We are winning this time Anons
HAPPENING! They are Covering their Tracks Part 2
David Hogg me
>CIA-payroll Vanderbilt on my right
>FBI dad on my left
>KGB talking points in my earpiece
where were you when the matrix shit the bed?
Admins need to ban amerimutt conspiracy fags from this boards
>port arthur
keep to your own false flags, nigel
>school full of kikes gets shot up
>one of them happens to have connections to media
>we are winning
Maybe the teachers should be armed.
Impressive samefagging JIDF/SB/CTR/CIAnigger
If Cooper really is reporting on the crisis actor accusation then that’s a really really bad move. People who had never heard of the term are now going to know exactly what it means and it’s giving the theory wings. Kind of like that time coke acknowledged Pepsi in a commercial
libtard teachers carrying guns
yeah that doesn't fit the narrative of gun are bad
How many rounds were fired?
What kind of bullets?
What caliber of bullets?
Can we see pictures of the bullet casings and pictures of the ballistic damage?
Who was the dead black girl?
What parts of the school specifically was the shooter in?
What was in the bodybag being taken out of the school?
Why was there the instant call to demolish the school?
How comeBrowardschools.comwas created in 1996, whileBrowardschools1.comwas created last year?
Are any autopsy reports going to be released?
Why did the ALLEGED shooters brother get sent to a psychiatric facility just days ago?
How did the laptop get shot and still have a functioning backlight?
Why is there no transparency?
Where is the footage from school cameras?
What part "We don't trust you" does the media, the alphabets, politicians and LE, not understand?
Why are they so desperate to blame Feebs for Mossad' actions?
If he wasn't a crisis actor he wouldn't need to announce to everyone he wasnt a crisis actor
Settle down schizo
It amazes me that people are surprised this is the outcome of a half Jewish school being shot up, no shit they're going to go after your guns
Watching the rebroadcast on CNN now.
Crying without tears. We've seen that one before.
If FBI Dad had any sense this is what he'd do:
Son, please hand me your phone
Not go on fucking CNN with Anderson Cooper to fan the flames.. This will only make things worse.
This shill is still all over social media and shit too. Parenting fail
hHaha top kk
What about the video of Hogg being coached by CNN what to say or has YouTube taken it down.
I have a copy.
its the streisand effect (in full effect)
won't be long before CNN is actively browsing Sup Forums threads in multiple tabs live on air
Thousands of normies will search what a crisis actor is now
If this spreads it would be just enough to create a credible doubt.
i audibly kek'd
Do you realize that the media even mentioning crisis actors is a huge win? What normie is gonna know what that is? Boom. They Google it and figure out that they aren't a myth. They are real and they are used. One little redpill breadcrumb. They've found the entrance to the rabbit hole.
>"Hey kid you wanna rehearse what you're gonna say on live TV so you don't sound like retard in front of a few million Americans? Alright go when you're ready kid."
the fact they have to address it means we're taking over the mainstream
Retards will claim he is no matter what he says.
No, we're witnessing the creation of another "discredited term" like "conspiracy theory"
Hope a nigger shoots you in the cunt.
I just wanted to pet the rabbits, George.
EVERYONE SHOULD BE SEARCHING "Crisis Actor" in all search engines to make this shit pop up easier for normies
webm it.
It's weird how easy it is to trigger you morons with basic human logic.
The only horse picture worthy of being on Sup Forums
Roasties, shills, and kikes btfo forever
I am a schizo for pointing out that you dont know how to use the fucking board properly? Should I go ahead and post a massive list of confirmed cases of shilling on this board? Lets see both things are factual.
How am I a schizo? Haven't you stupid niggers realized the schizo insult does nothing but make it more apparent that you stupid niggers try and sway narrative here literally DAY AFTER FUCKING DAY. Your gig is up you stupid fucks.
Alligning with Cooper aka Vandercuck is a mistake. Dont assume victory yet. Are we gonna march on this or what? Public dissemination of all shit we have gathered is needed. If Trump has been playing chess then lets make moves that he has to react to. Lets show some fucking courage and hold an assembly and lay out the last 50,000 years for the world.
Remember they are jews and jesuits.... but those organizations are trap doors to keep out of the very top of the pyramid.
I'm not a Crisis actor guys! See, Anderson Vandebilt believes me!
where do we go from there?
Holy shit, that was quick of CNN. Like Pizzagate. I love it when these people squirm when they know they've been found out.
Why does this kid have the stereotypical super villain head described in Unbreakable? Is he evil Sup Forums?
Apparently a lot of people are talking about it if they are doing damage control.
anyone else watching the re-broadcast?
Snopes is first result, how copy
not the same guy. there is plenty of legit data, stop posting fakes, shill
>"it's really telling when you call someone a dog fucker and they say 'no I don't do that you fucking idiot' that means they must fuck dogs"
They're being shamelessly used to push liberal horeshit. How can you stand being so deliberately obtuse?
Exactly what a crisis actor would say
here's the one where he admins he doesn't go to the school.
except they say no YOU fuck dogs
oh fuck post the webm
We cannot stop winning. We've gotta keep an eye on Syria/Israel and the DWS/Awan case as well. They're trying everything they have to slide that. This false flag was in Ramen head's old district as well
and if they weigh as much as a duck, they're a witch.
"I am NOT a fed!"
-Guy who is a fed
i'm getting a fag vibe from this dude. he may be a fag.
>I am not a crook
t. Crook
Keep spreading David ZOGG.
He is new Carl the Cuck.
fuck off back to melborne poofter
Every single front page result if you google "Crisis Actor" is basically saying "Crisis Actors aren't real! Don't believe it!"
>"There is no collusion with Russia"
I wish, I'd love to smash.
I responded to my post because I forgot to say something r*Tard
I called you a schizo because you probably are, a school gets shot up and instead of finding other ways to handle the situation you burgermutts just screech "FALSE FLAG MUH CRISIS ACTORS", which is exactly what people did over here and we still got our guns taken away
Are you really surprised that CNN is feeding him lines? It's what they do dumb cunt
Copy that.
(((Stiller))) Every time
Kid is really a student there. They can prove it. That's why they're gonna drag this kid out to be a victim of the evil alt-right.
Back off this narrative now or it's gonna bite us in the ass.
Kid is a liberal and wants to be in the media. The media took advantage of that and put him on the tube to promote anti-fun legislation.
That's what this is.
I thought it was Carl. Just Carl.
Sorry I don't have
Sup Forums is the jew now...damn...
To add on to this, I don't think most normies are going to do any further googling than that. Most are reddit tier retarded and will simply dismiss it after the first google because it doesn't hurt their mental safe space or challenge any further pre-concieved notions. Sure, there might be a little seed of doubt planted, but it will probably die and never grow.
i cant imagine being this slow
you realize it's 80% disinfo troll shills and 10% fags like you that are clueless and then 10% shitposters roughly
hey friends. i uploaded the video and I hope it won't get shoahed.
I feel YT is taking down videos of this if they titles are "clickbait" so I went with a generic title.
Oh hey there, newfag.
>tfw the counter-shilling is just right
I don't think they're crisis actors but honestly watching them get mad as hell over this is hilarious plus it derails their activism and forces them on the defensive so people should keep pushing this anyways.
What really gets to me about all this shit is how hilariously bad CNN has been about all this, especially when they tried to play the "white supremist school shooter" card with a clearly hispanic kid.
And now they have a CNN shill kid getting mad that people are saying this all doesn't smell right.
What will it take before their network is finally shut down for good?
I see you haven't reviewed the vast amounts of information we have compiled that makes this literally the most undeniably obvious false flag in history. Why dont you just go worry about your growing migrant crisis and tell us how it works for you when they start raping all you women and you dont have any guns to fight back. Move along now little baby. The men are working here.
The enemy is here. They will report it.
Saved, thanks user.
I was interviewed at G20 Toronto after cop car fire cause I was on the scene and it was nothing ike this faggit.. Just one take told my story and talked to the guy interviewing.. You dont need to change your story unless you're lying.
Pretty funny. Not more than a day, and you guys have them talking about whatever you want. You have their attention
More people need to see this:
Sup Forums has no reputation to ruin.
Snopes is always forced to the top on stores that they are fake or that make them look bad. Type in PizzaGate, Uranium one or Seth Rich and Snopes is always first.
Intresting discussions everywhere, all the info needs sorting through autism is the key (and plenty of free time) freerepublic.com
(((They))) never learn.
What was he a witness to in California?
You should smash your palms together and pray to Jesus to save you from your reprobate mind.