Redpill me on losing weight

redpill me on losing weight

stop eating

you need to lose weight

Not worth it unless you plan on becoming politically active

eat less
run more
drink more water

no carbs, all fat and protein. also greens, such as broccoli.

One of the reasons Nazis lost is because their tanks were too heavy for the russian roads.
Do you want to spend your final days waist deep in the mud, Jagdburger?


I'm NEET and sit around the house all year eating cheese burgers and getting drunk, I don't exercise at all. I'm hardly overweight, just 10 pounds. I just don't understand how some of you fuckers get so big.

get a doctor to prescribe you some adderall or find a meth hookup. Just something to get the ball rolling.

If you're fit, women will want to hire you because they want to be around people they could eventually fuck. This gets your foot in more doors.

OP, male employers have done this for generations with women, it's not a new concept.

Don't be a stupid fuck.

Cut the carbs. All of them. Eat peanuts and beef jerked eggs and cheese. No carbs at all. When you need carbs eat carrots or broccoli and ranch. Pork grinds are a chippy snack.
And only drink water. No diet anything.
Then when you start going to the gym after you lost a lot of weight, pay for a few sessions of trainer to just show you how to be independent. YT videos don't cut it. You need someone who can tell you about your bad form in detail.


You will be more attractive which means people will automatically attribute more value to you, will not assume you are lazy like they do when they see you right now. You will have more energy, be less angry, help your brain function, will be genuinely happier and will not waste as much time staring at screens. It will help you in every facet of life, seriously get in shape user and be prepared for a war that may be on the horizon.

Have you tried hanging yourself?

no fast sugar
max 100g slow sugar per day (pasta / rice)
lots of veggies and water
lots of caffeine
lots of proteins and fats (ex: eggs, chicken etc..)

>'m NEET and sit around the house all year eating cheese burgers and getting drunk, I don't exercise at all. I'm hardly overweight, just 10 pounds
I workout 5 days a week and diet well, I'm in good shape but if I had your metabolism I'd be jacked. Get out of that lifestyle user it'll bite you in the ass when you get older.

>start lifting
>do CarbNite diet
>get leaner and stronger

It’s simple stuff, man. Just takes the will to stick to it and not go back to old habits.

Also, cardio can help, but not needed.
Eat 500 to 1000 calories less than your caloric needs.

Liss and low carb diet, also stop being fat

train to eat only once a day
no soda, just water/tea/coffee, no sugar
eat salads with oil+vinegar

Check the food labels of everything you eat and drink, you see:
>ingredients: Sugar
Don't eat or drink it.
If you crave sugar (you will, it's perfectly natural as it is food for the brain) eat bulk fruit and that should satiate your desire.

Come back and thank me later when you start shredding the kilos without even trying.

Look up "the root cause of Hashimotos"

Buy the book.

Start working out and fix your diet. Read up on what eating habits would suit you best or better yet ask a trainer at a gym.

And remember two things. You can't gain muscle and lose fat at the same time, you're gonna lose both, but when you have your desired shape, you can adjust your programme to gain muscle with minimal fat. And also you need to stick to it. You won't see results in like a week, so just keep at it, give it time, make it a habit and after a while, you'll start seeing change.

obvious slide thread, try harder shills

It's all about nutritional ketosis

Caffein becomes counter productive for weight loss once you get that big.

Congrats you've just slowed your metabolism, trained your body to store body fat and you'll increase the cravings for high calorie food.
Lots of small meals is better.

How you look is often how people perceive you. If you look fit, have your hair in order and shave or trim your beard, people will generally regard you as someone who has his life in order. People will take you more seriously and you leave a better impression on those who don’t know you that well.


All of the above + intermittent fasting. This type of fasting means fit your healthy calories into a 10 hour period. Joe Rogan had a nutritionist on his show recently that explains the our digestive enzymes are on a 12 hour clock. Meals beyond this point will not be used properly. I also try to maintain keto for 2 to 3 weeks out of every months. I've gotten my 6 pack back and headed for the full fight club. As far as work out I use kettle bells, crunch ball, pull up bar and some free weights. I recommend cycling over running because it's easier on the knees. I have added 1.5 inches to my upper arms and 2.5 to my thighs since the election. Consistency is critical. Do not eat to close to sleep time.

Stop buying junk food and buy foods you feel are 'healthy' along with a multivitamin. Judge what's 'healthy' through the lense of a doctor talking to you, not you stretching what you can and can't eat- also take a cheat day or two. If you do that alone you'll start shedding weight.

You should get fit not to look more attractive or for pussy, but for yourself and because you're ripping your body apart and your first impression on most people is negatively impacted. You can do a lot more good in the world if you're fit to stay around and stay sharp enough to stay at your best. As an ex morbidly obese fuck who has mad loose skin if you lose the weight, it will feel like a veil has been lifted from your life and you've engaged cheatcodes- especially because your every fucking step every day has been leg day and keeping your core balanced has hid a 6-pack under your fat fucking stomach. You should just eat right, take a vitamin, buy protein supplements and lift as the weight comes off. You will get fucking huge even if you have lots of loose skin and people respond very well to someone wearing it with confidence (make a flightsuit joke to the right girl and you'll have her laughing instantly/make friends very easily) but you must want it for yourself or you will get lazy and let it slip.

go vegan, take a b12 supplement, do cardio 3 times a week

you have to start using methamphetamine

>lots of fats
>most calorie dense least filling and most easily stored macro

Whatever led you to that revelation?

Stop being a pig and get off your ass, nigger.

Don't go vegan. You may loose weight but unless your a descendant of one of the lowest casts of Asia your body can not syncisize two of the essential amino acids out of plant protein.

What are their names?

name them.

You live once (1).
That is all you have.
There is nothing more tragic than a man that never gets to see what his body can perform.
Also, lookism, can't really live in higher social ranks without it.
Loooks literally elevate you above others, you will be more respected, higher wage, more chances of a raise and promotion.


Buy only things that are basically unprocessed, learn to cook (like, I know only spaghetti, a rice-meal, a potato-meal and how to create a half-way tasty mixture of raw ingredients.
All you need to know (in the grand scheme of things) is:
>what are good carbohydrate sources
>where do I get my (non)saturated fats (non-saturated is better, but it's not that bad, you don't need much fat anyway)
>where do I get my proteins

Dales are the untouchables of Hindi. There are a few other names in the region. Asia has been over populated for a long time the upper casts eat meat while pressing veganism on the poor. Over time a size and IQ gap was created making it impossible for the lower classes to be competitive.

Dalets sorry my spell checker got me.

The amino acids you retard mutt.

A wealthy person who eats meat, and also consumes a wide variety of vegetables is going to be healthier than a poor vegan whose diet consists of only rice.
A vegan who has a diverse diet will be healthier than both.

are nootropics a meme?

What's wrong with amino acids? That's smart peoples word for protein.

are you being dishonest?

Propaganda. Don't fall for the soyboy nonsense.

About what?


That is what age and power does to undisciplined but agreed fascism is cancer so is communism though Ivan

name the two "essential amino acids that normal people cannot synthesize"

>cardio not needed
I fell for this meme and got to a point where I couldn't lift heavier because I ran out of breath.

You should fast
After 3 days your mind achieves link and hunger goes away
After 7 days your body begins autophagy and start eating the weak cells
But work your way up by doing IM and eating in 4-6 hour windows
Fasting makes my testosterone boost and laser vyvanse like focus makes me wanna rape

when the first two posts are the only good posts but no one replies to them

Eat less.

when the first two posts are the only good posts but no one replies to them

when the first two posts are the only good posts but no one replies to them

when the first two posts are the only good posts but no one replies to them

when the first two posts are the only good posts but no one replies to them

Good beginner workout routine for skinny people? (66kg)

Just run you fatfuck

Gosh your gonna make me look it up again. You can do the research yourself. Most humans have been eating meat for most of recorded history. There a book called eating for your blood type that explains that moving to far from the diet of ones ancestors will be a detriment to health. Most people in the West eat too much meat but most of us still need some. Also the Japanese have grow an average of 6 inches since the introduction of red meat.

I question you because I have done my own research, and I have never heard of those amino acids you are talking about.

Do the Warski leap

Pls help?

Do you have access to a gym with weights?

how old are you... I know loads of fuckers who were twigs in their early 20's and ate shit and become super fat once they hit there late 20s early 30s

look up stronglifts 5x5

>You can't gain muscle and lose fat at the same time


Yeah. However I thought about starting in uni and until then do something at home?

Wrong. Eating once a day is a good weight losing plan. I wont explain why, but you can find the explanation online. Just google "What I've learned" youtube channel and check his video on food, body processes and healthy lifestyle. Everything is explained properly and backed with studies

also swimming is a great exercise if your fat because if you run you will most likely injure your ankles/knee ect.. swimming is great i was a fat cunt i lost 70 pounds by eating right and swimming.

Congrats. Are you visiting the gym too?

Full keto. Meat only. No carbs. No sugar.
I am 16 days in and I've already lost 21 pounds.

ding ding ding we have a winrar

count your calories and eat less than you need too, -200 you will start losing, up it to -500 to see some serious weight loss

do hiit cycling

get into lifting

too easy brah

What to think of to get through the pain in lifting?

I havent as of yet. I just swim for about an hour a day 5-6 days a week. Super toned now not really keen on getting big but I might start diversifying my activities. I hated everything about the gym before swimming was my savior. However I had the opposite problem to you i'm 6'3 85kg now with very low body percentage I have broad shoulders. I think you need some advice from somoeone other that myself on how to bulk up.

very low body fat percentage**

Your quality of life will improve 10 fold. You also have a stromg chance of having decent bone structure underneath. Go to fit and read the sticky. You need to lift, not just lose weight.

Guys should I start with strong lift 5x5 or something else? Thx

Total beginner here, just occasionaly train my arms

Okay at home the first thing you are going to want to do is look up bodyweight exercises then.
Things you should absolutely do
>Cardio, fucking run even if its small distances (sprints will cut you up quick but distance will gain endurance)
>push ups (easy and quick results) do them in sets but do multiple sets. if you play vidya then do them inbetween rounds sets of 10-20 try to do at least 5 sets
>planks try to do a minute each plank and make sure you breath during them it makes it easy
>squats, do 10 and then on the 10th stay in the squat and pulse up and down 10 times then hold for 20 seconds
>in place lunges, do the same as the squats for each leg
>pull ups, if you can try to do these even if its only 1
>leg lifts (lay on the ground hold your legs about a foot off the ground and hold it there until you cant and then do it again)
>bicycle crunches
>curls both bicep and tricep curls (can do these with anything that weighs a bit)
>shrugs (pick up two things that are heavy and shurg 10 times, do 3 sets)
that is a start, there are so many bodyweight exercises, youtube is your friend

when i lift everything kind of races through my mind. while i'm lifting (in between sets) i like to look at pictures of beautiful women

Do SS faggot

Redpill me on running. There is absolutely nothing gayer than running, including mtf.

>effort that actually helps in real life because you can commute to work or the beach, you can actually run errands with the bike
>lifting, calisthenics
>you become stronger, more resilient, everyday efforts get much easier
>can't commute by running
>can't shop by running unless you're a nigger
>cardio activity that still has you waste hours you could spend doing anything else
>more boring than watching paint dry
>cardio is factually useless to 99% of your everyday life


there I saved you 5000 hours in nutrition class

cycling gives you a gay man ass

Do full body workouts

Watch youtube fitness channels, a favourite of mine is an Australian Guy - The Last Natural

Don't skip leg day, and if you need to learn how to do deadlifts from an actual instructor

Ty very much. Gym next?

when the first two posts are the only good posts but no one replies to them

The redpill is that it's 100% willpower.

Consume less calories, and you will lose weight. Cut out carbohydrates if you want to lose weight faster, but dont make it a lifestyle.


Is that his name or is he just one of the only nattys?

both lol

OMAD is the future.

Whats SS cunt? Ty

If you have access to a gym with weights, focus on squats, bench, deadlift, pullups, dips and throw in a little bicep curls too. For now just familiarise yourself with the movements, don't worry too much about the weight. Watch YouTube channels like Buff Dudes, they give good advice on nutrition and form.

Running is best because it works so many muscles, it burns more calories than most other forms of exercise and it builds endurance. There is a reason people avoid running in favor of the things you listed, because it is harder. Swimming laps is a good alternative but running is the fastest and easiest way to do cardio. You should still be lifting as well but running will transfer over to all types of endurance(like cycling commutes). You should be training your body to be fit in all situations, not just specialized ones, and running is a one size fits all type of fitness.


Get on your floor and do some pushups. Get a couple dumbbells if you want a full workout.

Running is only good if you need it for a military PT test. Otherwise, SWIM, as it will work even MORE muscles, burn more calories, and protect your joints.

For all of the other faggots in this thread.

Take up a fasting regimen, do STARTING STRENGTH or STRONG-LIFTS, do cardio 3-4 times a week, and count your fucking calories. You'll hit your goal weight.

-t fatass amerimutt who weighed 506lbs at 17 got down to 205 by 19, and is still 205 6 years later.

HIIT is way better, if you're a fatty do a mix of HIIT sessions and hour long walks.

Also don't forget to intermittent fast