American subhumans will cry
Not a single tear will fall from an American citizen's eye over Syria or middle East in general. We simply don't care. Please take it and do what you wish. SERIOUSLY American citizen's don't give a hoot about it. We don't care about Assad he dindu nuffin. Iran sorry we been dicks. We don't care.Have fun and play nice
>We simply don't care.
Says the kike.
Try harder next time subhuman.
>We simply don't care.
>Constantly spends trillions of tax dollars on the middle East
>Entire armed force is dedicated to die for Israel
>President is ready to start WW3 over Iran resulting in assured obliteration by Russia and China
yeah. You don't care.
Shit thread. Pay debnts
Is this an attempt to make the syria general not some boring mudslime cuckfest? The number of American's I've met outside of college who would even know what Syria is is probably closer to 0 than 10. As someone who followed the region with interest while ISIS was slaughtering mudslimes, I have zero idea what I'm suppose to be mad about in this picture.
BTW did you get lost on the way to germany, yusef? There is no money for you there
>ISIS was slaughtering mudslimes
Are you retarded?
>Americans don't know where their tax dollars and servicemen lives are spent
Yeah no shit. This is why mutt races are easier to control.
We wanted Israel to lose faggot
>Are you retarded?
Are you?
>Slaughtering muslims
What did they tell you on CNN exactly? I don't follow jewish news.
Wow you are literally retarded, good to know.
>Claims a radical muslim organization out to demolish the secular state and slaughter religion minorities is somehow fighting muslims
>Calls other retards
Oh ok. So it's some kind of chromosomal thing. Hope you can make it through life without hassles.
>Almost half a million mudslimes kill each other
>Claim it's about secular states and religious minorities
You've gotta be a dune coon to believe the shit coming out of your mouth.
when do the Kurds east of the Euphrates give the land back?
I know there's oil there but it's still Syrian land
So wait, you're telling me you don't even know anything about ISIS or the radical organizations at work in the middle east down to their most basic objectives but decide to comment anyway?
Is this an American thing to lecture others on shit they heard on MSNBC and Fox News?
Yea, I'm sure all those mudslimes dying on the battlefield were Yazidi's and Assyrians, and the Syrian troops were totally secular atheists. Totally not mudslimes braining mudslimes.
Too retarded to remember your memeflag too
>and the Syrian troops were totally secular
Actually they are. That's why they support Assad. The ones that don't are fighting with Al Quaeda, ISIS and the USA.
Since when is being a Fedora tipper a good thing?
>I'm sure all those mudslimes dying on the battlefield were Yazidi's and Assyrians
Allawites, Christians and Yazidis have a very high rate of enrollment in the SAA compared to sunnis.
>Actually they are. That's why they support Assad. The ones that don't are fighting with Al Quaeda, ISIS and the USA.
You're going to call me an ignorant American and you go on and spout this shit? They are Alawites, they support their ALAWITE dictator. Not the SUNNI caliphate. Mudslimes all around.
>Allawites, Christians and Yazidis have a very high rate of enrollment in the SAA compared to sunnis.
Yea go ahead and sneak Alawites in there. I'm sure Yazidis and Christians totally make up more then 5% of the SAA.
>Yea go ahead and sneak Alawites in there.
They're pretty much the ones enforcing secularism and protecting Christians because they are themselves an old sect of crypto Christians.
Now please tell me how ISIS and Al Quaeda wrecking everything remotely anti-islamic in the middle east under the vigilance of Israel to generate waves upon waves of refugees heading for the west is somehow a good thing.
Are you jewish by any chance? You sound like one.
Clay is not given in this world
Can confirm that Americans in general don't give a shit about Syria beyond it's use as a buzzword. I'm guessing upwards of 90% of Americans couldn't point to Syria on a map.
>They're pretty much the ones enforcing secularism and protecting Christians because they are themselves an old sect of crypto Christians.
Weird practices, Christian-lite, whatever. Is Muhammad their final prophet, Alah his god? Yes/No?
>Now please tell me how ISIS and Al Quaeda wrecking everything remotely anti-islamic in the middle east under the vigilance of Israel to generate waves upon waves of refugees heading for the west is somehow a good thing.
Never said that, said mudslimes dying is
>Are you jewish by any chance? You sound like one.
Yes I am Jewish
>don't give a hoot
Top baiting. "Im Jewish" killed it though.
>Is Muhammad their final prophet, Alah his god?
Both of these are significantly ambiguous. They also celebrate Christmas and a known to display none of the retarded behaviors that makes muslims hated on this board.
>Yes I am Jewish
Either you were baiting all along, which is likely, or you have a real stake in seeing jihadists triumph in the middle east. Either way, well played. You got me confusing you for a Trumpcuck.
>Both of these are significantly ambiguous. They also celebrate Christmas and a known to display none of the retarded behaviors that makes muslims hated on this board.
I celebrate Christmas and I'm an atheist Jew
>Either you were baiting all along, which is likely, or you have a real stake in seeing jihadists triumph in the middle east. Either way, well played. You got me confusing you for a Trumpcuck.
There is literally nothing wrong with being Jewish. Jews fight Jihadists every day.
>t. indebnted Turk
Yeah, no.