ごきげんよう Sup Forums...

ごきげんよう Sup Forums, the moderation team has come up with a few guidelines to improve your experience on Sup Forums and encourage people to lurk moar, etc. Mods will be more proactive in moving or removing threads when deemed necessary. This will only be stickied temporarily.

- Please avoid making threads in “general” or “template” formats. Avoid chaining threads, copy-pasting OPs, backlinks, and the like.
- Avoid redirecting all discussion of a series to a single thread. Users are free to discuss similar content in separate threads as long as threads are not being spammed.
- As commonly recurring threads tend to suffer from degradation of quality over time, posts inside such threads may be held to higher standards in terms of rules 6 (Quality of Posts) and 10 (Spamming/Excessive Reposting).
- Threads in Sup Forums should be primarily based on anime/manga discussion. Consider using either or for image sharing threads, and or for generals which have long since exhausted all fresh discussion.
- Discussion should be centered on series and characters, not the posters or communities that discuss said series and characters.
- Aim for original discussion or content, both when creating OPs and posting inside threads, and allow threads to die naturally.
- Request threads belong on or and “spoonfeeding” is not encouraged as that degrades the point/validity of using those other boards. Lurk and learn, rather than demand chores from the board.
- Threads which are Sup Forums related but have no clear alternative forms (such as buyfag/drawfag) are allowed as long as they follow these guidelines.


Other urls found in this thread:


Open for discussion now.

The sticky is dead. Long live the sticky.

Should be put on sage.

and what if i refuse?

Good rules, too many fucking normalfags ruining this site now days.

Remove Rin and Shinka spam, they don't even want to discuss the respective character or series, just post some dumb meme question /qa/ style and then talk about nothing at all.

rescue /pc/


We can have buyfag threads now?