Single parent families live in poverty

Single parent families are bad and should be stigmatized. If someone says they are a single parent that should be viewed the same as saying they are a con. In many cases they are worse. They raise kids in poverty and cause massive damage to the children and society. They are almost as big a problem as migrants.
How can we deal with them?

>How can we deal with them?


You have just been visited by the Driving Doggo of False Flags

Comment "You can't have my guns, doggo" or the deep state will seize your constitutional rights tonight

But Professor Goldberg said children of single mothers are much happier and better adjusted than the ones raised by ugh... men.

That's not going to work. That would remove most of Sup Forumss parents for a start.

you're either delusional, a newfag, or a shill

That actually is part of the problem. In their attack on the traditional family they have tried to legitimise all other forms. It is a purely ideological attack which has no consideration of the damage it causes.

You can't have my guns, doggo!!!

Okay José thanks for your input. I'm clearly a shill

hahha wtf was that