How to solve mass shootings without banning guns

Don't hire retards who give guns to retards who are mentally unstable in gun stores?

Other urls found in this thread:

If you give everyone a gun, the problem will be over in less than one year, tops.

Armed and trained security guards

This. Free guns from government gun drop copters.

Men with guns protect money

Men with guns protect commercial airplanes

>So why don't men with guns protect schools

we need to reign in these false flags launched by deep state operatives funded by wealthy (often jewish) plutocrats.
thats the only way to stop all these mass shootings

Having the government actually act on tips like the FBI got about this cuck.

Probably because children are worthless annoying pieces of shit.

Other than appearance what is the diff between the 47 and the 74 models? I thought the 74 was smaller but it doesn't appear to be.

What about muh sales quota??

this. fuck kids. defend yourself you useless weaklings.

kids are not a necessity anymore. they are a luxury. if you want to protect your assets , home school else roll the dice.

socialism is pathetic.

Men with guns guard every vapid celebrity whore that the Left idolizes, and they see nothing wrong with that

Suggesting that we used armed guards to defend innocent little children and they go fucking nuts

Liberalism is truly a disease of the mind

it's the 74-U that's smaller. while not smalldic/k/, a quick google shows it's easier to handle due to not being chambered to the hilariously hard-kicking 7.62 rounds. Other than caliber it seems the differences are minimal.

What's the difference between the ak47 and ak74? Other than when each was first produced.

Do roughly what Australia does.

- Don't let people keep pistols or handguns in their houses. They're for recreational use on pistol ranges and shouldn't be on the streets.
- Don't give guns to anyone with a criminal record or bad mental health record.
- Don't let ordinary civilians have guns that are for military purposes, such as automatics or semi-autos or anything that shoots more than two or three shots before reloading. If you can't drop a pig in three shots with a decent calibre, then you deserve to be downed by the pig.
- place restrictions on gun advertising and sales so their isn't so much of a culture of gun nuts.
- restore shooting to its rightful place as a recreational pursuit for gentlemen and a form of vermin control for farmers. Anything outside of these basic roles shouldn't be allowed on grounds that it's too dangerous.

Do all these things and teens won't be fantasizing about getting the high score and won't be able to get hold of guns of mass destruction.

Because some nigger kid will steal the gun and shoot people. It's their culture they can't help it. Either that or another Yvette Ferclua will shoot people who don't agree with her.

I was in the municipal court earlier while I was trying to get a ticket reduced because some jack-ass landlord paid his plow-guy to make some convincing parking lot shaped plows onto the grass. When I was in that court, I came across a gentleman named Jim, it's either Jim or John, I don't remember. Either way, we got to talking and he brought up the question of gun control. I started to explain that the rights of the individual are a necessity, and that the freedom and right to bear arms is what keeps this nation free. But then, I realized something, something that came to me as if from fucking nowhere;
What have we done to kids?
The whole issue stems from pushing and taking certain social responsibilities from them. We don't treat kids like kids anymore, we don't treat girls like girls and boys like boys. We have pushed onto young kids (especially young boys) too many social obligations that they cannot emotionally fulfill at their age; you are a man, therefore you cannot do this, this, this or this. You are a man, you are prone to be violent or abusive, you are broken, you are wrong. All of these young boys that develop social and mental issues are the victims of a system that has tried to "fix" boys to be more passive. And on the day that these boys finally realize what has been done to them, what these monsters that they see in the people that live around them have taken from them, they lash out in the most violent ways possible. It's like keeping a dog in a muzzle and on a chain for fifteen years, yelling at it and expecting it to comply to command, and one day you decide that it is time for the dog to be let off the leash, and the muzzle to be taken off. Suddenly, when that abused, mistreated dog jumps and bites as your neck as hard you can, everyone leaps in panic and calls for the banning of teeth and claim that the issue is the violent nature of the dog. These boys were betrayed by the people around them.

Caliber. 47 is 7.62 x 39 while 74 is 5.45 x 39.

Yup, just the caliber. 5.45×39 or .221 made to be comparable to the 5.56 m16 or .223.

You're retarded. It isn't even "Gun nuts" that shoot up schools. It's mental kids on goof pills. Also an illegal firearm can be purchased from almost any nigger downtown who wouldn't rob you first.

Thanks user

don't give guns to democrats

>It isn't even "Gun nuts" that shoot up schools. It's mental kids on goof pills.
It's retarded and autistic kids who do the shooting, but they get obsessed with guns because they get exposed to gun culture. Cut out the gun culture and these autists will be directing their anger into model train sets instead.

I wish I could buy the AK-12 but it was just a prototype model for the "modular" AK which looks like shit.

Make sure the FBI investigates this time

They'll just find other ways to kill. Quieter ways. And they'll probably get away with it.
Mass gun confiscation will result in more bloodshed, more disempowerment of the people and more government control over everything.

ban kikes

>They'll just find other ways to kill. Quieter ways. And they'll probably get away with it.
They'll kill with their model trains, one student at a time, slowly but surely.

>Don't hire retards who give guns to retards who are mentally unstable in gun stores?

better idea- don't get mental patients medications that have been definitively proven to cause them to go on mass shooting sprees.

The 80's were a much, much more violent period of history in America than right now, but we didn't have the problem of mass shootings that we have now. We also didn't have Prozac- which almost every mass shooter has been on when they committed their massacre.


Great idea, user. Instill them with ideas to derail trains and kill hundreds of people at time while getting away with it, rather than shooting a handfull before biting the bullet themselves.

I have the perfect solution. How about we make mass shootings illegal? That should solve many problems, no one would support someone doing illegal shit.

Maybe we should only let them play with Teletubbies instead. Much safer, right?

They did the same thing in Orlando

I don't give a damn about anyone's safety but my own. That's why I have guns.

>someone has a gun
>shooting happens
>"need more guns"
>spread more guns
>shooting happens
>"need more guns"
That is the most retarded thing I've seen all week. How is giving people more guns a way to resolve anything?

Nvm, just did some research and ya, the prototype 12 modular on paper is awesome and in fact a personal dream of mine to create a modular ak.

>I don't give a damn about anyone's safety but my own. That's why I have guns.
I always knew you were a sociopathic autistic, user, with little sense of the existence of others and no capacity for empathy. I really wish your mama gave you more cuddles when you were young. Much love to you, user!

It makes them more difficult to take away. Since, ya know, that's the plan and the only reason they turn a tragedy into a publicity stunt.

> I really wish your mama gave you more cuddles when you were young.

Banning guns isn't solving anything. The real problem is a shitty society that drives people to go shoot up a public place.

If you want to stop mass shootings, stop making people want to commit mass shootings. Taking away guns doesn't take away how people feel.

Nicely put, user.

The real problem is autism & psychiatric medication, "putting more money into mental health institutions" isn't going to do shit though
People need to start campaigns against the pharmaceutical companies, protest against them like liberals do against guns

>When even your own example proves that the variable ''gun amount'' is not affecting shooting happenings function but you're not as smart as you think you are to get it

True. 100% of school shooters were on bug drugs.

option 1: Raise the minimum age to purchase semiautomatic guns to at least 21.

option 2: only men with children in their custody can own semiautomatic long guns. But for them full auto and suppressors are also unrestricted.

Dylann Klebold and Adam Lanza are the only two I can think of who weren't on drugs
Somewhere close to 50% of them are diagnosed autists too, got obsessed with guns and murder instead of trains or anime

Most people, especially White people, are responsible. Crime drops as legal gun ownership goes up. Not that it matters. Gun ownership is fundamental to the how the US functions. That's why it's a guaranteed right. We will always have open and easy availability of firearms. The second the government attempts to take it away we'll kill you all.

In fact the founding fathers would have used them long ago with the abuses our government has heaped upon the people. It's beyond time to cull the degenerates from our society. I really hope the Left takes the presidency in 2020 and regains the house and senate. The moment they do they'll move to legalize the brown hoards and pass Australian type gun confiscation.

If they do that it's a guaranteed civil war and I hope it happens.

>option 2: only men with children in their custody can own semiautomatic long guns. But for them full auto and suppressors are also unrestricted.
That actually sounds like a good idea
Would the 2nd amendment supporters support this?

Must be gun's fault. Let's penalize the rest of the 99,999% for the actions of a handful of psychos.

>the irony is fucking palpable

not trying to get (you)'s, but serious question, didn't trump repeal some law that bans mentally unstable people from buying guns in the USA?

america is not an island, and banning guns only gets rid of guns for law-abiding citizens. besides, you still have car attacks and terrorist attacks with guns in australia, people will kill eachother no matter what, with anything available. the current states with the tightest gun control have the worst crime rates and violent crime, even though AFTER the expiration of the AWB crime on the average is going down.

guns stop crime. there's a reason police carry them, and police are no more than civilians with badges. you can buy a hi-point and a couple thousand rounds of ammunition and be as trained with a handgun as the average cop.

... honestly, we are quite lucky the problem is sporadic mass shootings. I heavily emphasize the infrequent nature of the event because the population of the US is in excess of 300 million. Given the available pool of psychos, the event happens so rarely that without the media frenzy we wouldn't even know it happens at all.

School shooters have historically been good sports. Examine the behavior:
>go after peers, typically high-schoolers
I'm not going to say what, but there is much, much easier prey out there. It's a blessing that these people are out for suicidal vengeance, not pure body count.
>uses a gun
Again, if pure body count was the aim, this is a suboptimal choice. There is no sense in explaining all of the better options. Guns require some skill to use even at a basic level, and the kill:injured ratios demonstrate quite clearly how inept most shooters are.
>no aim to survive
The suicidal tendencies of mass shooters prevent them from being even a fraction as effective as they could be. Most of them even off themselves before the law arrives.

People have a tendency to catastrophize. I think this is a rare instance where the inability of the average person to see how much worse things could be is actually endearing. Their minds are not poisoned yet.
> Klebold’s medical records have never been made available to the public.
>Remember that, until 2007, Lanza’s primary psychiatrist was Dr. Paul Fox who, in 2012, accused of having sexual relations with his patients, surrendered his license to practice medicine in New York and Connecticut, destroyed his records and moved to New Zealand.
Nah, that kid was on drugs too.


Discriminating by family status is constitutionally questionable, so it's not a likely solution legally even if it were politically. I think most 2A people think they can weather this crisis like all of the previous ones, and they might be right.

It's kind of depressing because I see guys here and on /r9k/ with nothing to live for except the tenuous hope that it will get better. It's pretty easy to see from here why these events happen. Tough to see a solution other than making guns harder to get.

this. that guy in nice killed almost a hundred people with a truck, and wounded like 170. oklahoma bomber leveled a fucking building with farming supplies. boston bomber killed several with a pressure cooker and almost got away.

the only reason this reaches the level of fervor that it does, is because it's great for the news. it grabs eyeballs. news media have a huge ratings spike every time a tragedy occurs, and they want to milk it for as long as they can, so it stays up for weeks after occurring, even though exponentially more kids drown in fucking pools year round. the only reason gun control is even a debate is because of the news. statistically, you're damn near more liable to be struck by lightning than involved in an active shooter situation.

Make love not war

>banning guns only
Don't ban them. Just restrict their variety and their circulation to appropriate limits, such as handguns being used only at pistol ranges and by military and police officers. Too many Americans now like to pretend they're still living in the days of the wild west where it's every man for himself in lawless world. This just isn't true anymore. Let's make society safe for everyone. I speak as someone who got mugged by kids with a pistol while visiting the US.

>muh schools aren’t prisons

Implying they weren’t prisons before anyways...glorified babysitters and indoctrination centers.

I wish they'd shot you

Why is Shoe not wearing bottoms in this pic? She's going to get sand in her vagina.

>I wish they'd shot you
(For those who don't know this is a traditional Australian greeting, a bit like owyagoingmateawright)
And a bonzer arvo to you, my cobber mate.

> Too many Americans now like to pretend they're still living in the days of the wild west where it's every man for himself in lawless world.
>This just isn't true anymore.
> I speak as someone who got mugged by kids with a pistol while visiting the US.
> mugged by kids with a pistol
Sorry... say that again?
Also the pistol was probably just a replica and if you had a real gun you could legally blast the shit out of them and keep your money.

ban americans. whats the common thread between all these shootings? they're americans. just ban americans from existing

>got mugged
>would rather put his life into the hands of a drugged up worthless piece of shit than defend himself

fucking figures. here's a classic for you, you spineless liberal sack of shit.

>Also the pistol was probably just a replica and if you had a real gun you could legally blast the shit out of them and keep your money.
No, it was a real gun (I grew up as a pistol shooter, so know my guns). The kids were 15 or 16. And when someone comes from behind and is pointing a gun at your head, you don't have opportunity to do anything. You've been watching too many Westerns and live in a fantasy world, user. Thank goodness some Canadians are more cool.

It was some bullshit to take guns away from senor citizens and anyone who walked into a therapist office.

>Specifically, immediately after prescribing a small dose of Celexa to Adam Lanza, Koenig received a phone call from Nancy Lanza which reported her son was “unable to raise his arm.” Nancy Lanza was reporting her son was attributing this symptom to the medication. Nancy Lanza stated due to her son’s symptoms, he would be discontinuing use of the medication. Koenig attempted to convince Nancy Lanza that the medication was not causing any purported symptoms which Adam Lanza might be experiencing. However, Nancy Lanza was not receptive to Koenig’s reasoning. Nancy Lanza missed at least one scheduled appointment (unknown date) and failed to schedule subsequent appointments for Adam Lanza. Koenig did contact Dr. Paul Fox and agreed that his behavioral-based therapy would remain the primary course of treatment for Adam Lanza. She stated that Adam Lanza never returned for follow-up visits.
He only took medication once
I'm not sure about Klebold though, I thought I saw somewhere that he'd never been on drugs

no. the best way is to enforce the plethora of laws that already exist instead of having multiple agencies bungle cases multiple times with a perp before he goes on a rampage

the orlando shooter was investigated what, two times by the FBI? investigated for terrorism twice, put on a no fly list. yet FBI failed to include that information in their own goddamn criminal database.

literally every mass shooting has a sequence of epic fails on the government part. large government is just plain shit when it comes to doing anything. theres no accountability, being retarded is glorified and rewarded with promotions, and competent qualified people are passed over for dumber, more racially "diverse" statistic padders. in essence, SJWs have only themselves to blame, since its their policies which prevent decent quality enforcement of the laws they demanded in the first place

it also doesnt help that a lot of the nations federal law enforcement leadership is deeply political and hardline leftist. one could insinuate that maybe these shooting investigations are more "passively stonewalled" than "bungled", since the outcome of these tragedies is always a large rallying cry for the leftists who call for civilian disarmament. (remember, their endgame is a socialist state in which the people are dependent on the government, for work, and welfare, which allows for their political party and ruling class to enrich themselves corruptly, completely unrivaled)

You're trying too hard.
>The kids were 15 or 16
lemme guess... niggers?
> And when someone comes from behind and is pointing a gun at your head, you don't have opportunity to do anything.
That's what happens when you're a retarded pod person with your iPod headphones stuck in your head 24/7 in a lawless world. Wake up and remember to look both way before you cross the road, ya fucking retard. I don't care if there is a light shaped like a man walking, people still make right hand turns.

We don't have eyes in the back of our heads. We have no way of telling if someone comes up behind us with a gun on a city street. This is where self-defense completely falls down.

Also, there are some very interesting suggestions here:
"Six radical ways to tackle US school shootings"

I like "1. Don't name the shooter" and "4. Remove guns from people 'in crisis.'"

Why are most Canadians so much more joyous than you?

>restrict variety
>appropriate limits
>used only in arbitrarily selected place
>used only by authorities
What a thoughtful response. Such a system could not possibly be subverted or abused, and the objective and well-operationalized rules leave no room for malicious interpretation at all.

>wild west
>every man for himself
>lawless world
What percent of homicide cases are solved? How much crime goes unreported? What is the ratio of law enforcement officers to criminals? Who has more time on their hands? Who is less restricted in their actions?

>just isn't true anymore
>safe society for everyone
>muh anecdote but I am still virtuous enough to have the "right" opinion
This would all be easier if you dropped the mask of compassion -- no one buys it here. It's about control and power, nothing more.

Not even once.
Still, that doesn't mean that he wasn't taking anything else, before or after his reaction with a specific medication that he "only took once".
And remember his complete records have not been made public.
In Klebold's case it's the same thing, medical records have not been made public, but it would not be long shot to say that Harris could have been dosing him.

9 / 10 for effort. I don't want control. I just want to feel as safe in the US as I do in Australia. It's weird how so many Americans don't seem to care about safety or kids or social harmony or shared values. It's as though it's barely even a country.

>We don't have eyes in the back of our heads.
You have a neck and extraocular muscles, use them.

Increase the age to buy guns.
I think it should be the same age to join the military. I doesn't make sense to tell someone, "you can't have a gun unless you're fighting for us." least not to me.

those with violent criminal records shouldn't be allowed to buy guns. The goal is allow LAW abiding citizens to buy guns. If the citizen can't abide the laws, they don't get guns. Make sense, right?

Increase penalties for selling to un-vetted.

This is you walking down the street.

Doesn't work here...

>no one but maybe some literal who that you'll likely cherrypick is actually advocating for the taking of guns
Are you people really still on this muh deep state taking guns shit despite literally no evidence to support it?

See this would necessitate that the government actually do it's fucking job competently and update the NICS backgroud check database once in a while. Can't have that.
>39 visits to the dude's house
>multiple visits from Florida Child Health Services
>2 good tips to the FBI that the dude was trying to kill people
The fact that guns aren't banned isn't why this happened. This happened because the government is literally retarded and has a problem enforcing laws already on the books.

This is you walking down the street.

>It isn't even "Gun nuts" that shoot up schools. It's mental kids on goof pills.
You know that's a fucking lie.

>he's still posting

down here in texas, where you didn't visit as opposed to whatever liberal coastal paradise you did visit, is one of the safest places in the US, with open carry laws and among the most gun owners and concealed carriers.

like i've said before, law-abiding gun owners make communities safer.

As a Texan, you're full of absolute shit. West Texas is fucking rampant with drugs and gun crime. Heroin and cocaine are an epidemic here, and even in my town there was recently a double-homicide into suicide with a dumb fucking kid that took his dad's gun. Ironically, Dallas and Austin both had much less crime when I lived in them.

100% of them have been on bug drugs. Guaranteed.

It's the lack of exposure to the gun culture that is the problem. Gun culture teaches safety, respect for firearms, and personal responsibility.
The only perception of firearms that most kids get is straight out of Hollywood, rap music, and Grand Theft Auto where literally every time a gun is shown/rapped about/used it's about killing people. It's that perception of firearms that is the difference between the United States and Switzerland. Then idiot parents wonder how their kid could shoot up a school when the kid has absolutely no clue what else to do with a gun.

I'll give you a 9/10 for the bait. Sadly, the
>social harmony
>shared values
is an accurate impersonation.

lol, austin has a terrible fucking crime rate. and i'll give you that, areas like el paso and along the border are shitholes due to cartel influence and illegal immigration. i'm not accounting for drug crime, i'm accounting for violent crime. and yes, most of the homogeneous gun owning communities are still safer.

No it was basically this:
>be elderly
>be on social security and/or medicare
>some financial crisis occurs
>ask government for money to help with crisis
>get money in exchange for being labeled mentally incompetent
>forced to surrender duck gun

>You can join the military at 17
>Age to buy a rifle is 18

The future of the white race, everyone.

The safest places in the United States tend to have high rates of legal gun ownership.
In contrast, the most dangerous places tend to be more left-leaning with very strict gun control (Chicago, Baltimore)

>Also an illegal firearm can be purchased from almost any nigger downtown who wouldn't rob you first.

Daily reminder that gun on black market are not arriving by some sort of fairy godfather, but are taken from the "responsible owners" that were too retarded to handle them.

A lot of them come from gun store robberies.

Give everyone a voucher for a subsidy on a gun, knife, pepper spray or tazar.
Now that everyone is armed as they choose watch how opportunists stop attacking.

>it would cull half of the sales for the weapon manufacturers
>Would the lobbyists of said manufacturers support this?

Mate, the chaos makes populace afraid. Populace being afraid bans more guns - simple as that.
Have there been, god forbid, fucking well-regulated militia, there would be much less shootouts, therefore, much less guns would be purchased.

When you give up your guns the government can start passing laws that will destroy your nation.

I hope you realize the only reason the US isn't as bad as germany or sweden yet is because the citizens own a fuckton of firearms and if they ever tried to blatant trojan horse us with muslims there would be civil war immediately.

There is a certain point on the slippery slope where a government cannot go through when the population is armed. As long as the citizens are armed, there is hope for a better future. Your government is not your friend, and they will completely control you if you give them the chance to do so. In other words, you are a cuck

>from gun store robberies.

B-but where are law abiding citizens preventing that IN THE FUCKING GUN STORE?

>breaking in when no one's there
You're not that retarded are you?