We're getting banned aren't we.
Dragon Ball Super
wtf is wrong with you mods, fuck off that thread was deleted for no reason
Jus stop already and wait until the new episode to make a thread. You guys honestly deserve it for how utter garbage DBS threads were.
Read the sticky.
They actually deleted a discussion thread
He must really have a hate boner for dbs
Serves them right. They didn't listen to the anons that thought Dragon Ball deserved its own board. Now burn with Sup Forums.
Which rule did we break?
Please delete everything mod. Purge this whole board
Instead of a containment thread now we will have 10 threads for series at the same time.
what's going on, is the new ep out? why are mods deleting threads?
>meme ball generals finally gone
The work of mods ends here.
Honestly this. Are the mods really that stupid? Do they really think people will stop making DBS thread?
They forgot who are the Chads of Sup Forums
you having too much fun
It's not fair.
>Just gonna go ahead and dump
not gonna lie, that's actually a nice looking form after super saiyan blueberry.
Are there any other thread beside DBS that got purged? Are the rules literally made for DBS?
Stop this shit, saying this shit is what gets us hate around here. And you can get b& for saying that.
Not you losers, that's for sure.
It addresses every single problem DBS generals had.
Stop posting your stupid general meme pictures you retards.
Attack on Titan
I want Goku's new form to look like Super Saiyan except with no fur and silver eyes
what a fucking faggot
Yeah but the previous thread didn't break any rule.
Every general's getting purged. Brace yourself for the fallout
Leave el grande padre to us.
Snk had a big part to play in it I think
Boku no hero will be affected after episode discussion ends and JoJo threads got hit even though it's the only thing keeping discussion alive between chapters for them
Yeah, I'm totally digging the new form as well user. I hope they give it lore and build up to it. That is honestly what super needs right now.
>JoJo threads got hit even though it's the only thing keeping discussion alive between chapters for them
You don't get it, do you? That's exactly why generals are cancer. There's no need to have a thread up 24/7 when there's nothing to talk about.
One Piece, Hero Academia, SNK. Basically the threads that suffered the same problem DBS threads do. Due to how frequent they were, they all suffered heavily in quality. DBS was probably the worst though due to the amount of spamming and shitposting that went on in those threads.
/ag/ when?
I'm sorry but the request boards are retarded. Very few people come to this site just to specifically help.
>general threads should go to /trash/
Mods are fags as usual. This is what happens when nips run a website. Asians appeal to authority.
Generals are shit and always have been, fuck off you newfag.
>general threads should go to /trash/
Yes, trash should go to /trash/.
>gets us hate around here
That's not JUSTICE!
Why did the mods rather have 10+ thread than just 1 containment thread?
Sup Forums is not supposed to be a hub for different anime communities.
It is a good thing that all the generals are getting deleted.
Especially stuff like the DBS, BNHA and SNK general that are full of cross boarders.
This thread is already breaking the rules and should be purged.
What is it supposed to be though? Goku "mastering" god ki. Goku improving on Gohan's "mystic" form?
Never I hope
A lot of boards need to be purged/merged.
It will be purged soon.
Not fucking fair
>last thread title was literally a giant middle finger aimed at mods.
youre the newfag fuck you shitlord
I'm going to protest
You mods had better prepare yourselves
>As commonly recurring threads tend to suffer from degradation of quality over time, posts inside such threads may be held to higher standards in terms of rules 6 (Quality of Posts) and 10 (Spamming/Excessive Reposting)
This one literally applies to DBS threads due to how bad they were getting. You did this to yourselves and have nobody else to blame. Fuck off.
/ad/ >Dragon Ball when?
>Someone has this much autism
Way to go keeping the quality up!
>Discussion should be centered on series and characters, not the posters or communities that discuss said series and characters.
This one too.
You're absolutely right.
Any dipshit in this thread complaining is literally 16 yo and underage garbage has no place on 4 Chan in the first place
No alot of generals had shitposting (snk and bnha had A LOT of waifu posting)
retcon EoZ
Probably never. Too bad.
>DBS generals are getting purged
It was fun posting with you, gentlemen.
Don't tell me what to do MOM
I feel like he is actually a god now. The first mortal that is actually in the world of the gods. I remember though towards the end of Z I had always thought that Goku's aura gave of that of a 'mystic' form. But I feel like it's going to be some of both. His base potential stack with God essence.
You know they're an autistic weeb fedoralord when they start their post with Japanese text on an english speaking site.
>having fun is a bannable offense now
Sup Forums was built on the foundation of fucking around and having fun. Anime/random and early Sup Forums lacked strict moderation on other discussion boards which allowed the growth of memes. Mods are faggots on all boards.
>I feel like he is actually a god now. The first mortal that is actually in the world of the gods.
The GoDs were mortals before they got their position though.
>DBSfags literally don't browse the board
>Freezy, Goku and Vegeta all obtain godhood
>get made GoDs of new universes to replace the old ones
They only come here to repost the same old shit in DBS threads.
Problem retard?
not all discussion has been exhausted considering new episodes and chapters that have different things happening in them are coming out
Okay to make sure that these threads don't turn shit we need to make a few rules.
>First of all no manga Vs anime at this point it's beating a dead horse with how shit the manga is.
>Second no Waifufags in these threads it's stupid how we literally don't know anything about them and Waifufags have already shown up fucking shit up. Besides 18 is the superior option anyway
>Third no Torkansufags or whatever they are called.
>Jobhan fags should also fuck off and stop thinking there boy will do anything other than job.
>Are gtfags allowed? Is it the superior show? NO, HELL NO! Even the worst of super, is still better then the best of gt.
>Furries out!!!
>what about vados and 18 lewd posting? Completely fine and requested!
>Buucucks and Cellfriends should stop shitposting about there irrelevant boys not being in the tournament. If people actually wanted them then they would already be a part of it.
>Copy pasta fags get out!!
>Don't call all sides cucks and feel superior!
>Finally stop giving these retarded tripfags (You)s
If we all do that then the threads will improve.
Were they really? If so this is new info to me. anyways Goku and Vegeta idk about the half Saiyans count I believe that the actual Saiyans have a longer lifespan than normal earthlings. I know they don't live forever though. highly doubt they would live thousands of years like Beerus and various other gods and angels have