Why there are so many dbz threads?
Did I lose anything?
Why there are so many dbz threads?
Did I lose anything?
Their general got deleted and they're trying to cope with the butthurt.
Because mods banned the generals that contained them, now they're asperging all around.
They are spamming to get back at the mods. Mods are too shy to range ban the few spammers.
Sup Forums is now /dbz/
Defend this.
Literally mods
Because apparently we can't have a general
Just report them all and move on.
Its going be fun when the new episode airs
The generals started getting deleted so they got butthurt and are trying to spam the board. Instead of just continuing like normal in one thread with a discussion like everybody else did, they decided to chimp out
Because mods talk big about deleting generals but are too lazy to do any real work as usual.
Because mods are trying to fix Sup Forums, and it is actually working. The DBS thread has actual discussion and the shitposter stop because of fear for bans.
You can't report 13 threads at the same time newfag.
>The DBS thread has actual discussion
which one of them?
When did I ever said at the same time?
>he can't report at the speed of light
Nigga you'll never make it.
Autistic manchildren trying to go back at mods for killing off their safe space
2 new threads
Where are the mods
You are talking about that one of them that reached 500 in a fucking hour with the other ones following its example?
DBSfags can't be stopped by logic, user.
Isn't dbz unironically one of the best franchises? It should make sense there are so many threads.
15 threads seem pretty harmless all things considered. Most of the will die and a few will carry on with some topic that keeps people interested enough to keep posting. Better to have 15 chances at some decent discussions than 1 cancerous general.
Just wait it out, they'll get bored/the situation will go back to how it was before, like the other 50 times this happened
>Where are the mods
Gloating about the success of their sticky.
>most of them will die
Nigga you're underestimating the DBS fags. They can make a thread reach his limit talking about absolutely no shit in five or six threads simultaneously.
why are there fingers on her face?
>All the big shounen shitposting generals are gone.
>Also the Umaru one.
>The ESLs and third worlders in the DB threads are the only ones kicking up a fuss.
They're probably going to spam hard up until the new episode. After that it'll probably slow down hard because it's not like all of them are getting posted in
>More than a dozen of thread died for this
To be honest, if there's enough dbzfags that they can keep 6 threads going and on topic, power to them. That's why the board can fit literally hundreds of threads. Let them have their parallel discussions so they don't have to all stuff it to a general.
because the mods want to delete our general and encourage making a thread for seperate topics in one series
being that dragonball is over 20 years old with a huge variety of topics, now there are nearly 20 differemt threads
the only sense i can make of this is that the end game is to ban all dragonball threads from Sup Forums instead of having one containment thread at a time
posters of other series obviously ass bootybothered because all their shit show threads are being slid straight into the archive so you can bet they are reporting as much as they can.
40 minutes, and the thread began 2 hours before the episode aired. On a slow week.
There are some DBS threads with 5 posts, and the main thread improved quite a lot. It's still bad but not as bad as before. (no e-celeb spam)
The amount of DBS threads will get lower after the faggots stop being angry for losing their general.
>being that dragonball is over 20 years old with a huge variety of topics, now there are nearly 20 differemt threads
Then why one piece only have one thread?
Where did this "third worlders like Super" meme come from?
>- Avoid redirecting all discussion of a series to a single thread.
hope you're enjoying tyour neo Sup Forums
No retard. You faggots don't have more than one topic to discuss, because you've discussed eveyrthing already. The threads are just full of shitposting until the new episode airs.
Don't bother user, dbsuperfags can't into logic and common sense.
Let the DBfags sperg out. They will be gone in a few days.
When we could see the flags of posters (was it april's fool?) almost all anons posting on shonen generals were brazilians/mexicans
>There are actually shounenfags on Sup Forums
You can tell by the way the people post in those threads that they're fucking 12 year old spics you retard.
Because OP threads are refugee camps for Sup Forums and tumblr users who only come to Sup Forums for one piece and nothing else. They could and should have multiple threads, but refuse to because they're afraid they might actually have to browse the board to keep up with active discussions.
Because of the following new rule as stated by the mods:
>- Avoid redirecting all discussion of a series to a single thread. Users are free to discuss similar content in separate threads as long as threads are not being spammed.
In other words, it's better to have dozens of threads on a single anime as long as each thread is diverse/unique enough.
>They could and should have multiple threads, but refuse to because they're afraid they might actually have to browse the board to keep up with active discussions.
Or maybe they know to only have one thread
On april fools day hiro merged certain boards. Sup Forums and Sup Forums merged into /spa/ for a few hours and as a result Sup Forums basically got flags like Sup Forums has. Guess what countries the DB threads were full of.
one piece fags have nothing to talk about because their show and manga doesnt make nearly as many funny memes and overall the content isnt that interesting or deep to talk about. what other reason could it be?
>inb4 this is bait
it isnt
You must be either new or didn't visit Sup Forums in april fool's day
What said. Also if you saw the posting quality in them, you can obviously tell they're by underages
Heck, look at all the generals that got purged. And yet they continue as normal. Yet only DBfags started spamming
>one piece fags have nothing to talk about because their show and manga doesnt make nearly as many funny memes
Are you actually serious?
You, I like you
If only we could contain all these autists to a single thread. What a novel idea, right?
>Can't tell sarcasm
> They could and should have multiple threads, but refuse to because they're afraid they might actually have to browse the board to keep up with active discussions.
Or even them had the common sense to not sperg out like fucking babies
yes but the moefags here will pretend it isn't
And people said generals weren't a mistake, look at how cancerous general faggots are
They definitely don't belong here
Why is it that all the series I like have the worst generals
If I liked Fate too I'd be starting to suspect that I have shit taste
There is legit only one way to fix this mess.
Ban Dragonball Threads to /trash/.
/dbs/ Pedros trying to prove nothing by spamming multiple threads to get back at mods. If anything they're proving that they're the most cancerous fanbase of the board.
Sup Forums right now