tinted glasses over muh 80's and 90's. We were in the exact same situation then as now. This obsession with muh 80's and 90's by so called "white nationalists" is so ridiculous.

You just want to go back to that form of shitty consumerism that leads to exactly what we have today. It's nauseating.

I lived in Germany for a year as a kid, through most of 1979. My dad was in the British Army and stationed there as part of the sacrificial "speed bump" for Soviet tanks in case they ever invaded through the Fulda Gap. It was a very nice country, though the Germans hated our fucking guts because we were occupiers, and we used to fight their kids all the time -- we used to yell "Schweinhund" and they'd lose their shit

Germany 2010's

1980s Denmark

>western values
Have you seen Africa?

Western values would mean kicking in every niggers skull to improve your community or hanging them for looking funny to keep them in place.

Get the fuck out of here with that civ nat plebbit bullshit.

>You just want to go back to that form of shitty consumerism

You're not a mind-reader, so stop pretending to be one. You're just looking for something to complain about because you have no positive vision for our culture. I voluntarily left the city as as an adult and moved to an all-white rural area. Maybe you should try doing the same thing, it would improve your attitude

Did you know African Crime rates where higher in the 80's then they are now. WOW what a shocker I guess niggers actually or just niggers.

1980s Maryland


We want to go back to a time when our country was majority white and there was still some remnants of western civilization.


Here in the U.S., the 1960s were good because we were still running strong after the post WW2 bubble, but we were burning our social principles to the ground. It was sort of insidious in that way. People by that time had long since forgotten the frontiersman spirit of independence which is what fundamentally built the U.S. and made it strong. You don't look for causes of the downturn after the downturn has happened; you look for what happened before it.

Buddy, if I had my druthers, not only would you collectivist faggots not get your utopian ethnostate, you won't even get a separate tree to hang from from the black collectivists. Pic related.

America has failed old man. Accept it already. Democracy sucks dick. Culture doesn't mean dick. Niggers will always begin to act like niggers if given enough time and freedom.
