This is the closest anime has ever reached to be called "art"

This is the closest anime has ever reached to be called "art".

What is Turn A?

Now that I am an adult, I recognize CCA as a masterpiece.

All of UC directed by Tomino is equally great.

>The character assassination of Char


I love CCA, but it's not even the best Gundam.

Char was always a fucking psycho.

F91 is the best Gundam movie.

>Look, mom, I used I word I don't understand again.

It could have been, but it wasn't. Them battle scenes tho

Nah, Char is just always anti-earth. In Zeta, the good guys happened to be anti-earth so that's why it fooled you into thinking Char was a good guy.

>Brutally murdering someone who just knows your name

>Not a psycho

Name a better one

I don't remember that part.

A washing machine that destroyed civilization.


I went in thinking CCA would be amazing, but I wasn't particularly impressed with it desu.

I went in thinking CCA would be shit, but I was particularly impressed with it desu.

You don't know what "art" means

This is the closest anime has ever reached to be called "art".

half of the film is shit

OP here, wrong pic sorry

I unironically loved ZZ.

>implying there are people who didn't

ZZ girls are the best.

CCA ruined itself with all the original characters we don't give a shit about
>Chan, who's suddenly Amuro's lover now? (What ever happened to the his lover from Zeta Gundam)

The viewers would only end up giving a shit about Amuro & Char, yet the movie gives too much screen time to these secondary characters we don't give a shit about.

If we're talking just about visuals though, 5cm/s would be a better example of something considered "art".

I liked ZZ the most

>5cm/s would be a better example of something considered "art".
Nice wallpapers != art

>5cm/s would be a better example of something considered "art".

Backgrounds that some shitty street artist can make in 30 seconds are not art.
And despite the shitty plot. CCA had really good animation

>Makoto Shitkai anything
You don't even need to be an art student to make short loops that look like his fancy backgrounds which are essentially traced pictures.

I think user's talking about Gundam Origins

I'd agree if it wasn't for this scene.

The only thing in the history of anime that could be called art is KyoAni's body of work