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I can't be the only person who is a little suspicious. 70% of the vote was Republican in the last election and now it swings Democrat?

imagine losing a thousands seats then being this happy when you win one back

well the guy who won last time killed himself after sexually assaulting an underage girl

The Republican nominee was the guy's wife who said the victim was a liar and there was rampant voter fraud.

>Think we won
>Quit voting

Get out and vote idiots.

Makes sense. Terrible choice for a candidate: Just like Hillary.


>The Republican nominee was the guy's wife

GOP is sandbagging.

>dem wins in a district where the last representative killed themselves
It is a cuck district full of soyboys. They only voted for Trump because his high energy was too much for them and they voted for him in awe of it.

>lose a senate seat in Alabama of all places
>seats keep turning to democrats
TRUMP TRAIN 2020!!!!!!!!!

>midterms havent happened yet
>already lost 40 seats



Finally, trump and his cronies are on their death throes. Thank G-d for this.

it truly is pathetic. of course, when the day comes, only then will they finally curtail their rural retards in favor of becoming relavent again politics

>lose almost 1,040
>w-w-we got 40 back!

The faster it all falls apart the better. Im sick
of waiting for the end of this piece of shit pozzed system. I want it to crash with cataclysmic force so that all the rules go out the window, the normies eat a reality shit sammich, and we can re-make this country into the paradise it could be.

Stop user, it's inhumane at this point. These people are crying, they need hope.

>GOP is sandbagging.

This is bad... really bad.

First Alabama, now Kentucky? How are they going to do in the more competitive states in 2018?

I fucking knew Trump wasn't /ourguy/. He's a fucking Clinton plant sent to destroy the Republican Party. I don't think they expected him to win, but it's going to be even worse than had he lost the election. Hillary would've at least given us a villain to rally against. Now nobody gives a fuck about Hillary and it's all about Trump and this scandal or that scandal. He fucked this porn star, he's peeing on Putin's face what next?

I fucking called it and no I'm not into RINOs either. The establishment has got to go. It should've been Ron Paul from the fucking beginning.

Yes. I’m rather worried I’ll die of old age before the civil war kicks off. I’m no spring chicken.

a literal 35yr tortoise run state

People that don't go out to vote because "LOL we win easily" should just kill themselves at this point.

Im from this area. Didnt even know there was a special election.
Probably the most interesting thing to happen at the salt river since the train derailment.

Im from the neighboring area so dont you all gang up on me right now.
My fiance is from here but she moved out recently because her opiod addicted brother kept stealing her shoes and blowdryers. If that says enough about the area.

Obama was already at 140+ seats lost at this point in his presidency. There was probably a really bad candidate in that district. It happens.

> Democrats lost more than 1,030 seats during Barack Obama's presidency, which reveals how his leadership has affected the grassroots of his own party.

>state seat

Nobody fucking cares. That's like Hillary winning the presidency and a republican wins a seat in California's state congress.

This used to be the old cunt's seat, ShareBlue operative.

The fucking recent guy was a complete wackjob too. Touching on some hooters girl is seriously the most normal thing he did.
Having him for the GOP was damning multiple times. He was used as the black sheep that colored the whole GOP dumb as fuck for years.

>nobody cares about state seats
Who do you think controls redistricting?


It's because people from Sup Forums are supposed to start running. We're winning, but we've got to put the /right/ people in.

Two flawed ass elections. These aren't the norm and a Kentucky state house seat isn't shit. Conservatives will only grow stronger this year.

Too many boomers died.

da blue tsunami is real.
GOP and drumpf are fucked

They ran his wife for the seat. The guy hanged himself because of pedo accusations

So typical Republitard then?

STATE *Clap* POLITICS *Clap* HAVE *Clap* NO *Clap* BEARING *Clap* ON *Clap* FEDERAL *Clap* POLITICS *Clap*

did we lose 40? because that is not what that says
it says 40 flipped from R to D
you still have to subtract the ones that flipped from D to R

>your reaction

Fuck you cucks fan



hey look, a rational comment.

We are, that's why shills like you are here

Relevant? You mean like how they won the last election. And who would they curtail the rural retards in favour of? Niggers? Spics? Leftwing morons like yourself who unironically believe diversity is a strength and then call others retarded?

>state seat

remember hubris is why hillary lost. Hubris must not be the downfall of our movement. Don't get cocky because we won the presidency

Might need keep your guns in ready maintenance. This could be what Soros funded with his 18 billion.



>GOP is sandbagging.

Everyone's like "Trump2020 gonna be so tough to beat!" The whiplash from the 2018 election is gonna be killer diller friendo.

Every single seat matters. Anyone of any party who says anything remotely different is a cunty fuck. Trump + GOP are gonna get slaughtered in Novemeber. Reverse Tea Party scenario.