Any anons going to invest into the The Petro? Venezuela's cryptocurrency?
Any anons going to invest into the The Petro? Venezuela's cryptocurrency?
currently valued at 0.00000000001BTC but still worth more than the entire country of Venezuela
Would've been better if it was backed by Venezuelan babes instead.
Thirsty Pajeets would have taken it to the moon.
Any way we can sabotage the fuck out of this and drive it directly into the ground?
Holy shit is this the power of Jap bants?
Oil you say? Burgers, let's head out. We have another excuse.
>be smart user
>buy bags
>wait for slight increase
>dump everything
>make small profit
>collapse Venezuelan economy again
Its our patriotic duty to fuck the communists over.
Why would you buy Petro?
It's worth the price of a barrel of oil right in $$
So let's say you buy 10 petro at $60 that's $600
Let's assume oil jumps to $100 the next day
Do you think Venezuela would exchange that for $1000?
This Petro is a scam trust me. I wouldn't trust a commie with his worthless chucky e cheese tokens.
Its beautiful, isn't it?
Why would any sane person invest in socialism?
It's foreign english teachers mang.
I'm not becoming the jew.
You either die a Jew, or live long enough to see yourself become the Kike.
>Oil backed crypto
>mine crypto
>get actual oil for it
>be venezuela
>exchange actual physical valuable oil for virtual shitcoins
>chinkfags mine your coins
>buy all your oil
>leave you with shitcoins that nobody needs abd take all the real valuable oil.
So this the power of "advanced economics"?
How do we do this anyway? I know you've got a supercomputer unless daddy putin grounded you guys again.
Goddamn it, Nippon.
Fuck no, commies can't figure out which gender they are, let alone manage a currency. It would be great if they accidentally avtually did it and then found out that they can't print or steal it.
I'll read the whitepaper first, but fundamentally this money will go to the corrupt.
Venezuela is fucked. All the money they raise from Petro will go to paying off debt.
>invest in Venezuela
top kek
Typically a death sentence to try to back oil with anything other than the $. A few have tried and America delivered freedom.
>oil cryptocurrency
So it's basically just revaluing their worthless petrodollar but instead of using paper you just get a debit card so the government can cryptographically lock out your money and disappear into the night.
It's milliseconds to exchange any currency to US $ or precious metals and back. No one cares what oil is being traded in.
We are close to putting a embargo on Venezuela oil.
Venezuela produces like 1.7 million barrels
Consumes 700,00 internally
Sends 600,00 to China to pay of debt
Sends 100,000 to Petrocaribe
So right there that's 1.4 million were they don't make a profit
We buy 300,000 @ like $50 dollars so $15 million a day
We actually export oil and refinee oil to Venezuela which would also be embargoed.
So Venezuela would have to buy oil from like Angola,Nigeria, and Russia which costs more than WTI and shipping costs are more.
Venezuela about to be BTFO
>oil cryptocurrency
that's not how currency works, it's just a normal dollar backed by oil instead of backed by literally nothing other than its own purchasing power
Hell no with a capital H nigga
Oil is gonna die before long. dont put in much if any.
this, so many retards think that actual japanese would ever visit this site. They have their own forums that are probably better than anything this shit hole has to offer.
Cool, a new shitcoin