So now that Sup Forums is under some heavy handed reform, let's see if we can finally have a good LoGH thread

So now that Sup Forums is under some heavy handed reform, let's see if we can finally have a good LoGH thread.
FUCK Production IG

Other urls found in this thread:,_born_1974)

Still looking forward to their adaptation, it'll be the closest thing to experiencing LoGH with Sup Forums together. The threads will never be the same though.

I thought this anime was about spaceships and stuff, but all they do is talk about politics.

Are you afraid yet?

If this isn't a general I'm not sure what is.

We can still talk about the original LoGH in stealth *sip* threads when the time comes.

If you have something to discuss about the series. The whole point is to not have pointless threads that degrade to offtopic.

I see, like Evangelion threads that always degrade into waifu wars?


Reinhard didn't disagree with Yang, he just wanted a quick way to get things moving and fix what needed fixing and destroy what needed destroying (he also had lust for war, but he felt guilty about it). Yang instead had a historical mindset, not being content with quick solutions that would only dilute in history. Could Yang be wrong, though? Is it better to simply create something finite but great, because his wish is impossible? In spite of this mindset of his, the anime doesn't show his attempts at waking his people up. He keeps seeing Job Trunicht getting elected, democracy is clearly unviable when the populace is so unwise and passive, yet Yang just keeps believing in it without trying to change their mindset. Actually, he ends up becoming like Reinhard, as barely anyone ends up following his ideals, instead following him as a leader for his charisma and strength instead, even his wife.
Did Yang not see he would just become another Reinhard in practice? Was he just lazy, naive, hopeless? What could have he done?