Independence now
/ag/ should happen and you know that
Independence now
/ag/ should happen and you know that
Other urls found in this thread:
Get rid of the dragonball trash
No, go post in /trash/ if you want to keep having your generals.
>- Discussion should be centered on series and characters, not the posters or communities that discuss said series and characters.
>meta general
Can we talk about how literally only DBfags have problems right now?
>/ag/ should happen and you know that
I'm sorry about your condition.
So far, it looks its even split between generals being fine and being a cancer.
Mod is ironic weeb.
Get off my lawn. Pesky Mexicans.
Well now they are enforcing rules which directly and in no uncertain terms discourage generals, there is a case for it.
I wish this wasn't happening, specially with the Dragon Ball threads.
How about you move you pedoshit there instead
OP and other leddit migrants BTFO
>enabeling garbage threads
eat shit generalfag
There is no case for it, because exists.
Has anyone ever been happy with the state of Sup Forums? Every time something changes you'll bitch about it being changed and about it not being changed enough. Have moves like this ever really been a good idea?
the state of Sup Forums right now
-delete Sup Forums
-permaban any alt-reich posts
-greatly expand the wordfilter to catch most if not all slurs
-+1/-1 on posts
-enough -1's on a post will result in a timeout
-country flags & post id's on all boards
-reduce the criteria on becoming a mod
-hire more mods
there, 99% of all boards are fixed
What the hell is up with the board sticky? We've never needed, hell, we've prided ourselves on never needing a board sticky. Take that damn thing down hotpocket-kun!
The mods deleted all the threads complaining about the dbs spammers
but they didn't delete a single dbs thread
Good job
Fuck, I'll call Sup Forums then. Fuck yeah, finally crossover.
Well that fucking deserves a ban.
Though threads which discussing currently airing shows should surely be an exception.
If /trash/ was used as intended sure, but its not.
I'm really sick of these braindead moderation changes.
Sup Forums is dead. It's been dead for years, and banning a symptom doesn't change the cancer. All this leads to is some low effort general OPs for a few weeks until the latest mod on a crusade gets bored and gives up.
Nobody here is capable of discussion, because all of us who were here for a decade or longer have given up trying to converse with the crunchyroll subscribers. Just leave the fucking site alone, at best you'll just make it worse.
kill yourself
Sup Forums is literally scared over 5-10 shitposting dbz predros.
Did you try Reddit, they may be more your speed
They really are Sup Forums cossboarders
in summary
>generals don't say they're generals
>OP of generals are slightly more original
>no backlinking
>Mods try and make things better.
>Make everything worse instead.
Nothing new here, you'd think they'd learned from how they fucked up all the other boards, but I guess not.
Either way these cancerous metathreads aren't any better than the dragon balls threads.
The fact that generals were allowed to get as bad as they have means we've fallen comrade.
So you're trying to kill anonymousity and make Sup Forums your safespace
Ah the gatekeeper
>Sup Forums is dead
>old Sup Forums is gone
>apart from me because I'm to high IQ to leave but still interact with CR subbers
Just go to /vg/. Animes that attract generalfags also have video game spin offs. 100% of the time.
Also if you're supporting the idea of generals anywhere go to /vg/ anyways and look at what happens to threads there, and then look around the rest of the site to see what happens when general-conditioned posters leave their circlejerks
>-+1/-1 on posts
back to where you came from, cretin
Sup Forums is god awful even without the generals
I can literally watch a mod fucking a trap shitposter friend of him right fucking now.
So the DB threads are okay? I agree.
>+1/-1 on posts
Please consider suicide.
>/ag/ should happen and you know that
It exists. It's called reddit. You should have stayed there all along.
go back to plebbit you cancer poster
Weekly shows get constant new content and discussion, so having ongoing threads to discuss them makes sense.
Everything that isn't currently airing shouldn't get a general.
>+1/-1 post
This is the current state of Sup Forums posters
>-+1/-1 on posts
>-enough -1's on a post will result in a timeout
Please please kill yourself
We did it reddit.
Sup Forums is too slow to have /ag/.
Don't worry, someone out there gets that you're being sarcastic.
>so many votes for another board
That's good to see so many people wants to see Sup Forums's utter death.
So are JoJo and It's time threads banned too? They've been around for years.
Take your reddit formatting and just get the fuck out. Finally you pieces of trash are forced to lurk. Fuck you.
Fantastic bait, user
Bet you are real proud of yourself mods. Now the whole board got spam with Dragon Ball. Fuck you.
>Just go to /vg/
I don't want to go to the Xenoverse threads there.
reminder that general and subreddit are synonyms
Dragon Ball threads are being mass-manufactured by people trying to start shit. People will get bored of it by tomorrow.
If there's a lot of new content it's not a general. It's just a thread.
Generals are "general" because they cover complete off topic bullshit, like a general store that sells guns and gummy bears in the same aisle.
>reddit spacing
Hi there Sup Forums
Fixing Sup Forums is simple, just add a "/anime" next to each board title.
>refresh catalog
>5 DBS threads in top 55 in bump order
Oh no the spam. What ever shall we do. I am frightened. Someone hold me.
i make baits better than that and don't get that many replies
Go back.
>ranger ban Mexico
There, I saved Sup Forums
>t. I'm such an oldfag, I've been here since 2006
Fuck off newfag
>This was all because Dragon Ball.
>All the other threads about x series died and didn't come back, but the Dragon Ball threads are still popping up in droves.
So in the end nothing was solved.
There are like 30 generals at any given time on this shit board anyway. And the rest is shitposting. Not like anything can save this board.
And they are full of Sup Forums so yeah good riddance to that cancer. Take it to leddit and talk about it there just get the fuck out already.
Why we don't get rid of the catalog while we are it?
Of course they are. But if you know db threads. They aren't getting bored anytime soon.
It'll go away soon enough.
If the mods pussy out because of a bunch of generalfags then they show weakness. If they just let them sperg out then they'll be over to Sup Forums by the weekend.
Lower the bump limit or bring back marked for deletion old.
So DBS the new Narutard huh
That's an interesting way to shill CR
add leafs, aussies and hues to that list and you fix all of Sup Forums
I can't believe how many people fell for this. Talk about newfags.
fuck you, im not doing shit
No, now we know that Dragon Ball was the issue all along. Also this isn't even real spam. It's just chimping out.
>all these autistic virgin neckbeards taking mongolian basket weaving forum seriously
Holy shit
This thread is filled with newfags pretending to be oldfags what did you expect
Speaking of Naruto, does this mean that Boruto shit is banned now too?
>So DBS the new Narutard huh
Oh God please no.
>Aim for original discussion or content, both when creating OPs and posting inside threads
the fuck is this shit?
we have to discuss something different every thread?
also, original content, what the fuck, we have to draw our own weeb pictures now?
Ban American, Canadian, Australian, Russian, German and Italian IP adresses
It won't. If the general can keep going on and on, how did you think this isn't going to continue.
DBS threads had become as bad as Naruto threads were in the past so it's deserved
obviously they arent desu
dbs is only 1 year old and has new content every week and new memes on a daily basis plus 20+ years of old content
you could call it "spam" but its literally the new rules now. spam doesmt exist on Sup Forums only fresh topics
>delete Sup Forums
Yes, sure let's delete the fucking containment board.
>+1/-1 on posts
Fucking retarded.
Nah, Boruto threads will stay up if they are made when new episodes / chapters come out.
>fucking Australian
Why can't you fags just take a rest and not visit Sup Forums for a day and watch as how these db threads would decapitate immediately/
Yes. Anime should be for Japan only.
Fuck off.
Nothing will change because Mods always only pretends with those announcements.
The funny thing is most of the generals that got banned are still around, they just know how to act better in the top post. Literally nothing's changed except for DBfags
They should enable Robot9000 on Sup Forums, at least for OPs. For replies it would be enough if they don't bump instead of being blocked entirely.
Thoses baits must not be that great then.