You didn't forget that it was my birthday yesterday, did you user?
You didn't forget that it was my birthday yesterday, did you user?
Other urls found in this thread:
Who are you again?
Anyone reporting from AFest?
Feels like everyone's dead.
The panel with the VA should be around 2.30 pm if I'm not wrong.
>For a 20 minute doodling session, Kubo worked on Yuuri cooling down. He's sweaty and she wrote "SO HOT" in red
live drawing panel happening right now
How was he cooling down?
no idea yet... waiting to see if someone snuck a pic anywhere on twitter
looks like it was a live drawing relay with all the jap guests, and no pics were allowed
next event:
>They will take questions for the the YoI creators and dub actors at the event. At Funimation Lounge you can write your q's to be asked
The user who asked us questions a few threads ago, please be there ;_;
I can already feel incoming retarded burgers wasting questions
I hope Piggy didn't forget about Fang's birthday
Kubo did, apparently
Kubo is busy at Afest user jfc
He looks like Richard Spencer.
>The crowds being dispersed. Signing might be cancelled unless they can get it under control. Never seen anything like this at a small con.
Kubo posted just now.
best boy
>you will never be the recipient of that face surrounded by blankets and sheets and love and life
why live
I really like Kubos version of Pig. Something even more cute and enduring about him.
The way she draws him is a nice balance of handsome and cute.
I'm starting to understand people's pig lust now.
is anybody gonna buy the bootleg animation book?
Piggy's the cutest
RIP all the fans who wanted autographs today, apparently the police are trying (and failing) to make the lines less pandemonium
I'm still hunting down for that comiket staff book.
if you wanna buy it i think aitaikuji has preorders open still. good luck man
I feel bad for the volunteer staff there.
Josh got in trouble for proposing to Bald as Piggy because he wasn't supposed to say "non-canon lines".
Well, shit, I'll check it out. Thanks user. If I'm desperate enough I'll try Yahoo Auctions and figure how to do all of that.
Did he say so?
From this thread.
I'm still not over the new OST. I know most anons' fave is "at the airport", but "heartbeats" is just gorgeous. It helps that it was the soundtrack to one of my favourite scenes in yoi too!
is the bootleg the one with baldfairy on the back? bc i heard they just took other animators work and put it in there. can anyone confirm?
The fuck did these autistic fujos do this time?
Mappa needs to hurry up and make it canon lines.
fencer still has it for order in her site too, I think!
He's even doing the sieg heil
There's too many of them.
Bald is too lucky
I just pre-ordered from Aitaikuji. Thanks again user.
Doesn't this count as a general that is no longer allowed?
i heard that some of the art was taken from newtype but idk for sure. anybody got pics?
that's a beautiful and cute pig
Do white athletes really do the thing with the face masks? I thought it was just Asians.
We have new content. There's no reason not to discuss it.
does she count?
Most celebrities do that thing where they cover their face when they're out in public.
>Victor saw this beautiful sight every day at practice
No wonder Bald is so thirsty for the Pig, and how the fuck did he manage to keep his hands off for all that time?
Those face masks that Fairy and Pig are wearing are specifically for disease prevention though. If they wanted to avoid being recognized they could use a scarf or something.
they usually don't
kubo confirmed for not knowing what she's talking about
>eye dimples
Anyway I want Victor to have wrinkles. The more imperfect he is, the more I love him.
It's technically called a 'tear trough deformity," which can considered an imperfection because some people go get them "corrected."
Everything about Victor is perfect, never change.
Are you sure it's the same thing as a dimple? No one who speak nip and was at the panel can confirm what word she used?
there's no such thing as an eye dimple anyway, not that looks like what victor has. it's tear troughs
えくぼ is the word for dimple
Victor would probably melt if he was in Dallas.
Kubo confirmed for being in denial about Bald being old.
He'd buy expensive creams and get botox, his face will be as smooth as his bottom.
Piggy is saying "ぬっか" which means "hot" in Saga-ben. Kek
He already buys 50 dollar lip balm. You can't tell he tried to correct his tear troughs/eye dimples/ whatever to no avail.
Me too. I prefer her Piggy to Hiramatsu's.
She might be late, but she won't forget. She has drawn something for everyone's birthdays so far. I am excited to see how cute her Minami-kun will be.
Poor Piggy.
Maybe he likes them? Besides he needs to focus on his giant forehead for potential fine lines.
>Sayo Yamamoto has noticeably less appreciation among the crowd at AFest than Mitsuro Kubo does.
Fuck those people
Victor with silver and Yuuri with gold
Cute. Maybe this might give Sayokubo a hint.
How did you know that it's a silver and not bronze? Or lip balm? Or mirror?
>I don't know but I heard "no one will show up for gay dudes in tights" was said to volunteers who tried to get them to prepare
Yamamoto is introverted and serious in public, and she doesn't interact with fans on sns unlike Kubo, who is also a more outgoing person. 'Less appreciation' doesn't mean that they booed her.
Yuuri has a gold medal, so by the same logic...
Victor BTFO soon
afest doesn't want yoi fans there and why is this shit run worse than the taco con
They underestimated the power of gay anime dudes in tights.
Never mind. Just saw the original post. It was demand from fujo herself. Can't be a hint or anything.
And now look at the big mess they created because of their stupidity.
Kubo does almost all the PR solo. (She went to the seiyuu events, has taken several more interviews and actually has social media.) Its not a surprise and I think that its likely on purpose. I'm really disliking the Kubo hate boner that a lot of people are getting because they liked Sayo before she was famous. Kubo does most of the heavy lifting in terms of publicity because Sayo wants it that way and they are obviously good friends.
By the same logic they both have golds. But anyway, Kubo and Hiromatz simply drew what they were asked.
no shit. fans ask for the drawing, they drew it. don't get upset.
It gets worse
>They tried to police Kubo and Hiramatsu's signing style too--no doodling
A part of me enjoys the fact that yoi disrupts anime status quo and people's assumptions on what should be popular.
what's that even mean? they didn't want them to draw a picture?
It's amusing, but also pretty shit when it leads to actual officials acting like this. They are shitting on yoi, yoi fans and the creators as well just because they don't think it should be popular. Are they bitter about the CR awards are something.
It is pretty shitty. They should have known about this months ahead with other cons having similar issues. Plus you would think they would keep an eye on what's selling well in Japan.
>It's insane. They don't want YOI fans here. The shit I heard from a volunteer about what some orgs allegedly said about the show.
>The complete failure of Animefest to grasp Yuri on Ice's popularity before the con and on the ground is off the chart. I've also heard from several sources organizers were warned of this and ignored advice because "no one cares about gay men in tights."
the panel is 15 minutes behind too, they are barely moving and will kick everyone out when their time is up anyway. so don't expect anything again.
Hopefully this doesn't lead to SayoKubo not coming to American cons again. Fucking AF.
Maybe they're blind or something. Yoi blew up international. How dumb are they to underestimate its obvious popularity?
They made their bed, now they have to lie in it.
What a bunch of fucking idiots. SayoKubo don't deserve this shit. Maybe they should of listened to the advice.
Probably wanted them to sign things quickly so they could shove them out the door.