>an eroge character is suddenly a master-tier magical fighter
I don't think that'd earn even a slightest of the approval power but oh well as long as Aoki and Hiroe are pleased why not
>an eroge character is suddenly a master-tier magical fighter
I don't think that'd earn even a slightest of the approval power but oh well as long as Aoki and Hiroe are pleased why not
It's kinda like going from Muv Luv to Alternative, no?
The real question is that now Souta has a cheat skill are we going to see Nekomimi girl.
sexu desu, bet she will show her pantsu next ep to stop someone.
My dick approves
This whole approval thing is full of shit and has no tension. The only way that massive crowd would start getting pissed is if they killed off their favorite characters left and right, which clearly isn't happening.
I bet sharkfags are on suicide watch too. All she did was enable that shitter Soda to carry out the asspull required to defeat Altair. And people were prattling on for months about how she was going to usurp Altair and be the final boss.
They should have asked her what kind of powers and clothes she would like to have.
>I don't think that'd earn even a slightest of the approval power
The mahou shoujo anime that have their roots in eroges would say otherwise.
Team Meteora is shit and Altair should win.
>The only way that massive crowd would start getting pissed is if they killed off their favorite characters left and right
This could be why the final battle so far doesn't seem to have any casualty. If so then Aoki is doing actually a brilliant job
This. Women have an easy time erecting approval.
who are these two characters
How did we go from pure and wholesome Mamika to this prostitute?
I think we're running out of tweests.
Quick, give me five ideas!
>erecting approval
She was pretty cool but she's still a slut
This is the Mamika thread. Make your own thread if you want to discuss something else.
best OTP
What is the first thing you notice about this image?
Would you approve this? Be honest Sup Forumsnons
You don't know the background of her powers. Maybe she got isekai'd in her side story (not canon!) and now she has powers.
Altair wins. The only good ending this could have.
So cute yet so useless
>an eroge character is suddenly a master-tier magical fighter
Just like Nanoha.
This isn't for children's eyes!
Too many heroes
Only altairfags were hoping shark would usurp her so she would not be the last boss and get BTFO.
shiji x ougi best ship
>I don't think that'd earn even a slightest of the approval
approval is needed from her fanbase
imagine fairy tail fanbase
suddenly makes sense right?
there are people who would swallow anything given by the creator
What's wrong with Charon? He looks brainwashed or something.
Altair chose not to kill anyone to get the power she needed
We still have 4 episodes to go
Fuck no. It was sharkfag that wanted to see that because lol she's going to get kefka'd. Magane is disgusting and should just stay irrelevant.
Except in this case she just enabled Souta to save Altair while also making the elimination chamber flop in sales for low acceptance.
It's funny he's second in command and not Selesia
Oh look there he goes again.
They just give him sentences to say, not any post.
Blitz is seriously a dick to his "nakama".
>von Österreich
>silver hair
>brilliant, intelligent, and charismatic leader
It's unbelievable nobody has mentioned her as the motif of Meteora
You Sup Forumsnons should watch anime less and study history more
Meteora knows Selesia is weak.
It was an altairfag. You do the same shit with Meteora.
I thought approval would play into Altair's hands considering she wanted to destroy the world. She'd make the characters, who are no longer straight cardboard cutouts but fully fleshed out and changed with there creators oversight, into fighting/saying things the audience wouldn't accept from that character.
Instead it straight doesn't matter in any meaningful way. Like this show actually.
i am the strongest.
>ywn voice your anime self who voices the anime character you voice
The whole show was an anime inside an anime.
No it wasn't. That was sharkfag that made all those posts. And everyone has been calling for Meteora to turn forever now.
Selesia is weak.
Oh look another thing they didn't even attempt to do anything interesting with.
God this show.
Soda doesn't even remember Mamika. ;_;
>I know exactly what people post about on an anonymous imageboard
I am an altarifag and I always knew that Magane will be just a useless clown. What now?
Fujos are cute! CUTE!
Fuck youuuu
It was dumb of you to expect that anyway. It's a dumb fighting crossover with no plot beyond a lot of pandering being shoved at the screen, like reviving blitz's daughter, fujoshit, or hikayu shoving her ass and tits at the screen. Who is going to over-analyze something so nonsensical?
>who are no longer straight cardboard cutouts but fully fleshed out and changed with there creators oversight
I fucking wish this was a plot point, the closest they got to this was with Alice but she's still pretty shallow.
This may be the worst show that I will ever watch from start to finish.
So weak that they could not put the garbage, Rui, or Alice to fight Altair straight from the beginning. Also, the garbage's plan was horrible, Alice forgot to mention there was Charon, and Rui dialogue was pointless.
Maybe if it was like 36 episodes
And mamika. Oh wait they killed her off
So weak even Hikayu could probably murder her.
It's not even the worst show airing this season.
How could we miss this
Did she even have an impact on this faggot?
Did you read the whole sentence?
Damage control all you want now.
>Alice forgot to mention there was Charon
This is actually a good point, garbageanon. A little warning there would have made sense. Alice had plenty of time to say something too.
Yeah and all it's telling me is that you've watched 5 shows in your life.
I had hope after the recap, which I guess was stupid.
Its like they literally don't know how to provide a resolution or usage to anything. Something like acceptance could have been in the beginning of this episode, but no we have Shark talking metaphysics for half the episode. What the fuck is this directing.
They talked for a couple minutes and then he never seen her anymore, so no. The only character that might bother bringing her back is Altair at this point.
More like maybe if it didn't waste so much time in the middle.
>they fucking forgot about her apart from the retard yelling her name out
She probably didn't even read selesias story (and didnt know he was selesias love interest) because she's been too absorbed with herself
So we got two almost-decent episodes. How is Aoki going to fuck everything up in the following weeks?
It's like Negima, just within an extremely short time frame.
>So weak that they could not put the garbage, Rui, or Alice to fight Altair straight from the beginning.
What does this even mean?
>Alice forgot to mention there was Charon, and Rui dialogue was pointless.
Alice doesn't even know who he is and Rui is literally explaining the plan to Alice
But he did read Blitz's story
>I don't think that'd earn even a slightest of the approval power
Search the genre shift tag, its more popular than you think. That one eroge about cute schoolgirls doing cute things suddenly goes to fucking space and becomes a mecha show with everyone having their roots in space, even MC without knowing about it. Or that super cute moege is actually a real depressing utsuge because the author is just a dick.
But she would know they brought along another companion with a giant mecha, doesn't matter if she knew who he was or not. She could have warned them that there was another creation out there.
I would've liked to see episodes about each of the creation's stories, maybe something similar to a flashback, they don't add to the story but rather serve to inform us viewers more about their backgrounds.
>God of Ink
>Sota is the only one who remembers
>it was all a dream
>Altair gives up
She read Blitz's story and Rui's(since she knows the name of the monsters he fights)
They really fucking did this cheesy drama. Aoki should've just called Urobuchi for this particular episode like he did for the first three of AZ. Urobuchi would've made Blitz kill his daughter once again, then attempt to kill Suruga but fails because of the vest, and die in vain
SamFlam should have been in Re:Creators.
If it works for Tsukihime why not Star Sky Milky Way?
Don't look
Maybe it's all a dream and Souta still has time to save his friend from suicide.
I don't know why there are people raging about the things they wished to see happen. Drawn out they may be for you, every event progressed the plot from the get-go
It means if Selesia is so weak, why didn't the garbage ordered Rui or Yuuya or the eroge or the garbage herself to fight Altair?
Also, Rui explaining the plan was literally pointless because the plan failed and they needed to give him some dialogue.
komatsu a best
sota is mario
The good guys knew as well, they saw a mecha entering the bird cage. And new there was a mecha for 6 months now.