New murdoch and Murdoch is out niggers


does anyone above 15 watch this embarrassing shit?

Go be a nigger somewhere else

>that reporter murdoch chan tho
We need summon Murdoch to show up in the thread and drop the.png for... reasons.


Based saffer

Shoo! Shoo! Go away Jew!




What the hell is this c r i n g e ?

Also, Identitarians and 'right wing' parties are all useful idiots


here.. shh

>le cringe
Now we just need a shill to say 'reddit' and we're good.

>Also, Identitarians and 'right wing' parties are all useful idiots
By having factually correct views that form their politics?

Its the little things in life :)

No they have no politics other than ''I don't like muslims'' and ''muh white genocide''. They're weak and just complain, like women. No solutions, and no uplifting paths to point towards. Just complaining. In the meantime, most normies don't give a fuck about race and the future. Just their jobs and pensions, and if you start to scare them without showing any solutions to keep their 'comfort' they won't follow.

Euro idenetarians aren't as bad, but Spencer and his tiki torch boys are pants on head retarded.

You glorious bastard, haha. On another note, there was a story that a fan shared in an earlier thread you may not have seen, and I thought it was worth reposting if you happened to answer the summons.

>No they have no politics other than ''I don't like muslims'' and ''muh white genocide''.
So they want to prevent the utter and permanent destruction of the West? Sounds like they're the good guys.

Good night, all. Thanks again, Murdoch.

I did see it. Made my night. I hope it was real.

well hoping his daughter dying being real doesnt sound very nice

I think he meant he was happy the daughter, wife and father watched the show and bonded together over it. Not the death part.

Am i a bad man, user?

But they'll unironically vote for shit that will continue to destroy the west. More capitalism, more immigration, more feminism.

>prevent the utter and permanent destruction of the West
>muh west
Fuck the west. It's just an engine for the Rothschilds. The only reason the elites create these false 'right wing' groups is to make sure that 'right wingers' feel their is 'hope' and continue to contirbute to the system instead of leave or go innawoods and prep.

Bickering left vs right isnt going to save shit

You're so clever and above it all.

Better than Adult Swim used to be at its best (excluding Venture Brothers and Harvey Birdman).

I keked. I know you didn't mean you hope his wife and kid actually died. Saw the new vid yesterday morning. I was just thinking about how a new one should come out. They're great. It's definitely a different time than the lead up to the election. I remember staying up brexit night, freaking out, celebrating, and then thought, "Trump's gonna win, the world is changing".

Spoken like a true nigger

Left and right doesn't exist. It's what they're trying to push to keep people distracted but there's a utter flaw in their design. They're getting those on the "left" and "right" to talk about redpill is enough to get ya hooked. It's brings whites closer together the more they question and realize they're in chains. Keep fighting. Keep people talking.


All of us were together when we saw trump win. For us, it was a miracle. I was so happy that night. After Trump came into office I think it dawned on a lot of us that the war wasn't over. We'll all be fighting this thing for the rest of our lives. Kinda soul crushing sometimes.

This is so juvenile and cringy. I'm convinced the Jews made this to de legitimize Sup Forums

You are obviously a fucking moron.
Less imported shitskins = higher average wages, cheaper housing, less taxes, less crime, less social strife etc etc.
The only ones who benefit from mass immigration are corporations via lowered wages and more consumers and governments via more welfare hungry voting fodder and more taxes.

you're just jelly

too lazy to do anything creative or productive yourselves

It is easy to sit on the sidelines and criticize.

That "cringe" is your programming kicking in.

If you don't like murdoch murdoch then you're a newfag. Making dumb, fun shit is part of what Sup Forums is about.

Murdoc Murdoc needs to be gassed..This is cringe is the reason why whites are looked down on in the modern age

Who runs the world and the electoral, dippo? Voting for yor fancy parties isn't going to change shit. You'll continue to vote liberal capitalists posing as nationalists, and your factories will continue to be overseas in India and China while the wage is still decreased here. Wages will also continue to be decreasd when you still have masses of women in the workforce which also helps contribute to low birth rates. These low birth rates will just be more manipulative excuses from the media to promote mass immigration towards the latter half of the current generation.

Not to mention the fact you'll also keep the welfare state that will continue to demoesticate us as people while the backbone of our dying civilisation falls into the hand of the elite even more so. Your ideologies aren't going to mean much when western humans will continue to be conseumerist degenerates who will destroy the future generations more and more, just like the boomers.
prevent the utter and permanent destruction of the West

We need more shit like MM.

spotted you. I see not only are you protesting gun ownership, but free thought. breath deeply my friend.

"haha, hello fellow channers, let us hate this thing we do not like. amirite gois...guys?"

Its always interesting watching the discord channels, "private" forums, and other media of commie scummers.

It’s not “mudoch and murdoch” it’s murdoch THE murdoch.
