"Black face is a sign of cultural acceptance, diversity, and tolerance in Medieval Europe"
"Black face is a sign of cultural acceptance, diversity, and tolerance in Medieval Europe"
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Love this shit just kicked runts ass after 100 goes dat sense of accomplishment
Videogames are an awful hobby and if you stop playing them your life will improve. They're making you stupid.
Blessed image
archive your links newfaggot
I'm not clicking that shit
Fucking based
What sources are they using to say there were niggers in feudal Europe? Is it archeological evidence? A primary source? " Dear diary, I saw a nigger in the town square today."
It better not be some Jew historian. Why would a kike care about getting goy history correct?
Here you go, fresh from the wayback machine:
As mentioned, one of their sources is the fact that the journalist literally thinks an artist deliberately portrayed St. Jerome in black face.
On phone so don't have all the pics, but most arguments from 'historians' that the game should have blacks are of 2 types
>There exists paintings and other media made in the same time period depicting niggers, usually of a leader in Africa or some historical scene from Africa, thus at least some people were aware niggers existed and there thus would have been niggers all over Europe
>We know of a handful of blacks, about 1 per decade on average, that traveled out of Africa to Europe on trade routes, surely he would have impregnated a lot of white girls on his journey and Europe was filled with his half nigger children.
The evidence is thus there, their logic is just fucked.
Not to mention that there are no actual niggers with ancestors going back to Medieval Bohemia, and yet this fact seems to always conveniently escape them
The historians explains that as well, since the area was filled with Nazis early last century they killed all the niggers and destroyed all the signs they were ever there. Hitler is why Europe is (or at least was in the 1900) so white.
Everything they can't control, they destroy.
Can we please start rounding up these idiots and let them have their communism by executing these retarded mouthbreathers first?
SJW, Communists, there is no fucking difference at this point in time...
they can't produce, so they have to criticize. they can only react, that's why they have to take every opportunity they can.
>"is it my duty as a white man to produce games not about my culture, but about yours? Why dont you make them yourself?"
This racist drumpfkin is going to look pretty foolish when my new game blows his out of the water. Critics are going to rave about "Stickslapping and Non-Lethal Grabass, A Pre-Contact Zulu Experience.
SJWs are redpilling people unadvertently, it's all that matters.
holy shit that;s in the game?
No wonder they're screeching haha!
Another nothing site with a readership in double figures. Don't give them any more hits.
Considering how the SJWs seem to hate Jews themselves, I don't see them caring about that. Also for them to notice it would require them to read and do actual research so I think the game is quite safe on that front.
without videogames and anime Sup Forums never exist
piss you damn retard
literally posting links to some obscure shit site? are you the owner of it? or just a dumb fuck?
>no niggers
>has gingers
maybe they will add nigger slave DLC so you can pull a train of them behind your horse
>because of muslims in the middle east and africa it means there were niggers in bohemia
>bohemia outlawed slavery in 10 century and still managed to have nigger slaves in 15 century despite not having trade routes with sub saharan africa
>no at a single nigger mentioned in historical documents
>poles were nonwhite
i mean how do these people claim to be intellectually superior? with a smug face he calls people who think otherwise as revisionists and basicaly idiots when his arguments are ape like and have no logic in them whatsoever.
this fucking retarded Journalist has gotten the Holy Roman Empire mixed up with the Roman Empire
there is problem: as much as I love quality vidya and hate SJWs, KC:D is not quality vidya yet, too many bugs
not buying it yet
>White didn't mean what it does now
>Back then they didn't have the same misconception about races people do now
I see this almost every time people talk about niggers in the middle ages, were people back then just not able to see black skin or how does this work?
Ive been here for about 4 years now and every time there is an even slightly gaming related thread there is always this retard posting. And its funny how after reading 2-3 posts of his you can instantly tell he is some 30 year old virgin living in his parents basement and wasting his life on video games, roleplaying otherways on the internet to make him self feel better. End it user.
"History is a whitewash"
Also, the game isn't nerarly as historically accurate as he wants you goyim to believe.
wow, this needs to be removed immediately.
he knows nothing of history for sure, he is just making shamelessly shits up
Strategic games require high IQ .
i wonder how many suicide attempts he's racked up.
>game isn't nerarly as historically accurate as he wants you goyim to believe.
This, a commoner becoming a night? I mean, what are we to believe, that he is some sort of chosen one, or something? Ha ha, boy, I really hope somebody got fired for that blunder.
I have 33 hours on it on steam and the only bug I've encountered so far was not being able to walk up some stairs once.
Unless you skip school or work just to play vidya, I don't see anything wrong with it.
Everyone knows that Africa invented ships for sailing and discovered Europe, there were many black people in Europe because Africa used to come to Europe and trade and also colonise Europe.
Actually they dont because your brain is active the whole time
reposting best one
I didnt check if other games have a similar trend, but is it normal for so many people to make new accounts and rate only one game, giving it 0?
Interesting how the two biggest games in recent memory are out of anti pc studios, as sjws infiltrate all other studios and the video game industry severly contracts
What a self-loathing cuntstain. A lifetime of cheating spouses and alcoholism await him.
>two biggest games in recent memory
which? I dont really keep up unless theres drama.
pic is what I said about Hitler whitewashing European history.
>can you find single nigger in europe
>means they should put them in bohemia
>still fails to provide any source
lmao he is basing all his arguments on assumptions and cuck wishes.
Pic has conclusive proof that bohemia was black.
Another undeniably black European.
why is she black? the paint burned?
it was cheaper to pain with poo dye
I play about four hours on Sundays only and I'm /fit/ with a great job and life.
Fuck, wrong image to go along with the text, meant to post this one.
Read nigga, read!
Bible reference probably, King Solomon going to fuck the Queen of Sheba
>People other than Slavs or Germans
>Not in Prague
Are there hordes of Saudi Arabians and Cambodians roaming around rural Dakota? Because that's more likely than finding an arab trader in some shit town without money in the middle of a war.
Interestingly enough, wikipedia says that this specific picture is actually from Gottingen in Germany, which is pretty far from the location of the game
Wrong. If you quit videogames and literally do nothing to fill that void you'll end up even more stupid. They are not a good way to spend your time, but remind yourself that even if you quit videogames you'll have to spend all that time you just opened up doing something productive.
If this faggot played through the game he'd discover why Henry can become a Knight.
Can I still play PubG?
>This, a commoner becoming a night?
Wrong, that actually happened, Mr. American education.Example: If you killed enough niggers and mudslimes during the Crusades, you got knighted. Bam! Just like that.
But that's not what I'm talking about. Abnyway, the Jew did good PR, you shabbos goyim all fell for his tricks.
perhaps the author should play the game to find out Henry's history.
ah fuck im going to have to buy this fucking thig
>there's a very small chance of a commoner becoming a knight lol, it's just historical fiction!
>there's a very small chance blacks were in Bohemia in 1403, you are racist for not showing them!
>If you quit videogames and literally do nothing to fill that void you'll end up even more stupid.
This, its like fat people saying going to a gym is a waste because you could use that time to read a book, then they just watch Netflix instead anyway. Plus you cant be productive all the time, your brain needs to rest, and games are better for active resting than a lot of other shit like watching series
you dumb fuck bohemia is depicted differently for different groups and the fact that some pissed of sjw is currently editing the entries and Wikipedia is getting pissed of by having to change it back every damn day isn't changing anything in fact it reveals the sjws drive to change history into a lie.
Congrats fool
The only quarrels I had with the game is that it wasn't the most accurate when portraying Catholicism.
For example the time when that oaf father says Henry's parents are going to purgatory for not consecrating their grave.
Catholicism maintains that all who died go to purgatory.
I know it's a little nitpicky but otherwise the historical accuracy is solid.
Explain this pic then. Unless you somehow think no one from russia traveled to bohemia when its right next to each other.
Yeah but they destroy him with harsh bants right after he says it, calling him a pig and stuff.
> a fucking white male
They need to stop posting their garbage opinions on Sup Forums
Then what are you talking about?
If you're a white South African I think you might have your priorities wrong. make sure you check all the gates and fences before you settle into a restless sleep tonight.
>Queen of Sheba
Biblical figure, not an actual person. Queen of Ethiopia in ancient times.
>St. Maurice
Died 287 a.d. in southern Alps. Never made it to Bohemia.
2/10 made me respond.
>why is she black? the paint burned?
The painter never saw what anyone from Yemen actually looks like so he made her a European woman with burnt skin and blond hair. lol
To be fair, there were some small "irregularities" like that at times with some priests before the Counter-Reformation
>Written by Lucia Taylor
>pic is literally a guy
Opinion dismissed
I dont have gates and fences, too expensive. My back door doesnt even lock anymore and I have to wedge it with a screwdriver just to keep the dogs from pushing it open.
But heres another pic showing conclusive proof of POC in Bohemia.
No it's a girl because he say's he's a girl and that's apparently the only requirement these days.
That girl is clearly Asian rather than black.
Also from 1700s not 1403
Also Bohemia was NOT right next to Russia.
So when you see pictures of dragons and demons in old paintings, that too is proof they existed right?
>Oh yeah? Check out this one black person i found in 17th century Europe, WHY AREN'T THEY CATERING THE ENTIRE GAME WORLD TO THIS LITERAL ONE IN A 100 MILLION EXCEPTION
>Explain this pic then. Unless you somehow think no one from russia traveled to bohemia when its right next to each other.
The Kalymk people migrated from what is now far western China to the Caucasus region in the early 17th century. That chinky girl has literally nothing to do with medieval Bohemia.
Youre partly right. Action games (similar to action movies) unironically make you retarded. Thats why all the jocks only played shit like COD or DOOM when growing up
what do you mean? gypsies were there at the age of Charles IV and Jews even before
St. Maurice died in the 3rd century.
1403 Bohemia is closer to the present time than it is the 3rd century.
This is the equivalent of saying that a painting of King Arthur at the round table with an American flag and an Ipod is somehow historically accurate.
Seriously though, why don't the obviously equal number of black game developers in the industry just make their own game set in Africa?
>nigger bitch with blond weave
even back then niggers wanted to be white
I honestly feel like I get positive intellectual stimulation out of playing grand strategy games
Because they'd have to get off their arses and do something rather than receive pats on the head from green haired lesbians and failed abortion soyboys.
In case its not glaringly obvious from what ive posted ITT, im reposting arguments from this (((white)) girl
Can't you read?
>Kalmyk girl
Kalmyks, while look quite tanned, are not of African descent. They are obviously Asian.
Fair play but you need to be a bit more obvious on here. Sarcasm doesn't translate that well on the internet.
True, that was fun to watch.
There are some other inaccuracies from time to time as well but I digress.
It's great game.
And I'll admit, those bants were funny.
its best not to think too hard about it. u will give urself a stroke trying to figure out how their brains work.
Gaming has become a form of activism for the left. Instead of whining and complaining, they actually took up programming and started making games.
If the right doesn't act, we will lose the entire industry, just like we lost finance and hollywood.
STOP BUYING SJW GAMES and GET ACTIVE. Combine professional activities with political activism.