User, do we live in the sticks?

user, do we live in the sticks?

No we read the stickies.

No, we live in the city

Does a 70k people town count as sticks?

Depends on how much land those 70k people are spread out over.
There's an island were a bunch of villages decided to unite to form an island-wide "town". But most of the area is uninhabited.

Yes we do, but it's better than being "le front page of le intrenets" so don't complain.

Everything's inside a 7 km radius from downtown. We even have a university.

If you have a university then it isn't the sticks

Can I still have a Ren-chon? I played recorder in elementary school and my uncle was a potato farmer.

Only if you can take care of her like a proper daughter and give her plenty of love and attention.

I was thinking more of benis :DDD in bagina :DDD kind of affairs. It's the good ol' country folk style after all.


Such degeneracy

>IP count doesn't increase

yea u mad

like 10k town is pushing it.

Japan make the sticks look like heaven.

I used to before I moved out of home

It's hicks and meth-heads in there too.

If none of this applies then you don't live in the sticks.
* Your family owns a mountain
* You have a pet raccoon dog or tanuki
* Your school only has a class where all the student study together
* You need to ride a bus or train for several hours to reach a big city
* In the big city, you are afraid to talk because of your accent

Not exactly. We live in a town of 30k people, not the city, but not quite the sticks since everything is a short drive away. We might as well be living in the sticks though because even though it's a short drive the nearest grocery store is a 25 minute walk away and it may not look it but some of the neighbors have chickens and I've heard a donkey once or twice. As well as some of the streets having buildings on one side and empty lots on the other. At least the sticks are peaceful and don't have planes and helicopters flying over head and niggers shooting a cop a 10 minute lock away from the house.

*less than a 10 minute walk

tfw 200 person village