People complain about what is happening right now

>people complain about what is happening right now
>generals are spliced and sent everywhere
>half of the catalog is dragon ball
>four jojo threads
>the end of generals bring a birth of multiple threads about the same series
>they aren't breaking any rules despite the mess, for they're just doing what they're told

Welcome to your dream world, Sup Forums.

Other urls found in this thread:

This will only last for a day.

Looks good to me.
They'll get bored with their many threads and then leave.

>they aren't breaking any rules
Spamming is against the rules. We just need to ban Dragon Ball from Sup Forums and all will be good.

As long as each thread has a unique purpose, they're not spamming, they just doing some destructive compliance style civil disobedience.

>the end of generals bring a birth of multiple threads about the same series
That's how it used to be, I missed it.

Who cares, by night you will have already forgotten this. Now let's talk about how Ishidro ruined Berserk.

Not every one's taking Adderall when they shouldn't or skipping it when they should.

>We just need to ban Dragon Ball
And the next choice for angry OP posts, and the next, and the next...
Eventually Sup Forums's catalog would consist of the sticky and one short lived thread titled, "Where'd everyone go?"

>children are mad

what a surprise

Nobody would miss dragon ball threads. They're mainly Sup Forumsermin.

Oh, that worked really well to stop Naruto shitposting.

Oh, wait..

>multiple threads about the same series
Welcome to Sup Forums newfag.

You misunderstand the point. The angry Dragon Ballers don't have to create lots of Dragon Ball threads, just lots of threads. In fact, that's a better approach, since they'll be harder to single out for bans, since they'll look just like the usual idots.

They're not smart enough for that. They have to flaunt that they're DBtards.

Naruto shitposting was banned for many years newfag. It only came back during the manga's final chapters and nobody posted as much. Seriously being mad at Naruto threads in 2017 is retarded

>Wasn't here for the time when moot took an instance about naruto.
>don't even know about the naruto incident
>missing the point so hard

Yeah, who's the newfag?

What end? They're all still here. Check by yourself. Nothing will ever change until they get contained into /ag/.

This is baby tier spamming. Seriously, a child could do this.

Yes I remember Naruto Day.

Read:Naruto "day". What point are you even trying to make?

But they aren't generals.


It lasted three days.

I'd rather have 4 quality threads than 1 huge circlejerking thread full of retards.

I remember the /frz/ age on Sup Forums

Still called Naruto day, not 3 days of Naruto, tho

it was a very long day

>retards are confined to generals.
Be careful what you wish for, Sup Forums, after all you might get it.

First you corral them. Then you pierce their skulls with a a stunbolt gun. Then they're off to slaughter.

>Previously just skimmed over the one (1) Dragonball thread all the DBfags were contained in
>Skimmed over the one (1) thread each xboxhueg series had if I wasn't interested in talking about said series
>Mods come in
>"No, no. This won't do! Do it like THIS!"
>Now there's fucking sixty for all of them and I can't see fucking SHIT except retarded threads.

>mfw jojofags are mad as fuck right now


>DBS fans throwing a autism fit.
>They rather have a hissy fit than discuss the show.
>The whole point kinomod is making is to have discussion and not some inner circle cancer nonsense.
You're only making kinomods point more valid.

When Naruto day happened Sup Forums was still worth fighting for. Now I can't say that I care.

anons are funny

It's called thread thinning. You're too short-sighted to see the positive, long-term effects it will have.

Mods should just go nuclear on them all. I don't care if there's any "discussion" going on there, just ban every single DB and Jojo thread because they're being spammed.

It's also hilarious that we wouldn't have this problem if fucking moot didn't bow down to /q/ and forced Sup Forums to accept Naruto.

Good luck posting Satanichia anywhere but /c/ when all of this is through.

Shut the fuck up retard

So this is the end...I don't want to go.

Congratulations, you'll really improve Sup Forums's quality by creating a shit thread to complain about shit threads.

>- Discussion should be centered on series and characters, not the posters or communities

>just ban every single DB and Jojo thread because they're being spammed.
Then something else will mysteriously become too popular to keep contained in only a couple threads. Better to let it burn out, then reclaim the newly cleared land.

They are just sad because in JoJo generals there were actually good things like the mosaic, and was literally the only place who could provide them JoJolion spoilers.
Now they are scattered all over because of you moefags complaining.

What is this? Why doesn't your post make sense? Is it because you're a dummy? I think it's because you're a dummy.

>JoJo generals
>good things

Can't see this ending well. That ban spree a year ago didn't and this attempt to undo the last 4 years of Sup Forums seems a bigger hurdle.

Moefag here. I've always hated you guys for being literally Sup Forums, but I'm okay with you being here as long as you talk about anime and manga and don't bring too much cancer in here.
Also, you're better than the DBS Mexicans.

What do we do bros, the DBS chads are winning, I am literally shaking right now.

DBS gen- I mean Sup Forums is forever DEAD and RUINED, just look at this catalog you literally cannot see anything but dragon ball, this whole website should be deleted for being so problematic.


there is no spam, only multiple threads

If the mods hadn't been cowards by locking the sticky, people would be bitching there. Blame them, not the people with no control over the site.

Newfags, it litteraly doesn't matter if threads are spammed if they have a discussion purpose. This is much better than having generals.

I am happy the mods stepped up and decided to do something. But all systems will be abused. If they want Sup Forums to get better the only thing to do is to kill the cancer at the bud. Outright banning cancerous shows and manga is the only way to get Sup Forums better. It worked for naruto back in the day but it will depend on how the mods want to handle this.

fuck off spic

ban the madoka avatarfags

There are no cancerous shows, only cancerous fanbases.
DBS and Jojo happen to be examples of those.

I was born a crash test dummy. There's no need to make fun of my differences. Doesn't change what will happen.

Exactly. Each thread is about a different aspect of one or more series.
Don't blame people for following the rules, instead blame the people making the rules.

>Make CLOSED sticky about Sup Forums guidelines
>Expect people not to make a thread to discuss it

/ag/ should be a thing

im digging daibanchou

But those are both bad shows regardless of fanbase.

Tfw all the dbs thread are still Gohan vs caulifla

>Long-term effects
Oh yeah. Like the last six times he fucking tried to do this and NOTHING changed after a week and we went back to general posting?
Godspeed, Kinomod. May your pointless attempt be over quickly so I no longer have to see nothing but DB/JoJo autism and nothing but twin-tail retards on the catalog.

Fucking wrong. I've been here too goddamn long to trust any decision the mods make as being the correct one.

>Outright banning cancerous shows
i.e. ban shit I don't like

Avatar fagging is against the rules.

>/ag/ is created
>all anime threads are made there
>anime discussion isn't allowed on Sup Forums anymore because that would be generals
>Sup Forums is now Sup Forums once again
But that's exactly what reddit and facebook want.

Not even a Narutofag but the rationale was just as retarded back then as it is today.


Kill yourself. Until moot finally unbanned that shit because Sup Forums became full of Naruto spam to annoy retarded faggots just like you.

I just hope the mods don't ban the retro threads. They don't really break the rules, but there is a chance the mods might just be retarded enough to believe it's a general, or that we are trying to ban discussion of old anime elsewhere.

When naruto was banned Sup Forums was better. When moot cracked and this happened it was downhill from there.

>Sup Forums was comfy
>general fags stuck to their generals
>new/less popular series fags stuck to their secondaries
>mod executes order 66

Why did he do it Sup Forums

literally are a general but they've been improving recently

We banned Naruto in here because Naruto's fanbase was the most cancerous thing in the world, and it was impossible to make Naruto threads without inviting those people in. But then your picture happened.

> I've been here too goddamn long
>likes generals
Yeah, and I have been here since the dawn of time.

They are always up. I would say they are a general but not a bad one. Yet.