The absolute state of the dating scene

le greentxt get

>be me
>be kinda normie
>be single
>use up stupid frens to get grill via fb contact
>le grande date
>she doesn't like me
>said no marriage with anyone ever
>okay bitch bye
>stay in club since it's barely 9pm
>another guy appears
>this whore just set up a 2nd date with her phone with that dude in the same club while she was talking to me at the table
>just my shit up
>the guy dumps this grill for her younger gf this normiescum came only to meet the other slut
>haha whore ur rekt
>mfw le absolute state of le dating scene
>this ravioli grill gets married to a 3rd dude they marry 1 year later
>mfw I check her insta on xmas of 2017
>mfw she has 2 girls on insta
>mfw when the younger one is barely 2
>mfw oldest is 6-7 years old
>mfw the bar scene happened at least 4 years ago
>mfw the cuckenning is realz
>k then
>mfw imma stealth mgtow nao

thank you based feminism
thank you based milenials
flag related inb4 eastern europe is a bastion of trad virtue
inb4 "1 post by this id bait thread fuck off" it's my gyppo isp's ipv6 so fite me

Other urls found in this thread:



>le retard romanian using le unironically in 2018

You write like a retard.

sir it's safe to say I am one thx for asking

Autistic story bro.

thank you sir I shall consider your request asap I'm rich and pretty

Heeeey user, thanls for sharing your fucking faggot opinion. We alllll really fucking care what you think. Definitely can't tell from your post that youre a fucking reddit cancer newfag or anything. Please continue to post amazing replies like this in all threads.

thank you based francophone brother

Dute in plm pe reddit sa iti postezi blogul pizda dreacu care easti.

Fire will cleanse.

muiangisti peste tot
ai de plm

I went to club yesterday, bought drinks for strangers, sat at their table in exchange
women were awful and dude whom got drunk was apologizing for their actions
as if I did something wrong with talking to random people and females got somehow offended but really not
I am confused

Absolutely retarded

am I Shudra nao?

Marry a pure 2d waifu

all women are whores everywhere
smartphones with mobile net with the same shit on it

rollin for ideal waifu get

yeah, FB, sms, talking to orbiters
I wanted to kiss some girl as it was my birthday but looks like only hookers are willing
I'd rather read books

happy bday user
my feels go to you

Is Romania an atheist nation?


romaniafags like to say how religious they are lot of them wear golden crosses go to church few times but it's like when americans do the keeping up with the jones' shit irl nobody cares wtf the priest says
saying you are good soul aka "sufletist" is virtue signalling
girls are on fb and insta in the middle of the street on their phones doing the same shit americans complain about
the country is pure materialist like any other westernized nation now
>hope I get the same id again fuck my isp

>the absolute state of romania


thank you /based/ Sweden


had to google that ausanon
>Urban Dictionary: vee
>What EVERY hispanic girl named Veronica nicknames herself to be "ORIGINAL".

you mean wannabe trendy teehee bitch

yes she was

Sage this retarded thread.

Ne faci țara de râs băi căcănarule, du-te înapoi pe reddit.

Bine ai venit și tu Moldovanon.

>unironically caring about 3DPD women in 2016+2

> Sup Forums /rk9000 thread
you've posted in Sup Forums by mistake

Sunt transilvănean, ai voie să postezi doar dacă ai 18 ani nepoate.

I concur
>also inspected your numerals

be me, a nigger
>white woman want my bbc
>give it to them in the pussy and anus
>collect welfare and own lucrative home business
>lifes good in America

Tu ești șmecher. Eu sunt fraier. Asta-i viața. Să trăiești bine și sănătos.

patrician wakandian teach me your ways

>its not that I'm a boring, insufferable, unnatractive faggot
>no, its the girls who are wrong

You should have beat the shit out of the other guy and then take both slags

Be confident and try try try. I only get maybe 1 in 5 white women, so if I try a hundred I will probably get 20 or so sluts

women are animals who want money. get them pregnant and turn the kid against the whore mother and moneycuck stepdad. redpill the next gen
find the best girl you can, you dodged a bullet with that chick
oamenii is animale, nu o lua personal si macar sa fi tu om

This is probably the shittiest post i have seen here this week.

you missed she was a single mom when we met and lied about it

thank you based Finland

>thank you based feminism
>thank you based milenials

Blaming others for your incompetence. Sure buddy, let's blame fourth-wave feminism and millennials for you being a KEKOLD.

Go clean your room, bucko.

had 2 ltr before I'm just a cuck nao

>Go clean your room, bucko.
will do brb
I need a new carpet got any for sale for me czechanon?

u come off as crazy on here, so why not act like your crazy self irl? the more schizoid, the more alternative girls you will get, i am serious at least you will be happier


wikipedia get
>The 'secret schizoid'
>Many schizoid individuals display an engaging, interactive personality contradicting the observable characteristic emphasized by the DSM-5 and ICD-10 definitions of the schizoid personality. Klein classifies these individuals as "secret schizoids", who behave with socially available, interested, engaged, and involved interaction yet remain emotionally withdrawn and sequestered within the safety of the internal world.
>Frequently, a schizoid individual's social functioning improves, sometimes dramatically, when the individual knows he or she is an anonymous participant in a real-time conversation or correspondence, e.g. in an online chat-room or message-board. Indeed, it is often the case the individual's online correspondent will report nothing amiss in the individual's engagement and affect.
>Withdrawal or detachment from the outer world is a characteristic feature of schizoid pathology, but may appear either in "classic" or in "secret" form. When classic, it matches the typical description of the schizoid personality offered in the DSM-5. It is "just as often" a hidden internal state: that which meets the objective eye may not match the subjective, internal world of the patient. Klein cautions one should not miss identifying the schizoid person because one cannot see the person's withdrawal through the patient's defensive, compensatory interaction with external reality. He suggests one ask the person what his or her subjective experience is to detect the presence of the schizoid refusal of emotional intimacy.

just my brain up

The mark of a paid toll.

its ok it is a good thing i have it too learn to enjoy it bc u are the normal one, trust me i'm a schizoid, i know

I am 31 and there really has only been on girl I ever met I was sure I would have married.

I have shelled out over 27K on women over the years and learned that most are really good at temporally good at pretending to be appreciative for a while.

A ton of popular girls from the highschool I went to became whoreish coal burners and pumped out a bunch of kids, father left and they have no skills for the job market. I also went to pretty much the best public High School in the state. I have also noticed the parents really dont care about these screw ups.

Both the girl like liked quite a bit and another one I dated for a long time both got married recently. I am not great at math, but statistically their odds of divorce are both extremely high. Girl I liked picked a guy that has worked at Home Depo forever. She has a Degree, she went on a road trip with out him 4 months into marriage and I can tell she is unhappy from her facebook feed. Girl I dated married someone who already divorced once, she doesnt want to work, both poor and barely made it through high school.

I mostly am at the point where I dont care anymore. Its irritating putting out way too much effort for almost always horrible returns.

Dating is weird. I like guys but when they’re nice to me I don’t know how to respond. I’m scared and confused but I still want to try it.

im like this but i dont mind

selective exposure theory get

Write your green text more seriously next time. Never use le and only use mfw a single time.

maybe I’ve thought I was schizoid for a while because it seems to fit. I don’t really talk to people or have friends (i have a few from high school but we don’t really hang out anymore)i but most of the time thinking about somthing I imagine talking about it with someone in my head (like how people from the past would react to modern stuff, ect.)

thx based Britanon will tweak my autism accordingly

that's just guilt
mildly depressed people ruminating
who isn't depressed?

Very /r9k/ post gypbro but I got a good chuckle.

Idk. I’m pretty sure I’m not depressed. It’s not like I even really want friends the only thing I really want to try is having a bf because I’ve never done that.
What would I feel guilty for?

>lucrative home business
what is drug dealing?

don't know it just sounded like that to me
not depressed?
good for you stay that way

I just love life. I’m very thankful that I get to be here experiencing all this. It’s a very strange feeling knowing that everyone and everything we know today will be gone soon and forgotten. The universe is so beautiful.

To me it sounds like you dodged a bullet mayne, besides why a milf? They are the female version of a horny teen, Pump and dump shit, just go for younger, and anywhere but a club, thats top spot for sluts you moron

Are you cute though?

I like this, if only because it doesnt feel like a fucking bot posting. thanks Romanian bro.

If you actually want a woman, put on a fake wedding ring and go out into day to day society and pay women no mind.

They will come swarming, but you will have to deal with their psycho ramblings.

cishet white thrash but on Sup Forums everyone's a faggot

we were both out of college at the time
no milf
single mom on the downlow


Its my birthday too user. At my bosses bar drinking. Happy bday.

very kind of you sir
all my /r9k/ feels are gone now


masterrace numbers get too

A wedding ring is a sign that you are reliable and stable. Women love it.

Its a sign that you've been vetted by women.

post bobs and vegena

fire is reserved for pedophiles, I do not condone acid attacks without trial though.

you get laid by tricking women into some adultery fantasy shit?
this works
like really?

well not me personally. But women go for married men like a crack head goes for crack

you asked for it
fair right usage

That's just wholesome capitalism in action m8. Oppressive communist Romania never had so much freedoms and strong empowered women

>women go for married men like a crack head goes for crack
cosmopolitan article get

very perceptive of you

Thank you

deep indeed

> club

Bars and nightclubs are for pimps and hoes and one night stands. Take bitches to a neutral setting where its 1v1 and they cant showboat the pussy.

at the time was working 2 blocks away from that place doing two shifts at the office due to deadline
well aware of clubs sucking ass it looks like tryhard narcissism for me hence timing for the date
no one's doing bingedrinking around you at 8pm
met previous gf's in random scenarios in college btw
wasn't the avenue it was me picking the wrong person not knowing enough of her like that she already had a kid despite her age
26 hardly are roasties

Dude if you want to fuck with roasties, make a fake tinder account using edited instagram photos of some 9/10 guy. Its hilarius what you can say and they are still all "hahahaha lol you so funny, when are you going to fuckk me ;) ;)"

Coffee, Movie, Aquarium, Botanical Garden theres a fucking million places where you can talk 1v1 and get the fuck out if you dont like what shes about.

No point about complaining about a place where men and women prostitute themselves. I used to go clubbing a lot with a whole bunch of people cant ever remember having a meaningful conversation. Mostly just derping around and hooking up sometimes.

>post pics of Chad
>get roasties hot and bothered

k dude
>when I meet her irl she dumps me then calls cops for being a creep
>if I don't meet just troll roasties then jerk off to her nudes that's even more aspie than my OP

then there are the identity fraud charges
just my thread up