>isekai MC is an overpowered demigod
>but is deathly afraid anyone will find out so he pretends to be an ordinary weak adventurer, to the point of letting others steal credit for his accomplishments
Why the fuck do they always do this? How the fuck does this make any sense?
Isekai MC is an overpowered demigod
>isekai MC is a hikki neet
>it's just a parody bro
Would you rather be sniped by an anxious demi-God who thinks you are a threat or live in the comfortable knowledge that you could protect your harem if you happen to run into something larger than expected?
People find out you're a bad motherfucker then you'll have no end of bullshit to deal with.
Better to let people think you're nothing special and let others deal with the big stuff.
And only take credit when a big pay off is involved or something good will happen for them.
Most times however? It's probably because the author doesn't have it in them to write that kind of story and falls back on that old chestnut, even when it makes no fucking sense, to keep the story scaled down.
I'm not really into isekai, but isn't MC usually some sort of chosen one destined to kill some super powerful demon? In this context it really makes sense to stay low and not become its main target until the time is right.
>be Wall Street banker with more money than god
>constantly insist to everyone that you're a mere janitor because you're afraid of being shot and robbed by Kim Jong Un
>more like
>be Duke Togo
>pretend to not be a super assassin that kills people with so much skill that the police have to let you go because it's not plausible for a human being to have made those shots
>live a life outside of prison
Don't use emoticons on Sup Forums.
>isekai MC constantly complains about his party of problem children who are chronically incompetent
>despite there being a perfectly competent archwizard who is desperate for friends constantly nagging him and his party
Nobody likes you. Megumin is better than you.
I don't even remember your name.
Baby rejected her body.
In the case of the isekai MC he's usually powerful to the point of being impossible to apprehend though.
They need to be more overpowered.
He's new to the world. He doesn't know if he could actually escape everything.
The only time that is ever ever been the case was in the worst self insert shit you can imagine.
Every story with an over powered MC has people or things that can slap their shit sideways or the MCs power is very conditional.
Having them simply feign weakness for no reason other then ease of writing or to be all tough and smug without taking responsibility for their power is fucking stupid.
>Having them simply feign weakness for no reason other then ease of writing or to be all tough and smug without taking responsibility for their power is fucking stupid.
Too bad that's exactly the reason why these shitty nip writers do it.
>perfectly competent
>one-trick autist chuuni
>lel explosion so fanni
I gotta hand it to ya mate,Explosion magic sure packs a lethal punch,but once it misses she's nothing but an empty shell of an pathetic excuse for a mage,not even useful enough that you have to carry her when fleeing.If it weren't for Kazuma that piece shit wouldn't be even be worthy enough as a cocksleeve
Superior japanese humility folded a thousand times
There's taking responsibility for it and trying not to make a big deal about it.
The former is little more then a heroic power fantasy for children, the latter is an attempt by someone to do something needed without drawing undo notice.
Also the americans do it as well and it's a very popular.
Can't be more overpowered than the dude who if you even think about killing will make you die. Fucker has automatic, ranged MEoDP.
Power fantasy.
Reminder to never ever criticize kono shit else kono loving fag janitors will remove your post.
I can't wait till s3 where Kazuma will get even more chicks in his harem. Wow he's so suffering! So funny!
Its literally to pander to (man)children
Wouldn't a better power fantasy be using your power freely with zero consequences instead of needing to tiptoe around society pretending to be normal?
At that point the story would become bureaucratic rather than adventurous.
kinda like calling Deadpool shit because it's an X-men rip-off
The nail that sticks up gets hammered down. Being known for being a walking nuke is more trouble than it's worth, everybody will be either trying to figure out how to use you or how to kill you.
That's what Chinese Isekai are for
strong fuckers that aren't afraid so say they're demigods
But those are the best isekai!
It's wish fulfilment. Because the average reader leads a mediocre life, they want to pretend that the mediocre life they lead is just a facade hiding how amazing and super they are. It's the same rationale behind superhero secret identities or the "keep the magic secret" aspect of urban fantasy. Likewise they need to not just self insert as a Gary Stu, but rather a Gary Stu who is only pretending to be mediocre.
>make a complaint about a cliche
>i-it's because wish fulfillment
>ask a question
>receive an answer
Supply and demand user, things become cliches for a reason.
>MC is constantly looked down upon and bullied for his weakness and ineptitude
>but he's really SUPER STRONG and AMAZING in secret, if only his bullies knew!
>isekai mc is a neet
>is a handsome good looking guy filled with charisma and not a fat ugly disgusting mess of a human
>and not a fat ugly disgusting mess of a human
Not even NEETs are fat in Japan, your burger standards are just warped.
They are slowly getting there.
On the contrary, the enduring stereotype of NEETs is skinny-ass bony motherfuckers who survive on Caloriemates and a single serving of cup ramen a day because visiting the convenience store to restock on food is an endeavor in and of itself.
>isekai MC is an overpowered demigod
>gets a day job as a normal adventurer and otherwise avoids using his power for no particular reason
Devil is a Part-Timer is good though.
I want to fug that smug.