Will this girl ever overcome her idiocy?

Will this girl ever overcome her idiocy?

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If she got a better onii-chan and someone assassinated Yoshiko she would make a lot of progress.

She's not an idiot
She's just bad at everything, including studying and life


Personally I'd refer to someone bad at everything an idiot. I know because I am.

No she's doomed to be a fuck up for the rest of her life.

She can't do simple mathematics. She is definitely an idiot.

Stupid wouldn't be a problem so long as she's not proud of it like Yoshiko

Only if Yoshiko stops being stupid.

So it's impossible.

At least she's cute, could be worse.

>Be stupid and don't be proud of it
>Constantly worrying and always putting yourself down
>Be stupid and be proud of it
>Always happy and outgoing

Just because you're not proud of something doesn't mean you have to swing to the opposite. People aren't like an on/off switch.
Someone who is stupid but is trying to improve is much smarter than someone that but makes no effort to change.

Reminder that this series exaggerates character traits for comedic effect. She is probably a struggling C student, but will still be able to get a degree of some sorts and become a cute office lady.

t. Imouto

I like her stars

(Fuck you like him)
The main guilty is akkunt


This. Her onii-chan is super pressuring with his overwhelming success and academics while also being compulsively reactive to Ahos. It's like a reverse-Oreimo scenario where the imouto suffers because of the onii-chan. Akkun must be stopped.

She looks like a child version of Oppai Iinchou

She literally can't count past her fingers, she tried to add toes too but it gave her a leg cramp.

Akkun will always be there for his cute imouto

I hate my old brother, just because im a liberal he comes to mocks and brags me about the islam and terrorism

Haha, faggot. Buy him a beer for me.

Bad brother, bad friend, bad person, bad being human

I do the same with my socialist younger brother.

Typical commentary of a closed mind and without moral

Would you help her?

Go blog somewhere else faggot.

>Typical commentary of a closed mind and without moral
Well, you know what they say, "don't have such an open mind your brains fall out".

I'd help her with sex ed.
I'm a very hands-on teacher.

that no makes very sense

He seems to enjoy this (including you and others) instead rather than condemn the terrorists (allah's soldiers)

Happenings are pretty comfy, your brother has good taste. But hey, keep playing "Imagine", maybe your boundless love for humanity will finally reach ISIS this time.

Why wouldn't he enjoy it?

Fuck off.

A good dicking would fix it

He is showing very proud of what is happening now just because he believes "to be right"

Anyone'd be happy to be proven right.

Are you trying to be funny you are not better like him than a fucking terrorist
No and why

Because you're posting off topic shit. Go blog somewhere else. This is Sup Forums.

She should try to become a good gold digger

My little brother suddenly went left leaning and bizarrely thinks that Jeremy Corbyn should have won the last election, which is just brain dead. I get that labour ruthlessly targeted the youth vote by exploiting their naivete and growing use of facebook as a news source he even appeared at Glastonburry
Ridiculous marxist louse.
Sayaka-chan is an angel, Ruri needs the compassion and encouragement she offers.

If she asked I'd sacrifice a lot to help her excel, or at least get a handle for the basics.


She's destined to leech off her onii-chan for life.


She should get used to the bullying, it will be a constant part of her life.

She should become the dojikko character, being an idiot but also being cute and slightly shy is like top-tier moe.

She can still be a housewife! There's no way she can't screw up popping out babies.

What is ectopic pregnancy?

She will pull out a YunYun

This. I wouldn't want a brother who knocks me out with a karate chop

It's when you're gonna give birth to a ghost with terrible manners

>dude is pretty smart
>imouto is a dum-dum
Why won't he tutor her? Is he so obssessed with getting 100s in his tests that he can't spare some time to help poor Ruri?

Aniki doing his job and humiliating the little shit otouto.

She has no salvation. Her destiny is to be a banana but at least she is cute enough to rape some wealthy-to-be guy.

>Her destiny is to be a banana
Anything but that, please!

She'll end up in yakuza JAVs.

I am pretty sure her onii-chan will be wealthy enough to give her an allowance so she can live without debt.

He would be able to afford that, but would he financially support her? I don't think he would.



ever her classmates bully her for being dumb

>You will never be a cute little girl in her class and protect her from the bullies.

He did, that's the thing. She's beyond saving. I mean, she doubted a calculator's calxulario after being "convinced" by Yoshiko. A fucking calculator.

i bet shes good at sucking dick

Sayaka's legs

Would you marry Yoshiko if her mom promised to become a slave to your dick?

I'd like to see her try JAV but being too stupid to even do that.

>He would be able to afford that, but would he financially support her?
The only sort of person who would ask this question is someone who hasn't read literally any of the manga.

Why is Akkun such a shitty oniichan?

Because he's a mostly shitty person

Could I be her slave instead?

I'm considering them

Can't I just marry her mom?

onii-chan needs to bap her womb

well she'd need to divorce the dad first

A real brother wouldn't let his little sister become Yoshiko.

Don't be silly. Yoshiko can at least do things. Ruri can't do anything.

>Sayaka's angel wings
Fixed it for you

>this entire anime

As someone with an aho imouto speaking, no, she can't.
She'll try and try, but end up failing every time.

Then she'll get obsessed with pop culture, leading her to become culturally enriched (she's going to become a gyaru).


Should have turned her into a weeb instead.

>he won't even take his sister to the park and teach her how to ride a bike without training wheels