Dragonball Super
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Good ahead pedro mods, delete this fucking thread I fucking dare you
Is this fanfic? The new episode is not up anywhere yet.
No, they actually gave Goku slightly wavy hair and called it a new transformation
Geekdom wants all your cummies.
What are we gonna do now DBchads?
>they already shrank his muscles
The skinny look is great
Yeah I know.
This is the perfect way for them to kill DBS and run the DB IP into the ground.
I sort of think the guys at Toei who fucked up DBS are the one's who made the fuck up called GBFTry and Age.
>The skinny look is great
Not according to the west and all of Japan.
Or did you forget the outrage over twink gohan?
wtf where is this from?
Got a link/source?
Are you retarded? Do you just accept whatever or did you actually dislike the muscles?
inb4 404
fuck you
It was never even a battle
How wet will she be when she sees Goku go SSJG?
404 when?
SSJ celestial?
Didn't you get the memo to stop shitposting?
Where will be go now. I don't want the shitposting to end.
You aren't wrong user, lean muscles > bara
This is even canon to DB lore since USSJ is useless
Learn English.
Another thing about Caulifla's feet is, the people who are, or will be, crushed under them! Such as: Job Troopers, Jobhan, Jobgeta, Jobren, Jobrienne and more
Guys we should be posting cute girls wearing almost no clothes and talking about how we would interact with them. Anime discussion has no place in an anime discussion board.
Did I miss something over the past few days? Did Sup Forums finally hakai Dragon Ball Super generals?
>W-we're totally c-chads of Sup Forums
>wtf mods stop bullying us
Well earned MODS = GODS. You DB shitters ain't shit. Know your place.
This. Based mods.
If you saw that butthurt shitposter's Goten picture, here's your eyebleach.
All generals are banned except cute ones.
Deviantart, some guy named gytisjust.
Read the sticky.
What? How did this come to be?
eyebleach for ants
wtf so we can't have DBS threads anymore?
Great taste my man
Next step is super sayian white aka angel mode?
Read the sticky. We need to go to /bantz/ or /trash/ for generals LOL
Get fucked /dbs/
Super is fucking shit and all of you deserve to be raped by the mods.
You can have threads with a specific topic in mind, just not generals. It's not difficult. The things is generals usually just have nothing to talk about so they recycle the same shitposts/images every thread.
wtf i hate dbs now
Their work ends there.
literally every thread on Sup Forums is a general.
why only single out dragon ball? fuck these mods
This thread sort of tries to have a specific topic, it's just not working very well.
DBS ruined Sup Forums.
The thread itself is retarded but fine, the problem is the people who want to whine about their general and post their dumb memes.
The last several threads were just Gohanfags repeating the same shitposts over and over
Preview pics.
Confirmed to never even checking other threads on Sup Forums.
I think a cartoon show with a MAN as a protagonist scares fuckboys.
It's been like that for well over a month. About fucking time mods did something about it.
>Dragonball fags are this delusional
Keep crying.
>Goku's new eyes can see evil
>he is looking at us with the rage of 12 universes
W..wh..what did Son mean this?
>literally every thread on Sup Forums is a general.
What did I miss? Another round of cheese pizza?
did we really cause the new no fun allowed rules?
If Goku went SSB to defeat Nink, but not Dyspo, this show is shit.
Do people actually find those ridiculous threads with repeated shitposting 24/7 fun?
>Felled by a ray gun
>Cannot even properly catch gunfire aimed at him, from the front no less so no getting caught off guard excuse
>Soon to have trouble with "bullets of light" which if true may be light speed projectiles, oh and this time he's using a decent fraction of his full power so no holding back excuse either
Feels good Gokuck is never ever catching up to Supes. In fact he is actively regressing on his feats as time goes on.
Probably either that, anime Jojo-fags or waifushitters.
its over guys, we dont have a place to shitpost anymore.
it was fun while it lasted but its probably for our own good.
It's not useless. It has it's uses. Or have you forgotten the saiyajin saga and the 100% power fight between 100% frieza and goku?
Ussj was destined to be a last ditch power up to use energy attacks or finish a fight or take on a slower but far stronger opponent. Not something you'd spam against someone who's stronger and faster then you.
It has nothing but downsides in that instance.
SSJ being this tool that allowed them to physically and noticably change to fit the situation and had real downsides is what made it so cool.
Yes, you did. Accept the fact that you're cancer killing this board.
Butthurt shitposter get fucked.
Funposting will never die
>Soon to have trouble with "bullets of light" which if true may be light speed projectiles, oh and this time he's using a decent fraction of his full power so no holding back excuse either
The episode title's direct translation is outright "faster than light battle".
Almost every thread is about a general discussion on a particular anime/manga. Db Super is just more open about it in the thread title.
>discuss anime on an anime discussion board
>get banned
The state of Sup Forums right now.
Yes, and now you're learning your place: /trash/
/ag/ when? There's clearly a demand for it.
Most other show's threads aren't up constantly so there's actual discussion and not constant shitposting.
But dbs is seasonal garbage
>The work of the Mods ends here.
Apparently, yes. Autism is one hell of a disease.
Oh look, you're glorifying 90% of every thread not released on weekends or leakdays being obnoxious shitposts by classifying it as "fun."
I don't care much about shitposting in DBS threads as logn as it's no Manga VS Anime shitposting but this will make BNHA threads better.
Having "general" threads and having anime discussion in general is different. Also DBS super isn't the only series getting singled out on this.
>any thread having discussion is a general
Reminder this thread is for ANIME discussion only. If you want to discuss manga fanfiction create your own thread and see how long it holds
Nice going dbz shitter lol
The new rules are fucking cancer and will only stifle and stunt board culture and discourse.
With that said, clearly we need a new board dedicated to Anime General - /ag/.
We already have Video Game Generals - /vg/, so there's no reason whatsoever not to have one for anime.
>DBfags are this clueless about how the board works
Look here fuckers, see these deleted threads for yourself and decide if they were worth deleting or not and if they improved the board. Personally I think this change is good, newfags just need to stop spamming generals. We can still discuss DBS idiots.
>sys.Sup Forums.org/derefer?url=http%3A%2F%2Fsys.Sup Forums.org%2Fderefer%3Furl%3Dhttps%253A%252F%252Fboards.fireden.net%252Fa%252Fsearch%252Fdeleted%252Fdeleted%252Ftype%252Fop%252F
If it makes you all fuck off then I hope it happens.
The seven or twelve general threads currently being cracked down on by the mods isn't even close to enough to fill a board.
The mods can't never stop our DBS shitposting. Get fucked mods
>Mod not deleting the other generals because they like the shit shows like Kemono Friends or GuP
>We can still discuss DBS idiots.
I think you're misunderstanding, they don't want to talk about DBS, they just want to shitpost.
So they just jelous!
Fucking moron
I can't believe I got issued a warning for posting It was literally follow up for my prior post Wtf mods/janitors?