New episode today, subs tomorrow, speculation now. How will Toei fuck Himari over this time?
KiraKiraPrecure A La Mode
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Nice general.
>KiraKiraPrecure A La Mode Thread
>animatetimes link
>shitty screencap
Are you a Lico fan by any chance ?
KiraKira a shit
I'd rather watch Maho.
OP broke one of the five holy commandments of a /pc/ thread.
Now your fate is worse than hell, motherfucker.
Kira has been god tier has of altely. Looking forward to our next episode.
Rule 6 violation and blatant shit taste detected. Termination imminent. Please assume fetal position and engage in self-fellatio until help arrives. Thank you and have a good day.
/pc/ is ded and that sort of mentality is from an obsolete genreal era. Kira won agaisnt the maho shitposters. Banzai!
Not all Liko fans are garbage like OP, user. She is a good girl and a good cure
post kig mana
I just hope it won't be Himari gone dark because random scientist is better than her.
What happened to last thread?
nahh, thats elysio's shtick, this episode is Grave's turn.
3DPD pedos killed it.
That was the thread before last thread, and it lived strong to the very end
Fell victim to the mods' latest useless crusade, usual stuff.
please, don't die, /pc/.
It's dead. Everyone's moved on to Naruto and Dragonball. This is the future of Sup Forums.
Do you have the will needed to protect /pc/'s smile?
Precure is dead.
Since Lala came to visit, this thread is legitimate.
Let it die
wait, /ai/ is alive and strong, even with the new rules.
You won't convince me they're not a general.
So what will happen next ep with Yukari there is already promotional images of her coming out.
Who even fucking cares? It's just gonna be some stupid isolated event where one of the cures is the star of her own episode like usual, and again, like usual, there will be no friendship building. I miss Mahou. Kirakira had so much potential, but it's going nowhere. I hope Bibury comes back soon. Only she can save kr^2
>Umakoshi signature
Damn son! What a nice find.
>I miss Mahou.
Fuck off himefag
>giving me a name
Not that the attention doesn't sexually arouse me or anything, but people like you are pretty much the reason the mods hate /pc/ more than /ai/. Just throwing that out there.
Maybe if you stopped being such an obvious shitposter and an avatarfag no one would care. You're a stupid faggot who should get cancer. Just throwing that out there.
It's all the DBSfags' fault. We shouldn't have to take the brunt of this as well, guys.
It is and they know their the cause of it too. Dbsfags are actual board cancer.
I remember when posting about weekly battle manga/shows was a bannable offense.
I already said this but I'll say it again: telling people to get cancer is too fucking mean. I'd be much more comfortable if you just told me to kill myself, since suicide is consensual. Thank you.
Why do spics like Sup Forums so much?
What did you do to make Sqrl so angry?
The writers forgot she existed.
So did her friends.
She never had any friends.
I don't understand why, she's so smart, it must be tons of fun to talk with her.
What's /pc/'s favorite cure?
You're pretty smart and nobody likes talking to you.
Honey, Sunny, Black and Aqua
The cutest one
Even on yesterday's /pc/ thread we had anons posting in spic language
Is Himari the worst yellow?
She's not Sunshine.
Sunshine is a cool reverse trap character and her story arc is far more interesting than Himari's
Tsubomi really is super
So, we can only have one Precure thread per week now?
That would probably be for the best.
>American hero
>nobody's hero
>sluts' hero
>feminist hero
That would be the most divisive ones, right?
Marine, Black, Heart, Miracle, Moonlight.
I'm going to miss Bukki.
>100 percent hero
Which Precure team has the best chemistry?
Accepting their place in the world and granting all their strength to Cure Heart isn't what was meant with that question.
That's why I only posted Heart, and not the rest.
Hmm, didn't expect the responses to vary so much. Interesting
Wait a minute those aren't costumes.
Bibury just taking a break after dealing with Ciel
Guess the new guys get to fail for the next episodes
>A brown man comanding some grunts in not!national socialist uniform.
Hibiki isn't a pirate.
Drumpf is orange, not brown.
I don't remember this episode at all
Suite was the most forgetting season for me
How many episode of Doremi should I watch each day ?
However many it takes to delay the inevitable suicide.
God fucking damn Seirei is so cute I can't contain myself
At least it had good music. And a decent villan that wasn't evil for no reason.
Post your toys.
I'd say Suite has a bunch more things going for it than that, despite it having some of the worst fighting ever.
cash coma
New board for them? You know on those "special" cases
DBSfags are our friends.
>despite it having some of the worst fighting ever.
I agree, Suite focused more in having a consistent artstyle than good fights, but damn if the final battle isn't one of the most satisfying ones in the franchise.
It was like Desperaia but done right.
Maybe that's why I'm not so fussed about Kira and its colorful pop battles. I'll choose good storytelling over gritty fighting any day.
Besides which, if you accept that it was a production-side decision, I think Kira's done okay with what it had to do in its approach to the fighting. It makes that tiny little scuffle between Julio and Akira almost intimate. Too bad they'll probably never do anything to follow up on it.
>Glitter Doki's OP spoils Joe being a knight and not just a weird neighborhood pedo
Come on now
Sure. I'm reporting every single dragon ball thread I can spot. I hope they get banned from Sup Forums soon.
>Oh hey, there's a Steam group
>Recent Announcements: The Debut of Maho Girls Precure!
Maho killed every outpost of the western precure fanbase.
Precure is dead since Maho started.
Only the strong have survived!
Maho killed cancer, such a great season.
They kept Legina gay.
None have survived. We are in purgatory awaiting judgement.
She still says she loves Maya
Why wouldn't they? Gay characters in cartoons for little kids are basically mandatory in America now.
Macky's a bitch.
>tfw my mom's name is Regina
Watching Doki was a bit of a strange experience to me.