5 grils, 6, 8, 30, 10000? What do you think
Which is the perfect size for a harem?
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Depend on your money.
It doesn't matter
MC is always a master faggot anyway
0 because harems are shit
anime should not be lewd
Depends on how long the series is.
Given enough time to properly introduce all girls, there's no such thing as a too big harem.
Well, some of them are decent
I'd say 3 or 4, more is a mess
This is the only right answer.
5, 7 is acceptable depending on circumstance.
Let's each make one and find out
always 3.
4-5. Anything more than that and the quality suffers a lot.
I would have said 10 but then you might have to little time to do things without your gfs. So I'd say 5?
Three is nice, but personally I think 5 is the perfect number.
That is the problem of most harem, authors don't know when to stop adding girls. Every fucking new character is a girl that wants the D. The crazy doctor is a girl, party members are girls, the enemy is a girl, even the apocalyptic multidemensional being happens to be a lolita.
If you put so many girls that at the end each one only gets like 2 secons of screen its pointless. Better a few well developed than a legion of them
3 is the minimum amount for a harem, so 5. 6 if you want to add a trap, but they aren't really apart of the harem, just teases.
Season 2 never.
As many as the writing can effectively develop and treat as interesting characters.
So zero.
Even numbers
They can be too
As far as i know, a MC has never ended up with the trap option in a harem.
Not anime or manga. Take this shit to faggots. Don't bother the mods. They already agree.
Depends on your and their lifespans