How long before Race war/Civil war breaks out in the United States?
>govt too big
>govt trying to taking our guns
>media demonizing whites
>media lying about false flags monthly
>media promoting race mixing
>media promoting degradation of traditionalism
>media degrading patriotism and nationalism
>niggers taking knees
>niggers murdering, raping and stealing from whites
>govt manipulating th markets
>Mexican invaders becoming dangously high percentage
>trump betrayal
>people losing faith in the political system
How long do we have?
How long before civil war USA?
> war declared on North Korea
Everyone falls in line
april 1st
only way everyone falls in line is if mossad detonates a nuke. Even then too many goyim know and would be crying foul louder than they ever have before. We are way past that shit. Either we are pushed to the brink and a civil war happens or trump stops cowtowing and starts concentrating
I hope it's soon. I've been ready for a few years now. Locked and loaded.
It's already started
>How long before civil war USA?
...he asks as fake "school children" are paraded around the country to lament a fake "school shooting" for the purposes of disarming the one half of the population currently subject to early-stage genocide propaganda.
I'm down right now.
Take out the kikes and their blue blood Anglo slaves/dumb brown niggers who follow them.
>yfw fake school shootings lead to civil war
It is true that it has already started. I'd say about 2014-2015 when stores were looted every weekend a black guy died for heart attacks in squad cars, shot by a cop. Riots every weekend. As far as full out civilian war? Less than 20 years.
It’s much more than just school yard shootings