What did he do wrong?

>give instructions in life or death situation
>twitchy guy messes them up 3 or 4 times
>keeps moving erratically with his hands
>crawls forward under instruction
>curl up in a ball, hand going for stomach/waist
>get shot

I mean it sucks but come on, if you were the cop going in to deal with a possible gunman would you tolerate this bullshit and let him possibly shoot at you? You don't know if he has a gun, and you ALWAYS assume that they do.

shot a white guy
hope he enjoys being an alcoholic loser for the rest of his life. lmao

a white guy that might kill you given the opportunity

you can't assume every white man loves his brother

You're either suffering from very low IQ or from autism if you have difficulties understanding that. Seems like you've got bigger issues to deal with than figuring this one out.

>ad hominem

You're fucked


you can't, but if you did, it would be a safer bet than "cops are good people because cops"

I don't feel strongly one way or the other. Probably not a wise idea to stick the muzzle of a "firearm" out a hotel window. I don't know what the appropriate procedure is to detain in that situation. I feel like crawling was bad, most of the high-risk ones I see done is face away, hands up, put a light on them, have them walk backward. There absolutely could be reasons not to do that in a hallway.

I'm glad I wasn't in the jury on that one. You put me on Mike Brown, it's open and shut. You put me on Shaver or Castille, I'm not so sure.

>obviously drunk person has trouble following orders
>better fucking murder them
keep sucking blue cock

it was carved on his gun, illustrating his ill intent.
judge suppressed the evidence, hid it from the jury.

Sgt. Charles Langley was the one that gave the psycho instructions and was the man in charge.

The guy in the picture had shit leadership, his boss fled to thailand to bang boipussi on government retirement money, left the kid with the mess.
Yeah the kid wasn't too right in the head either.

But all things equal, none of that shit would have happened if Sgt. Charles Langley wasn't being a huge cunt.

Contradictory orders.
(not that he was the one giving them)

Cop: Are either of you drunk
Cop: Will you have any trouble following my directions?

They said up front that they were not intoxicated

That's bullshit. Obviously you intend to shoot somebody with a gun. It's fucking retarded because it CAN be used against you but it shouldn't, it expresses no intent other than: "If I had to use this, it means you're fucked."

Fuck off boomer boot lickers. You deserve to go in the chambers with Jews.

How's the government pig dick feel in your gaping assholes?

Well in that case I guess witholding evidence from the jury is fine and I hope you won't mind when they do it at your trial.

Absolutely fucking kill yourself.

I made no comment on that, sheep fucker.

Hiding it was wrong but it should have proven inconsequential regardless.

No they hid it because they knew exactly the assumption the Jury would make, just like everyone with a brain has. That this guy was a pscho out to kill someone legally and because of the thin blue line those fuckers just keep getting away with it.

That's like saying the judge refuses to allow the DA to bribe a homeless guy to give eye witness testimony against you, and you're mad about it.

"His rifle had a lot of scary black parts on it, turning it into an automatic assault murder weapon, which shows he intended to shoot someone with it!"

Don't be such a gay.

Maybe he just felt like a badass and wanted to decorate his piece?

It doesn't prove he was a bad guy or even that he wanted to kill somebody. Young guys want to feel hard and maybe putting that on his rifle made him like cool. Is that stupid? yes. Does it prove he's a deranged psychopath? No.

It shows the pig joined the force solely because he wanted to shoot people like a fucking video game you fucking retard.

departments intentionally hire low IQ mongs to be their boots on the ground. him being there was all part of the plan knowing full well he was itching to put someone in the ground

No it doesn't. Warriors have decorated their shit since the beginning of time. He wanted to feel like a warrior, like a badass. If you get a tattoo that says "You're Fucked" does that mean you intend to beat the shit out of people or kill them?

Yes it does, a gun is a last resort for a cop. It is the last thing he uses if a situation is out of hand. No cop should want to use their gun. This man is decked out in "le badass tats" and sporting a rifle with "you're fucked" on it, any sub 80 IQ retard out there can tell you just by looking at him, his actions in the video, and his weapon that this fucked was out for blood and WANTED a confrontation where he could shoot somebody like a fucking video game. Any normal cop who doesn't want a confrontation or to kill someone would have had his ass on the ground or against the wall handcuffing him at the 5 minute mark of the video. If you're a cop you're not a "warrior" you're a servant of the public. Warriors are soldiers.

Copfag here.
The verbal instructions were complete dog shit. This put the guy in a position he was allowed to fuck up and they shot him for it.
It is entirely the sgts fault for being fucking terrible at giving commands.


You can't prove that he wanted to shoot somebody. he gave the man multiple chances in a possibly life threatening situation and he kept making mistakes.

If he REALLY wanted to blast him, he could have done so when he reached behind his back. Instead he gave the guy another chance.

>crawl towards me
LMAO, american cops are too fat and lazy to walk towards suspect. Just order the suspect to turn around and keep his hands on the back of his head, then approach and handcuff him, it's that fucking easy.



I will just hearing about it, in this situation, just lay there and say come here and get me faggots

>gee this drunk guy is trying to comply with a bunch of conflicting commands that i'm shouting at him
>guess i'll shoot him
or alternatively i could give concise unambiguous commands like get on the ground, hands on your head and the guy would probably still be alive

>Badass warrior cops

Do you burgers not see the problem here? That is not their fucking job. If they wanted to do that they should have signed up to shoot brown people in the middle east. But half of these fuckers can't even make the grade to be a dumbass boot and so they become cops.


cop did nothing wrong.

Don't reach for a gun twice when cops have guns drawn on you. Seriously they gave him two chances, way more than I would.

He'd be dead the moment he put his arms behind himself If I were the cop

Glad the little fool died, he should have been more mentally prepared for such situations.

Cross your left knee over your left knee put both hands in the air devide 659 by 6
Sing yellow submarine backwards the hover above the ground and crawl towards me or I’ll kill you

>You can't prove that he wanted to shoot somebody.
You don't order someone to crawl towards you, what are justification behind this? It's pure humiliation and exercise of power. This cop is power-hungry fucked up in the head trash.

he did not die for bad instructions, he died reaching for a gun, twice.

>You can't prove that he wanted to shoot somebody.

Yes I can, anybody can put two and two together and see this guy was looking for a conflict he could use his gun in, like a fucking video game. It's even more evident when in the beginning he asks for another fucking magazine when he's strapped down with more than 2 already. Only someone who is blatantly ignorant ignores the YOU'RE FUCKED mark, the tats, and his "commands" and request for another magazine. This is a man who went into the situation as a pretend soldier, not a cop, and he treated the situation like COD. This wasn't a shooting, this was an execution. If you want to run around with an Assault Rifle and shoot people join the Military, and not a PUBLIC. SERVANT.

His instructions were fucking simon says tier bullshit that nobody could follow if they had two beers (Which he did) and were at the level of pants shitting scared this guy clearly was, the man was crying for fucks sake. If you're a cop and are unable to see this than you have no place on the fucking force for being unable to read basic human traits and see this person is SCARED and CONFUSED and probably can't follow your 50 fucking different simon says commands. Any normal person could see it in the video, so why can't someone whose job is being a PUBLIC SERVANT see it?. He gave bullshit instructions and a man who was panic'd to hell and was damn near pissing himself.

>>give instructions in life or death situation
If I recall correctly it wasn't him that gave the instructions, it was some other cop that's in the Philippines right now.

He had no gun on him and was pulling his falling pants up you fucking kike.

non of that matter though. he reached for a gun, twice.

everything else is irrelevant

I didn't Simon Says! You die now XDDDDDD

foresight sorry.

cops did not know that. if you can prove they knew he had no gun than sure you win.

He died because of piss poor instruction.
He was drunk and pulling up his pants. Cops were dialed in on 11 and the situation was obviously hot but not that hot.
They PUT HIM in a situation where he was ABLE to fuck up. They're going to be held civilly liable for this guy's death because they're fucking stupid.

Since I'm an actual good cop...
I would have called his room from the front desk and talked down any situation. We never would rush the hallway like that unless shots were fired.

>twitchy guy
You mean admittedly drunk guy in loose fitting clothing who was crying at the time?

we'll see.
Piss poor instruction came from the officer that did not shoot the guy. the man who shot him, did so, because he reached for a gun, twice. as instructed to do.

instructions are important in life or death situation, both cop and drunkard did things poorly. in the end, guy got shot for reaching for a gun, no gun in the end is irrelevant, that is procedure.

The kid could have put his hands up and done a little dance and would be alive. they only shot him at the moment they thought a weapon wass being drawn.

this is why it is very hard to say the intention was to kill him from the beginning. regardless of bad instruction.

Don't reach for a gun, or look like it.

Slippery slope is not a logical fallacy. Putting words in the mouth of your opponent is though.
Also what he said was factual, not an ad hominem.

That guy has a woman's face.

This faggot had hard on when he shot that guy. Shoot this fucker in the balls for all I care

this is the face of a true demon

He didn’t have a gun
I have full respect for the cops I just fucking love the idea of a cop giving outlandish impossibly hard instructions and then shooting you if you can’t comply hahahaha

t. nigger pig dick sucker

Except he was not reaching for a gun. I understand why he shot him, it looked like a motion that is consistent with reaching for a weapon.
Except he is pulling up his pants.
I can tell you just by Monday morning quarter backing they were too amped up for what the situation called for.

It is their fault he is dead. End of story.
Had they don't what I and just about any other cop would have done.
>look away from the sound of my voice
>get on your knees and put your hands up
>now get to your feet and keep your hands up
>walk backwards to the sound of my voice, don't stop until I tell you
>get back down on your knees
Click click.
No ridiculous Simon says nonsense.
Could even have him turn around multiple times with his arms starched in the air to check his waistband for weapons at a distance. It safety brings the subject towards the officers allowing officers to not deal with the doorway they thought had guns behind it.
If literally any other competent police officer had handled this situation this guy would be alive.


Dude is a psychopath on a power trip. Fuck bootlickers, you all get the rope.

He looks like a soyboy faggot

None of you can get past this simple concept
He reached for a gun two times.

"Except he was not reaching for a gun"

This is the problem you have with why it's justified, you are unable to separate foresight from the event, neither you nor the cops knew he had no gun nor was reaching for his pants falling down. even if that's the likely thing he was doing, you are to assume they are reaching for a gun if they reach for the belt or hands out of sight.

That's it. no exceptions. That's law enforcement procedure across america and even countries like mine were people have little chance of having a gun, if a call is out someone is armed, you do not hesitate when they reach.

All police officers in america would do the same under that circumstance, so as a warning I suggest if you're confused and scared, put your hands out flat on the ground and lay down, don't follow instruction, just stay still.

they had the upper hand they shot him so they didnt miss, they had a gun trained on him and should of first checked

thanks for the no reason i need to shoot you

>"Except he was not reaching for a gun"
Why did the police want to question him in the first place?

Anyone with 2 working brain cells knows to keep your hands visible at all times.

>Be wasted as fuck
>Cops waving guns in your face and screaming nonsensical instructions
>Fuck it up because you're wasted
>Soyboy compensating for his tiny penis blows you away

Fuck yeah I love freedom, glad we don't have that brand of psychos over here.

>keep your hands
not if you dont have nothing to hide faggot

why should we give a shit what your faggot ass thinks?

They didn't clear the entire floor yet. What if the gunman was around the corner? Police walk up to cuff suspect and get shot.

Making them crawl means you can see their hands at all times and reaching for a gun would be slow and awkward.


He looks like that guy from deck the halls when he's about to go destroy Danny devito's fuse box

>Maybe he just felt like a badass and wanted to decorate his piece?
>Young guys want to feel hard and maybe putting that on his rifle made him like cool.
>Warriors have decorated their shit since the beginning of time. He wanted to feel like a warrior, like a badass.
This is some of the most corny faggot shit I've ever heard. And you make policing sound like a big faggoty joke.

This is not a fucking video game or fantasy. If he wants to feel like a gay badass then he can go play XBOX. Cops wanting to be a gay badasses need to perish. Wanting to be a "hard badass warrior,"almost exactly means mistreating other people.

Also notice how this shill uses the cop's "feels" to justify him. "Durrrrrr but the cop's FEEELS!"

>departments intentionally hire low IQ mongs to be their boots on the ground
This is false .

COP: “don’t put your hands down or we’ll shoot you”
Dumbass:*reaches for his fucking waistband” therefore gets shot...

Civilian who has no detainee training and has never sacrificed anything for the well being of this country :”omg that cop is a piece of shit he just wanted to kill someone so he killed this kid for no reason at all!!!!
Play stupid games win stupid prizes this cop could not have been any clearer on his instructions... then the kid reaches for his waistband...

Whoever did the yelling totally made the situation worse. The victim was complying and they had him secured face down on the ground with his hands revealed. Why did they make him sit up and do that confusing leg lock bullshit while being screamed at and having guns pointed at him? I'd love to see how some of you spergs would react in that situation.

Why do you let pigs fuck your asshole? Kinda strange don't you think